31 research outputs found

    The effect of TiO2 on properties of polymer blends based on PLA

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj titanijevog dioksida kao nanopunila na svojstva polimernih mjeÅ”avina PLA/PE-LD 90/10 i PLA/PE-HD 90/10, kao i na svojstva čistih komponenata, tj. čistog polilaktida (PLA), polietilena niske gustoće (PE-LD) i polietilena visoke gustoće (PE-HD). KoriÅ”tena su tri nanopunila komercijalnih naziva P25 (praÅ”kasti TiO2), P25/20 (granulirani TiO2) i PC500 (praÅ”kasti TiO2). Uzorci su pripremljeni ekstruzijom te su određena njihova mehanička i toplinska svojstva, ispitana je morfologija uzoraka te su snimljeni FTIR spektri čistih komponenata. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da punila povoljno utječu na sva mehanička svojstva jedino u slučaju polimerne mjeÅ”avine PLA/PE-LD 90/10. Punila su poboljÅ”ala neka mehanička svojstva čiste komponente PE-LD, dok kod ostalih sustava dodatak nanopunila uzrokuje loÅ”ije mehaničko ponaÅ”anje u odnosu na nepunjene sustave. Od pripremljenih nanokompozita, najbolja svojstva je u većini slučajeva pokazao onaj koji je pripremljen dodatkom nanopunila P25.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of titanium dioxide as a nanofiller on the properties of PLA/PE-LD 90/10 and PLA/PE-HD 90/10 polymer blends, as well as on the properties of pure polylactide (PLA), polyethylene low density (PE-LD) and polyethylene high density (PE-HD) components. Three different nanofillers were used ā€“ P25 (TiO2 powder), P25/20 (granulated TiO2) and PC500 (TiO2 powder). Samples were prepared by extrusion and their mechanical and thermal properties were investigated, as well as the morphology of the samples. Also, FTIR spectrum of PLA, PE-LD and PE-HD was recorded. Based on the results, it was concluded that fillers can improve mechanical properties of the PLA/PE-LD 90/10 blend. Fillers can also have beneficial effect on some mechanical properties of the pure PE-LD component. As for the rest of the composites, it was observed that the addition of nanofillers causes poorer mechanical behavior compared to unfilled blends and pure components. In most cases, the best properties showed nanocomposites prepared by addition of the P25 filler

    Rejecting a General Check-up: Case Report

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    65-old gentleman rejected the general check-up recommendation, because he felt healthy. As his chosen family doctor, I also perceive him as the healthy patient, not having any risks. In spite of my personal concerns, it was obvious that I had to respect his choice, because of Act on Patients Rights and the Physicians Ethical Code. But, at that moment I was not certain about the evidence on the effectiveness of general check-ups and some professional dilemmas remain. Therefore, we did a limited literature search. A Cochrane systematic analysis as well as other systematic reviews has shown that there is no evidence on the effectiveness of general check-ups. In the professional recommendations general check- -ups are replaced by preventive measures with proven effectiveness, such as those recommended by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care and the U.S. Preventive Task Force. It helps me to solve my professional dilemmas around this patient

