57 research outputs found

    Vesna Parun - children's literature

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    Iako dječja književnost svestrane spisateljice Vesne Parun do sada nije previÅ”e istražena i ta činjenica predstavlja problem u vidu nedostatka literature, ovaj rad će pokazati, a možda i stvoriti dodatno zanimanje za daljnje istraživanje i iŔčitavanje ove poezije. Za Parunovu se može reći kako je jedna od najvećih i svakako najkreativnijih spisateljica 20. stoljeća, a stvaranjem književnog opusa namijenjenog djeci, pokazala je svoju drugu, maÅ”tovitu, sjetnu i razigranu stranu ispunjenu radoŔću. U dvadeset i dvije zbirke koje je napisala za djecu može se pronaći različita tematika, raspoloženje, potpuno drugačije viđenje stvarnosti i pojava koje se nalaze u svijetu za odrasle, a u radu se kroz sedam obrađenih zbirki to i potvrđuje. Dječja književnost navedene poetese je zasigurno nedovoljno izbruÅ”en dijamant koji čeka svoje mjesto u Å”kolskim lektirama za najmlađe ili pak na policama za čitanje prije spavanja. Estetska vrijednost njezinog ostvaraja je neizmjerna, Å”to potvrđuju stihovi pisani za odrasle, kojima je ovjekovječila svoje mjesto u hrvatskoj književnosti, ali trag koji je ostavila piÅ”ući za djecu zasigurno je neizostavan, premda joÅ” uvijek nije dobilo svoje zasluženo mjesto u hrvatskoj literaturi. Romani u stihu, koji su najpoznatiji dio njezina dječjeg opusa, sastavljeni su od dinamičnih likova, izvornosti ideja, razigrane maÅ”te, kao i gipkosti njezina stava o svijetu oko sebe. Parunova je afirmiranjem animalistike u dječjoj poeziji stvorila upečatljivi, živopisni, te reflektivni spoj koji na fascinantan način potiče dječju imaginaciju. Svrha ovoga rada je pregledom recentnih teorijskih i analitičkih spoznaja o književnosti prikazati koliko je zapravo hrvatska književnost osebujna i neistražena, te kako su neki od najcjenjenijih autora stvarali vrlo vrijedna djela, koja su ostala u sjeni onih prethodnih.Although the children's literature of versatile writer Vesna Parun has not been explored so far, which is a problem connected with the absence of literature, this work will nonetheless show and perhaps create additional interest in further exploration and reading of this poetry. Parun is one of the greatest and most creative writers of the 20th century and by creating a literary opus intended for children, she has shown her other, imaginative and playful side, filled with joy. Different themes, moods and views of reality and phenomena that are shown in the adult world can be found in the twenty-two collections she has written for children, and in this work be confirmed by the seven processed collections.The children's literature of the poet's poem is certainly insufficiently explored and is waiting for it's place in school lessons or on reading shelves before bedtime. The aesthetic value of her achievement is immense, as confirmed by verses written for adults, which has secured her place in Croatian literature, but the trace that she left writing for children is certainly unavoidable, though she has not yet earned her deserved place in Croatian literature. Her novels, the most famous part of her childhood opus, are made up of dynamic characters, originality of ideas, playful imagination, and the glimpse of her attitude to the world around her. Parun's affirmation of animal poetry in children's poetry has created a striking, vivid and reflective fusion that fascinates the child's imagination. The purpose of this paper is to show how much Croatian literature is peculiar and unexplored by reviewing recent theoretical and analytical knowledge of literature, and that some of the most respected authors have created very valuable works that have remained in the shadow of the previous ones


