118 research outputs found

    Automatic Segmentation and Disease Classification Using Cardiac Cine MR Images

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    Segmentation of the heart in cardiac cine MR is clinically used to quantify cardiac function. We propose a fully automatic method for segmentation and disease classification using cardiac cine MR images. A convolutional neural network (CNN) was designed to simultaneously segment the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV) and myocardium in end-diastole (ED) and end-systole (ES) images. Features derived from the obtained segmentations were used in a Random Forest classifier to label patients as suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, heart failure following myocardial infarction, right ventricular abnormality, or no cardiac disease. The method was developed and evaluated using a balanced dataset containing images of 100 patients, which was provided in the MICCAI 2017 automated cardiac diagnosis challenge (ACDC). The segmentation and classification pipeline were evaluated in a four-fold stratified cross-validation. Average Dice scores between reference and automatically obtained segmentations were 0.94, 0.88 and 0.87 for the LV, RV and myocardium. The classifier assigned 91% of patients to the correct disease category. Segmentation and disease classification took 5 s per patient. The results of our study suggest that image-based diagnosis using cine MR cardiac scans can be performed automatically with high accuracy.Comment: Accepted in STACOM Automated Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge 201

    A Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Affine and Deformable Image Registration

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    Image registration, the process of aligning two or more images, is the core technique of many (semi-)automatic medical image analysis tasks. Recent studies have shown that deep learning methods, notably convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), can be used for image registration. Thus far training of ConvNets for registration was supervised using predefined example registrations. However, obtaining example registrations is not trivial. To circumvent the need for predefined examples, and thereby to increase convenience of training ConvNets for image registration, we propose the Deep Learning Image Registration (DLIR) framework for \textit{unsupervised} affine and deformable image registration. In the DLIR framework ConvNets are trained for image registration by exploiting image similarity analogous to conventional intensity-based image registration. After a ConvNet has been trained with the DLIR framework, it can be used to register pairs of unseen images in one shot. We propose flexible ConvNets designs for affine image registration and for deformable image registration. By stacking multiple of these ConvNets into a larger architecture, we are able to perform coarse-to-fine image registration. We show for registration of cardiac cine MRI and registration of chest CT that performance of the DLIR framework is comparable to conventional image registration while being several orders of magnitude faster.Comment: Accepted: Medical Image Analysis - Elsevie

    Automatic Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac CT Angiography Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Accurate delineation of the left ventricle (LV) is an important step in evaluation of cardiac function. In this paper, we present an automatic method for segmentation of the LV in cardiac CT angiography (CCTA) scans. Segmentation is performed in two stages. First, a bounding box around the LV is detected using a combination of three convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Subsequently, to obtain the segmentation of the LV, voxel classification is performed within the defined bounding box using a CNN. The study included CCTA scans of sixty patients, fifty scans were used to train the CNNs for the LV localization, five scans were used to train LV segmentation and the remaining five scans were used for testing the method. Automatic segmentation resulted in the average Dice coefficient of 0.85 and mean absolute surface distance of 1.1 mm. The results demonstrate that automatic segmentation of the LV in CCTA scans using voxel classification with convolutional neural networks is feasible.Comment: This work has been published as: Zreik, M., Leiner, T., de Vos, B. D., van Hamersvelt, R. W., Viergever, M. A., I\v{s}gum, I. (2016, April). Automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac CT angiography using convolutional neural networks. In Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on (pp. 40-43). IEE

    Automated coronary artery calcification scoring in non-gated chest CT: Agreement and reliability