    The effect of TiO2 on properties of polymer blends based on PLA

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj titanijevog dioksida kao nanopunila na svojstva polimernih mjeÅ”avina PLA/PE-LD 90/10 i PLA/PE-HD 90/10, kao i na svojstva čistih komponenata, tj. čistog polilaktida (PLA), polietilena niske gustoće (PE-LD) i polietilena visoke gustoće (PE-HD). KoriÅ”tena su tri nanopunila komercijalnih naziva P25 (praÅ”kasti TiO2), P25/20 (granulirani TiO2) i PC500 (praÅ”kasti TiO2). Uzorci su pripremljeni ekstruzijom te su određena njihova mehanička i toplinska svojstva, ispitana je morfologija uzoraka te su snimljeni FTIR spektri čistih komponenata. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da punila povoljno utječu na sva mehanička svojstva jedino u slučaju polimerne mjeÅ”avine PLA/PE-LD 90/10. Punila su poboljÅ”ala neka mehanička svojstva čiste komponente PE-LD, dok kod ostalih sustava dodatak nanopunila uzrokuje loÅ”ije mehaničko ponaÅ”anje u odnosu na nepunjene sustave. Od pripremljenih nanokompozita, najbolja svojstva je u većini slučajeva pokazao onaj koji je pripremljen dodatkom nanopunila P25.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of titanium dioxide as a nanofiller on the properties of PLA/PE-LD 90/10 and PLA/PE-HD 90/10 polymer blends, as well as on the properties of pure polylactide (PLA), polyethylene low density (PE-LD) and polyethylene high density (PE-HD) components. Three different nanofillers were used ā€“ P25 (TiO2 powder), P25/20 (granulated TiO2) and PC500 (TiO2 powder). Samples were prepared by extrusion and their mechanical and thermal properties were investigated, as well as the morphology of the samples. Also, FTIR spectrum of PLA, PE-LD and PE-HD was recorded. Based on the results, it was concluded that fillers can improve mechanical properties of the PLA/PE-LD 90/10 blend. Fillers can also have beneficial effect on some mechanical properties of the pure PE-LD component. As for the rest of the composites, it was observed that the addition of nanofillers causes poorer mechanical behavior compared to unfilled blends and pure components. In most cases, the best properties showed nanocomposites prepared by addition of the P25 filler

    Regional disparities on the Tripoint of Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia - an example of the regions of Međimurje, Zala and Pomurje

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    Razlike u razvijenosti regija Hrvatske s posebnim naglaskom na problematiku pograničnih područja poticaj su za detaljnije istraživanje hrvatskog pograničnog područja prema Republici Sloveniji i Republici Mađarskoj. U ovom je radu prikazana trenutačna gospodarska i demografska situacija te stupanj razvoja u regijama Međimurje, Zala i Pomurje na tromeđi Hrvatske, Mađarske i Slovenije. Uz pomoć analitičke metode uočen je utjecaj i važnost ovih regija u pripadajućim državama, ali i njihova povezanost sa susjednim državama te utjecaj na njihov razvoj. Također su istraživanjem ustanovljeni glavni razvojni problemi te mjere budućeg razvoja kojima je potrebno navedene nedostatke svesti na minimum.Differences in the development of Croatian regions, with a particular emphasis on border area issues, are a stimulus for a more detailed study of the Croatian border region with the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary. This thesis presents the current economic and demographic situation and the degree of development in the regions of Međimurje, Zala and Pomurje in the Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia respectively. The analytical method has shown the impact and the importance of these regions in the participating countries, as well as their connections with the neighboring countries and the impact on their development. Research has also identified major developmental problems and measures for future development that require these deficiencies to be minimized

    Regional disparities on the Tripoint of Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia - an example of the regions of Međimurje, Zala and Pomurje

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    Razlike u razvijenosti regija Hrvatske s posebnim naglaskom na problematiku pograničnih područja poticaj su za detaljnije istraživanje hrvatskog pograničnog područja prema Republici Sloveniji i Republici Mađarskoj. U ovom je radu prikazana trenutačna gospodarska i demografska situacija te stupanj razvoja u regijama Međimurje, Zala i Pomurje na tromeđi Hrvatske, Mađarske i Slovenije. Uz pomoć analitičke metode uočen je utjecaj i važnost ovih regija u pripadajućim državama, ali i njihova povezanost sa susjednim državama te utjecaj na njihov razvoj. Također su istraživanjem ustanovljeni glavni razvojni problemi te mjere budućeg razvoja kojima je potrebno navedene nedostatke svesti na minimum.Differences in the development of Croatian regions, with a particular emphasis on border area issues, are a stimulus for a more detailed study of the Croatian border region with the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary. This thesis presents the current economic and demographic situation and the degree of development in the regions of Međimurje, Zala and Pomurje in the Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia respectively. The analytical method has shown the impact and the importance of these regions in the participating countries, as well as their connections with the neighboring countries and the impact on their development. Research has also identified major developmental problems and measures for future development that require these deficiencies to be minimized