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    Transplantacija je ponekad jedina terapijska opcija liječenja akutnog ili kroničnog zatajenja organa. U skrbi za pacijente s transplantiranim organom prisutne su brojne komplikacije koje uzrokuju moćni imunosupresivni lijekovi, kardiovaskularne, neoplastične i metaboličke bolesti. One su povezane sa značajnijim pobolom i smrtnosti u skupini bolesnika nakon transplantacije i kao takve postaju važan dio prateće skrbi. U prvoj godini nakon transplantacije pacijenti održavaju redovite kontakte s transplantacijskim centrima, a liječnik obiteljske medicine ima ulogu povezivanja sa specijalističkim centrom te detekcije i rjeÅ”avanja zdravstvenih problema i pitanja koje se ne odnose samo na transplantaciju. Nakon toga uloga liječnika obiteljske medicine postaje sve važnija i aktivnija u prevenciji pobola i smrtnosti, odgovarajućom i pravodobnom intervencijom u detekciji nuspojava imunosupresivne terapije i prijetećih metaboličkih poremećaja. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati ulogu obiteljskog liječnika u praćenju pacijenta nakon transplantacije solidnog organa.Transplantation is sometimes the only therapeutic option to treat acute or chronic organ failure. In the care of transplant patients, there are numerous complications that are caused by powerful immunosuppressive drugs, cardiovascular, metabolic, and neoplastic diseases. These diseases are associated with signifi cant morbidity and mortality in patients after transplantation, which will become an important part for supporting the transplant patient care. In the fi rst year after transplantation, patients have regular contact with transplant center, and family doctor acts as a contact connecting patients with specialized centers, while also detecting and managing health problems and issues that are not related only to transplantation. After that, the role of family physicians is becoming ever more important and active in the prevention of morbidity and mortality in transplant patients by appropriate and timely intervention in detection of side effects of immunosuppressive therapy and threatening metabolic disorders. The aim of this article is to show the role of family physician in tracking the welfare of organ transplant patient

    The Relations between Investment in Employees\u27 Development and Organizational Productivity and Service Quality

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    Human resource management (HRM) is directed to managing human potentials of a company in order to achieve organizational goals, and at the same time, goals of employees. One of the very important part of this process is training and development, as a group of activities aimed at improving employees knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA), in order to be more successful in job, but also with the aim of creating a base for further development of an organization as a whole. The main aim of the research was to explore the effects of investment in employees\u27 development, measured by number of training days and percentage of operating costs invested in development and training, on the level of organizational productivity and service quality. The subject of the research is the relationship between two main indicators of employees\u27 development program, and organizational level productivity and service quality. The methodology used in the research obtained the application of two-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) on the data from 160 companies from one Southeast European country, gathered during 2015 and 2016. The results indicated that there is an interaction effect between training costs and number of training days on the combined dependent variables, productivity and service quality in the observed organizations

    Chronic patients: persons with diabetes frequent attenders in Croatian family practice

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    Chronic diseases cause high frequency visits and generate the long-term frequent attenders (FAs). The connection between frequent attendance and specific morbidities in the health care systems in transitional Europe has been underestimated. We investigated whether frequent visits of chronic patients in primary care are related to characteristic of chronic disease (diabetes mellitus) and whether this is influenced by the family practice in the transitional health care. We analyzed the number of visits a day time work for 490 persons with diabetes in the period 1997 to 2000. As the cut-off points between frequent attenders and non frequent attenders (NFAs) we used the value of the third quartile (Q3) of visits determined for the sex and age groups in the parallel study in the whole population. The analysis was performed for 23 variables: demographic characteristics of patients, disease characteristic and variables of physician. Logistic regressions were employed to identify the predictors of FAs/NFAs. 56.9% (in 1997) to 62.4% (in 2000) persons with diabetes were FAs, compared to 22.4% to 24.3% FAs patients in the whole population. Logistic regression analysis significantly differentiated the two group of visits with 68% accuracy. 4 variables are significant predictors for FAs/NFAs: diabetes as the main disease (p = 0.0005), diet-only-treatment (p = 0.0062), treatment by secondary care (p = 0.0116), and if glycated hemoglobin test (HbA1c) is determined (p = 0.0272). Understanding the similarities and differences of FAs/NFAs persons with diabetes may be important in improving the care and management of chronic diseases in family medicine in transitional health care systems

