26 research outputs found
Cognitive construct of attachment by addicted people
Název práce: Attachment jako kognitivní konstrukt u lidí se závislostí na návykových látkách a činnostech Řešitel: Ivana Křížová ABSTRAKT Tato disertační práce se zabývá tématem citové vazby jako kognitivního konstruktu. Jejím cílem je zjistit, zda existuje u lidí se závislostí na návykových látkách a činnostech vztah mezi typem citové vazby a kognitivními konstrukty, které se k ní váží. Práce vychází z teorie o tvorbě osobnostních konstruktů a významů na události v životě jedince. Teoretická část se věnuje popisu citové vazby, kognitivních konstruktů a závislostní problematiky. Empirická část popisuje design výzkumu a analýzu dat. Výzkum byl realizován pomocí výzkumné baterie, která měřila typ citové vazby, raná maladaptivní schémata a kognitivní konstrukty vztahující se k citové vazbě. Výzkumná baterie se skládala z metod Adult Attachment Projective (AAP), Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) , Young Schmeas Questionnaire (YSQ) a nestandardizovaného Dotazníku kognitivních konstruktů (DKK). Výzkumný soubor se skládal z celkem 91 respondentů, výzkumné skupiny složené z respondentů s diagnostikovaným syndromem závislosti a dvou srovnávacích skupin, skupiny respondentů z neklinické populace a skupiny respondentů s psychiatrickým onemocněním. Zjištěné výsledky částečně potvrzují vztah mezi kognitivními...Theses Title: Cognitive construct of attachment by addicted people Autor: Ivana Křížová ABSTRACT This dissertation thesis aims to the theme of attachment as a cognitive construct. The purpose is to explore if is a relation between attachment style and the cognitive constructs that are associated with it by addicted people. The thesis is based on on the theory of personal constructs and personal meaning of events in the life of people. The theoretical part describes theory of attachment, cognitive constructs and addiction. The empirical part describes research design and data analysis. To the research was used a research battery that measured attachment style, early maladaptive schemas and cognitive constructs related to attachment. The research battery consisted of Adult Attachment Projective (AAP), Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR), Young Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ) and non-standardized Cognitive Construct Questionnaire (DKK). The research group consisted of 91 probands, probands with addicted disorder, probands with psychiatric disorder and non-clinical population. Results are partly confirmed relation between cognitive constructs and attachment style. It was confirmed that the consensus of measurement of the attachment styles is significantly higher in the safe style of attachment. Addicted...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
HIV-1 protease-induced apoptosis
BACKGROUND: Apoptosis is one of the presumptive causes of CD4(+) T cell depletion during HIV infection and progression to AIDS. However, the precise role of HIV-1 in this process remains unexplained. HIV-1 protease (PR) has been suggested as a possible factor, but a direct link between HIV-1 PR enzymatic activity and apoptosis has not been established. RESULTS: Here, we show that expression of active HIV-1 PR induces death in HeLa and HEK-293 cells via the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. This conclusion is based on in vivo observations of the direct localization of HIV-1 PR in mitochondria, a key player in triggering apoptosis. Moreover, we observed an HIV-1 PR concentration-dependent decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential and the role of HIV-1 PR in activation of caspase 9, PARP cleavage and DNA fragmentation. In addition, in vitro data demonstrated that HIV-1 PR mediates cleavage of mitochondrial proteins Tom22, VDAC and ANT, leading to release of AIF and Hsp60 proteins. By using yeast two-hybrid screening, we also identified a new HIV-1 PR interaction partner, breast carcinoma-associated protein 3 (BCA3). We found that BCA3 accelerates p53 transcriptional activity on the bax promoter, thus elevating the cellular level of pro-apoptotic Bax protein. CONCLUSION: In summary, our results describe the involvement of HIV-1 PR in apoptosis, which is caused either by a direct effect of HIV-1 PR on mitochondrial membrane integrity or by its interaction with cellular protein BCA3
Social Issues and Benefits Related to Monoski Riding
This Bachelor's thesis aims to determine whether and how skiing of persons with disabilities influence the quality of their lives. This work defines basic classification of physical defects. It deals with the issue of the psychology of people with disabilities, defines the sport psychology and then moves to the connection between sport and its influence for people with disabilities. An important part is the social aspects and benefits of skiing on the monoski. Highlights the process of socialization working through the sports activities. The theoretical part is also focused on the monoski skiing. Collecting the facts for who is monoski skiing appropriate, informs about the parts of a monoski and the course of teaching. This Bachelor's thesis also specifies other compensatory aids which persons with disabilities use for skiing. In the practical part of this thesis are interviews with users of monoski that informs how the skiing on the monoski affected these respondents. It also contains a comparison with other Bachelor's thesis which has similar topic. This Bachelor's thesis provides information about the contacts which can people use if they are interested in monoski skiing. In the annex are photographs of sit-ski which are mentioned in this work. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org