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    Objective: To determine the agreement and reliability of fully automated coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring in a lung cancer screening population. Materials and Methods: 1793 low-dose chest CT scans were analyzed (non-contrast-enhanced, non-gated). To establish the reference standard for CAC, first automated calcium scoring was performed using a preliminary version of a method employing coronary calcium atlas and machine learning approach. Thereafter, each scan was inspected by one of four trained raters. When needed, the raters corrected initially automaticity-identified results. In addition, an independent observer subsequently inspected manually corrected results and discarded scans with gross segmentation errors. Subsequently, fully automatic coronary calcium scoring was performed. Agatston score, CAC volume and number of calcifications were computed. Agreement was determined by calculating proportion of agreement and examining Bland-Altman plots. Reliability was determined by calculating linearly weighted kappa (κ) for Agatston strata and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for continuous values. Results: 44 (2.5%) scans were excluded due to metal artifacts or gross segmentation errors. In the remaining 1749 scans, median Agatston score was 39.6 (P25-P75:0-345.9), median volume score was 60.4 mm3 (P25-P75:0-361.4) and median number of calcifications was 2 (P25-P75:0-4) for the automated scores. The k demonstrated very good reliability (0.85) for Agatston risk categories between the automated and reference scores. The Bland-Altman plots showed underestimation of calcium score values by automated quantification. Median difference was 2.5 (p25-p75:0.0-53.2) for Agatston score, 7.6 (p25-p75:0.0-94.4) for CAC volume and 1 (p25-p75:0-5) for number of calcifications. The ICC was very good for Agatston score (0.90), very good for calcium volume (0.88) and good for number of calcifications (0.64). Discussion: Fully automated coron

    Влияние циркуляции вод на загрязнение прибрежных акваторий Керченской бухты соединениями тяжелых металлов и нефтепродуктов

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    Исследование связи атмосферных переносов над Керченским проливом с загрязнением акватории Керченского морского торгового порта и других прибрежных участков акватории Керченской бухты соединениями тяжелых металлов и нефтепродуктов в 1993 – 2006 гг. позволили установить ключевую роль черноморского типа течений в проливе и локальной циркуляции вод в Керченской бухте в загрязнении исследуемых акваторий.Дослідження зв'язку атмосферних перенесень над Керченською протокою із забрудненням акваторії Керченського морського торгового порту і інших прибережних ділянок акваторії Керченської бухти сполуками важких металів і нафтопродуктів в 1993 – 2006 рр. дозволили встановити ключову роль чорноморського типу течій в протоці і локальної циркуляції вод в Керченській бухті в забрудненні досліджуваних акваторій.Research of connection of atmospheric transport over the Kerch Strait and water area pollution of Kerch Trading Sea Port and other coastal areas of the of the Kerch bay by heavy metals and petroleum products in 1993 – 2006, have established the key role the Black Sea type currents in the strait and the local water circulation in the Bay of Kerch in the pollution study waters

    Inter-vendor harmonization of Computed Tomography (CT) reconstruction kernels using unpaired image translation

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    The reconstruction kernel in computed tomography (CT) generation determines the texture of the image. Consistency in reconstruction kernels is important as the underlying CT texture can impact measurements during quantitative image analysis. Harmonization (i.e., kernel conversion) minimizes differences in measurements due to inconsistent reconstruction kernels. Existing methods investigate harmonization of CT scans in single or multiple manufacturers. However, these methods require paired scans of hard and soft reconstruction kernels that are spatially and anatomically aligned. Additionally, a large number of models need to be trained across different kernel pairs within manufacturers. In this study, we adopt an unpaired image translation approach to investigate harmonization between and across reconstruction kernels from different manufacturers by constructing a multipath cycle generative adversarial network (GAN). We use hard and soft reconstruction kernels from the Siemens and GE vendors from the National Lung Screening Trial dataset. We use 50 scans from each reconstruction kernel and train a multipath cycle GAN. To evaluate the effect of harmonization on the reconstruction kernels, we harmonize 50 scans each from Siemens hard kernel, GE soft kernel and GE hard kernel to a reference Siemens soft kernel (B30f) and evaluate percent emphysema. We fit a linear model by considering the age, smoking status, sex and vendor and perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the emphysema scores. Our approach minimizes differences in emphysema measurement and highlights the impact of age, sex, smoking status and vendor on emphysema quantification.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, Submitted to SPIE Medical Imaging : Image Processing. San Diego, CA. February 202