    Early detection of diabetes mellitus in family medicine

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    Incidencija dijabetesa melitusa danas zauzima epidemijske razmjere. 90-95% bolesnika cine pacijenti s Tipom 2 dijabetesa. Bolest se sporo razvija, i ima dugu asimptomatsku fazu. Klinicki se otkrije nakon 5-10 godina trajanja. Bolesnik s dijabetesom, zbog komplikacija bolesti, umire ranije od svojih vrÅ”njaka bez dijabetesa. Poznati su pozitivni ucinci ranog otkrivanja bolesti ā€“ probiranjem (skriningom). JoÅ” nisu nadeni idealni modeli provodenja probiranja za rano otkrivanje bolesti, za otkrivanje stadija povecane glukoze nataÅ”te i stadija oÅ”tecene tolerancije glukoze. Nisu dobiveni efinitivni odgovori ni na pitanja: tko ce provoditi skrining, gdje ce se provoditi i kako? Kako odrediti rizicne skupine? Kako provoditi probiranje u tranzicijskoj obiteljskoj medicini? Znanost i struka se u jednome slažu: obiteljski lijecnik ima kljucnu ulogu u ranom otkrivanju bolesti.The incidence of diabetes mellitus today precedes epidemic dimensions. 90-95% of diabetic patients have type 2 diabetes. The disease develops slowly, and it has a long asymptomatic phase. Clinical detection comes after 5-10 years of disease duration. Due to disease complications, diabetic patients die earlier than their peers without diabetes. Positive effects of early disease detection (screening) are well known. The perfect models of screening for early diseases detection high level fasting glucose stage and the impaired glucose tolerance stage detection havenā€™t been found yet. Definitive answers to the following questions havenā€™t also been found yet ā€“ Who will conduct the screening, where and how? How to determine the risk groups? How to conduct the screening in transitional family medicine? Science and profession concur in one thing: the family practitioner has the key role in early disease etection

    Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48

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    Serbia has a big potential to accomplish the goal of making the environment green and comfortable for living. It started with reforms in comprehensive Energy Sector and set up a new Energy Policy in accordance with the EU practice and standards. With new national policy, Serbia became aware of middle-term and long-term strategies for developing of adequate Power Sectors. There were investments into the Network and there are plans for building new and expanding existing transforming stations, building new interconnecting line and making some other investments. Having in mind the cooperation with EU, Service for Electrical Energy Market Development has already prepared wide range of available services related to market and deregulation of network, from requirements for connecting to transmission line to securing balance mechanism, and that makes possible for international Electrical Power market to exist. Since the production system is unable to respond to the demand in certain moments of time and Serbia has to import Electrical Energy, that makes Renewable Energy Sources very attractive for use in Power system. Deficit of electrical power must be covered either by import or by more intensive investments in new production capacities, making Serbian energy sector economically interesting


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    Istraživanja pokazuju da postoje značajni gubici resursa u građevinarstvu te sukladno tome zaostajanje u produktivnosti za globalnom ekonomijom i industrijom posebice. Također, mali je broj radova i studija o tim gubicima. S druge strane, veći stupanj produktivnosti iziskuje manje gubitke materijala, energije i ostalih inputa. Stoga se građevinska poduzeća odlučuju na uvođenje leana kao jednog od vodećih metoda smanjivanja gubitaka. Ovaj rad se bavi sagledavanjem uvođenja leana u građevinska poduzeća u BiH, koje je trenutno na niskoj razini. Zaključuje, imajući u vidu da je većina građevinskih poduzeća u BiH mala, da uvođenje leana i tim putem smanjivanja rasipanja resursa te povećanja produktivnosti i konkurentnosti traži znatno bolju informiranost i posebice veću naobrazbu.Research shows that there is a significant resources waste in construction, and accordingly lagging in productivity behind the productivity of the global economy and industry in particular. There is also a small number of papers and studies on this waste. On the other hand, a higher productivity level requires small waste of material, energy and other inputs. Therefore, construction companies are deciding to introduce lean as one of the leading methods of waste reduction. This paper deals with the introduction of lean in construction companies in BiH, currently at very low level. Bearing in mind that most construction companies in BiH are small, it concludes that introducing lean and thus reducing the resources waste and increasing productivity and competitiveness requires more information and particularly skills improvements