    Nutritional status and risk of malnutrition in oncological pediatric patients

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    Prehrana, iako nije najvažnija u terapiji djece i adolescenata sa zloćudnim bolestima, nužna je kako bi se spriječila pojava pothranjenosti te kako bi borba protiv bolest i ishod liječenja bio Å”to uspjeÅ”niji. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati promjene veličine i sastava tijela do kojih dolazi tijekom liječenja, utvrditi kakvoću prehrane pomoću dnevnika prehrane te procijeniti rizik od pojave pothranjenosti pomoću upitnika STRONGkids kod djece i adolescenata sa zloćudnim bolestima (n=7) hospitaliziranih u Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb. Rezultati su u prosjeku pokazali smanjenje tjelesne mase, indeksa tjelesne mase, bazalnog metabolizma, udjela miÅ”ićnog tkiva, opsega struka i bokova nakon mjesec dana liječenja. Dnevnicima prehrane utvrđen je previsok unos zasićenih masnih kiselina, Å”ećera i natrija te prenizak unos vlakana i određenih mikronutrijenata. Prema STRONGkids upitniku svi ispitanici svrstani su u srednji rizik od pothranjenosti, a nakon mjesec dana situacija se pogorÅ”ala kod jedne ispitanice.Although diet is not the most important factor in therapy for children and adolescents with cancer, it is crucial for prevention of malnutrition, for more successful fight against cancer and better outcomes of therapy. The goals of this research were to examine changes in body size and composition during therapy, to follow the quality of diet with nutrition diary and to check the risk of malnutrition with STRONGkids questionnaire in children and adolescents with cancer (n=7) hospitalized in Zagreb Children's Hospital. The results after one month of therapy showed decrease of body mass, body mass index, basal metabolism, fat mass percentage, waist and hip range. Nutrition diaries showed too high intake of saturated fat acids, monosaccharides, sodium and too low intake of dietary fibre and some micronutrients. According to STRONGkids questionnaire, all patients were in medium risk of malnutrition and after a month one patient got into the high risk

    The stability of olive leaf drink during storage at high temperature

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati stabilnost napitka od lista masline tijekom 12 tjedana skladiÅ”tenja u nepovoljnim uvjetima i to na temperaturi od 30 Ā°C, a provedene su sljedeće analize: odreĎivanje koncentracije ukupnih fenola pomoću Folin-Ciocalteu reagensa, odreĎivanje antoksidacijskog kapaciteta DPPH metodom, odreĎivanje boje CIELAB metodom, odreĎivanje mikrobioloÅ”ke ispravnosti i odreĎivanje senzorskih svojstva kvalitativnom deskriptivnom analizom. Koncentracija ukupnih fenola skladiÅ”tenjem se smanjuje, ali ne značajno. Antioksidacijski kapacitet ostao je pribliÅ£no jednak tijekom skladiÅ”tenja. Mjerenje boje ukazalo je na smanjenje L i H vrijednosti, te porasta a, b, C i Ī”E vrijednosti. Vezano za senzorska svojstva skladiÅ”tenjem napitka dolazi do smanjenja Å£ute boje, mirisa na list masline, okusa na list masline, trpkog okusa, gorkog okusa, arome svojstvene na list masline i arome na zeleno, te se povećava udio smeĎe boje i harmoničnog okusa. Strani miris, okus i aroma su manje zastupljeni ili ih uopće nema. MikrobioloÅ”ka ispitivanja ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću stabilnost napitka tijekom skladiÅ”tenja.The purpose of this study was to examine the stability of olive leaf drink during 12 weeks of storage under unfavorable conditions, at 30 Ā° C. The following analyzes were carried out: determination of total phenol concentration by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, determination of antioxidant capacity using DPPH method, color determination using CIELAB method, determination of microbiological accuracy and determination of sensory properties by qualitative descriptive analysis. During storage, concentration of total phenol was not significantly reduced, while the antioxidant capacity remained approximately unchanged. Color measurement indicated a decrease in values L and H, while values a, b, C and Ī”E were increased. Sensory tests showed reduction of yellow color, smell of olive leaf, olive leaf taste, sourness, bitterness, olive leaf aroma and green aroma, while estimated values of brown color and harmonious taste increased. Sensory tests report that strange smell, taste and aroma are less present or not present at all. Microbiological studies indicate satisfactory drink stability during the trial period