Goethe and Cornelia. The form of the siblings relation
The theoretical thesis, which aims to find and compare different conceptions and interpretation of the life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The interest of this thesis is centered on the interpretation of Goethe's relationship with his sister. Interpretation of the relationship of Goethe and his sister is based on two approaches, the psychoanalytic and historical approach. Psychoanalytic approach is represented by Sigmund Freud and Kurt Eissler, who offer interpretations of some aspects of the relationship of Goethe with his sister. Historical approach is represented by Richard Friedenthal and Astrid Seele. They submit biographical context of the poets life and also point to his relationship with his sister. On the basis of these sources are data analyzed within psychoanalytic theory. To explain Goethe's relationship with his sister is thinking about the form of their incestuous sibling relationship and oedipus complex
Goethe and Cornelia. The form of the siblings relation
The theoretical thesis, which aims to find and compare different conceptions and interpretation of the life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The interest of this thesis is centered on the interpretation of Goethe's relationship with his sister. Interpretation of the relationship of Goethe and his sister is based on two approaches, the psychoanalytic and historical approach. Psychoanalytic approach is represented by Sigmund Freud and Kurt Eissler, who offer interpretations of some aspects of the relationship of Goethe with his sister. Historical approach is represented by Richard Friedenthal and Astrid Seele. They submit biographical context of the poets life and also point to his relationship with his sister. On the basis of these sources are data analyzed within psychoanalytic theory. To explain Goethe's relationship with his sister is thinking about the form of their incestuous sibling relationship and oedipus complex
The self-confidence in children perspecitve
English abstract This work aims to describe children's understanding of self-concept and its manifestations and to compare them with the conception of self-concept as professional psychology. These ideas, I looked at two groups of students 6th class of elementary school with the help of a questionnaire. The aim is to identify overlaps and differences in the concept of self- confindence children and professional theories. To understand the theoretical context of the topic, I met with the theories of self Pavlina Janosová, Viera Bacova, Daniela Sedlackova, Zdenek Helus Ian and Petr Weiss, whose concept then compare with the concept of children
Proces výběru a hodnocení dodavatele ve vybraném podniku
The process of selecting and evaluating suppliers in selected company. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2016. Thesis deals with the issue of selecting and evaluating suppliers in selected company. The first part about theory discusses purchasing, its stages and other factors that affects the company's choice. It defines contractors, suppliers and possible classification criteria which are used when companies are choosing suppliers. There is discussion of methods that are used for the selection and evaluation of suppliers. The next section introduces the company WOOD PARTNER Ltd. Then, there is analyzed and assessed the current process of evaluation and selection of the contractor. Subsequently identified weaknesses in the process and proposed new methodology for supplier selection and supplier evaluation, which could be easily applicable. The thesis also designs a suitable methodology for evaluating current suppliers of WOOD PARTNER Ltd
Chování spotřebitelů na trhu potravin v období ekonomického růstu v ČR
This diploma thesis deals with the behavior of consumers in the food market during the period of economic growth. The goals of the work is to describe changes in consumer behavior and to identify factors influencing consumers when purchasing food. Thesis describes developmental trends of macroeconomic indicators related to the Czech Republic, household incomes, expenditures based on purpose and food consumption of Czech households. The source of information for this work is also a questionnaire sur-vey which provides background material for identifying factors affecting consumers when buying meat products, bakery products, milk and dairy products. Another source is indepth interviews that extend the results of the questionnaire and provide a more detailed picture of the issue. The results can ultimately be used by food business or pro-ducers
Goethe in psychonalytic literature
The theoretical thesis, which aims to find and compare different conceptions and interpretation of the life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The interest of this thesis is centered on the interpretation of Goethe's relationship with his sister. Interpretation of the relationship of Goethe and his sister is based on two approaches, the psychoanalytic and historical approach. Psychoanalytic approach is represented by Sigmund Freud and Kurt Eissler, who offer interpretations of some aspects of the relationship of Goethe with his sister. Historical approach is represented by Richard Friedenthal and Astrid Seele. They submit biographical context of the poets life and also point to his relationship with his sister. On the basis of these sources are data analyzed within psychoanalytic theory. To explain Goethe's relationship with his sister is thinking about the form of their incestuous sibling relationship or oedipus complex