    Tehnike kreativnog miÅ”ljenja u istraživanju materijala za povećanu udobnost u sportu

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    Kreativnost je prepoznata kao preduvjet konkurentnosti bez obzira na profesiju kojom se pojedinac bavi. Iako je potvrđeno da primjena tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja ima značajnu ulogu u pojedinim fazama znanstvenog istraživanja, joÅ” uvijek je relativno mali broj objavljenih radova u području tehničkih znanosti koji se bave prikazom upotrebe kreativnih tehnika u znanstvenom istraživanju. U radu je dan prikaz različitih tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja te su iste razmatrane s aspekta njihove primjenjivosti i s osvrtom na prednosti i nedostatke. Mogućnost primjene pojedinih tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja, poput mentalne mape, liste pitanja i Scamper tehnike, ilustrirana je na primjeru znanstvenog istraživanja tekstilnih materijala za povećanu udobnost u sportu

    Aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniŔtva

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    Entrepreneurship as a science was significantly associated with the analysis of successful practices. Therefore, active learning methods in the field of entrepreneurship workshops are in addition to the theoretical foundations and include many practical examples which are analyzed using different methods based on team work of teachers and students. Analysis of successful companies by using methods such as case studies and organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs they can apply in practice. In addition, analysis of company operations can also be arranged in the form of workshops where students solve practical problems based on real problems in practice and thus improve their entrepreneurial skills. This paper presents the proposal of the examples that can be part of the workshop, and offer new methods that can be used in active learning in the field of entrepreneurship.PreduzetniÅ”tvo kao nauka je u značajnoj meri povezana sa analizom uspeÅ”nih primera iz prakse. Upravo zbog toga, aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva predstavljaju radionice koje pored teorijske osnove obuhvataju Å”to viÅ”e primera iz prakse koji se analiziraju upotrebom različitih metoda zasnovanih na zajedničkom radu predavača i studenata. Analizom uspeÅ”nih kompanija koriŔćenjem metoda kao Å”to su studije slučaja i organizovanje predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju viÅ”e zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Pored toga, analiza poslovanja kompanija se takođe može organizovati u obliku radionica gde studenti reÅ”avaju praktične probleme zasnovane na realnim problemima iz prakse i na taj način usavrÅ”avaju svoje preduzetničke veÅ”tine. U ovom radu će biti dat predlog primera koji mogu biti deo radionica, kao i predlog novih metoda koje se mogu koristiti prilikom aktivnog učenja iz oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva

    Tehnike kreativnog miÅ”ljenja u istraživanju materijala za povećanu udobnost u sportu

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    Kreativnost je prepoznata kao preduvjet konkurentnosti bez obzira na profesiju kojom se pojedinac bavi. Iako je potvrđeno da primjena tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja ima značajnu ulogu u pojedinim fazama znanstvenog istraživanja, joÅ” uvijek je relativno mali broj objavljenih radova u području tehničkih znanosti koji se bave prikazom upotrebe kreativnih tehnika u znanstvenom istraživanju. U radu je dan prikaz različitih tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja te su iste razmatrane s aspekta njihove primjenjivosti i s osvrtom na prednosti i nedostatke. Mogućnost primjene pojedinih tehnika kreativnog miÅ”ljenja, poput mentalne mape, liste pitanja i Scamper tehnike, ilustrirana je na primjeru znanstvenog istraživanja tekstilnih materijala za povećanu udobnost u sportu
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