    The stability of olive leaf drink during storage at high temperature

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati stabilnost napitka od lista masline tijekom 12 tjedana skladiÅ”tenja u nepovoljnim uvjetima i to na temperaturi od 30 Ā°C, a provedene su sljedeće analize: odreĎivanje koncentracije ukupnih fenola pomoću Folin-Ciocalteu reagensa, odreĎivanje antoksidacijskog kapaciteta DPPH metodom, odreĎivanje boje CIELAB metodom, odreĎivanje mikrobioloÅ”ke ispravnosti i odreĎivanje senzorskih svojstva kvalitativnom deskriptivnom analizom. Koncentracija ukupnih fenola skladiÅ”tenjem se smanjuje, ali ne značajno. Antioksidacijski kapacitet ostao je pribliÅ£no jednak tijekom skladiÅ”tenja. Mjerenje boje ukazalo je na smanjenje L i H vrijednosti, te porasta a, b, C i Ī”E vrijednosti. Vezano za senzorska svojstva skladiÅ”tenjem napitka dolazi do smanjenja Å£ute boje, mirisa na list masline, okusa na list masline, trpkog okusa, gorkog okusa, arome svojstvene na list masline i arome na zeleno, te se povećava udio smeĎe boje i harmoničnog okusa. Strani miris, okus i aroma su manje zastupljeni ili ih uopće nema. MikrobioloÅ”ka ispitivanja ukazuju na zadovoljavajuću stabilnost napitka tijekom skladiÅ”tenja.The purpose of this study was to examine the stability of olive leaf drink during 12 weeks of storage under unfavorable conditions, at 30 Ā° C. The following analyzes were carried out: determination of total phenol concentration by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, determination of antioxidant capacity using DPPH method, color determination using CIELAB method, determination of microbiological accuracy and determination of sensory properties by qualitative descriptive analysis. During storage, concentration of total phenol was not significantly reduced, while the antioxidant capacity remained approximately unchanged. Color measurement indicated a decrease in values L and H, while values a, b, C and Ī”E were increased. Sensory tests showed reduction of yellow color, smell of olive leaf, olive leaf taste, sourness, bitterness, olive leaf aroma and green aroma, while estimated values of brown color and harmonious taste increased. Sensory tests report that strange smell, taste and aroma are less present or not present at all. Microbiological studies indicate satisfactory drink stability during the trial period

    Development Strategies as Key Factors for Sustainable Urban Development; Comparative Analysis of Antwerpen, Bratislava, Krakow and Zagreb

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    Strategije urbanoga razvoja gradova Europske unije [EU] bitno su određene karakteristikama sustava prostornog i strateÅ”kog planiranja. Provedeno je istraživanje i komparativna analiza između razvojne strategije Grada Zagreba sa strateÅ”kim razvojnim dokumentima gradova Antwerpena; Bratislave i Krakowa s ciljem razumijevanja odnosa prostornog i strateÅ”kog planiranja; te odnosa prema projektima integriranoga urbanog razvoja. Pritom je utvrđena značajna sličnost između sustava planiranja u Zagrebu; Bratislavi i Krakowu; dok se sustav strateÅ”kog planiranja u Antwerpenu u značajnoj mjeri razlikuje.Urban development strategies in the EU are fundamentally determined by the charateristics of physical and strategic planning. This research is based on a comparative analysis of the development strategy for the Zagreb City and the strategic development documents for Antwerpen; Bratislava and Krakow. It examines the relationship between the physical and strategic planning as well as the attitude towards the integrated urban development projects. The research results indicate that there is a striking similarity between the planning systems in Zagreb; Bratislava and Krakow while the strategic planning system in Antwerpen is considerably different

    Mammography Screening ā€“ How Persistent Should We Be in the Recommendations?

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    55 year old women came to me as her family doctor, seeking advice on mammography screening. She rather wouldnā€™t do it because she feels well, is a bit afraid of radiation and thinks itā€™s not important, since she doesnā€™t have individual risk. Having in mind newly emerging evidence about the questionable value of the screening, especially in women without any risks, I was in dilemma what to recommend. Therefore, we did a limited literature search. Systematic reviews are questioning effectiveness of mammography as screening method, evidences show limited effect on reducing mortality and the burden of overdiagnosis and overtreatmnent. Professional recommendations vary from country to country. Overall impression is that many questions remain open and, until better method of screening is found, the decisions about breast cancer screening should be strongly individualized, according to the patients risks. We openly discussed it, she decided to postpone mammography for a while