7 research outputs found

    Large-scale photonic natural language processing

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    Modern machine-learning applications require huge artificial networks demanding computational power and memory. Light-based platforms promise ultrafast and energy-efficient hardware, which may help realize next -generation data processing devices. However, current photonic networks are limited by the number of input-output nodes that can be processed in a single shot. This restricted network capacity prevents their application to relevant large-scale problems such as natural language processing. Here, we realize a photonic processor for supervised learning with a capacity exceeding 1.5 x 1010 optical nodes, more than one order of magnitude larger than any previous implementation, which enables photonic large-scale text encoding and classification. By exploiting the full three-dimensional structure of the optical field propagating in free space, we overcome the interpolation threshold and reach the over-parameterized region of machine learning, a condition that allows high-performance sentiment analysis with a minimal fraction of training points. Our results provide a novel sol-ution to scale up light-driven computing and open the route to photonic natural language processin

    MORB-derived amphibolites in the Paleozoic basement of the Aluminé Igneous-Metamorphic Complex, Neuquén, Argentina : Decoding its genesis, P-T evolution and pre-Andean regional correlations

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    Amphibolites included in the metapelitic sequence and as xenoliths in intrusive magmatic rocks outcropping in the southern sector of the Aluminé Igneous-Metamorphic Complex (AIMC), Neuquén, Argentina, are studied in detail in order to determine their origin and their subsequent metamorphic evolution. Field evidence and wholerock geochemistry indicate that these rocks were derived from a Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB)-type protolith, and were accreted as tectonic slices into the metapelitic sequence that mainly formed the basal accretionary prism associated with a pre-Andean SW-NE subduction setting. Phase relationships, geochemistry of mineral assemblages and geothermobarometry indicate the presence of at least two metamorphic events (M1 1.9−3.9kbar, 677−745ºC and M2 6.4kbar, 723ºC) framed in a counterclockwise P-T path, comparable to those previously determined for the metapelitic country-rocks and metatroctolites outcropping in the same sector of the AIMC. Based on regional correlations and the agreement in the petrological, geochemical, geochronological and structural characteristics, we suggest that the MORB-derived Ñorquinco amphibolites and neighboring aluminous metasedimentary basement rocks of the AIMC belong to the eastern prolongation of the Western Series of the Coastal Accretionary Complex of Central Chile in west-central Argentina territory

    Evolución antihoraria posemplazamiento de las metatroctolitas del Complejo Ígneo-Metamórfico Aluminé, Neuquén, Argentina

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    Post-crystallization evolution of the metatroctolites of the Ñorquinco lake zone, Aluminé Igneous-Metamorphic Complex, is analyzed. These mafic rocks show coronas around olivine, composed of Opx, Cpx, Spl and Amp (Hbl1and Hbl2). The temporal evolution of these rocks was evaluated via petrographic analysis and the construction of a suitable pseudosection based on the whole-rock chemical composition. This analysis was complemented with classic geothermobarometry, from which four stages on the P-T path were established: A. Starting point lies in the stability field of the Pl-Ol-Opx-Cpx-H2O, with P-T of 936 ºC and 2.7 kbar, respectively, indicative of granulite facies conditions;B. Another point in the trajectory is represented by first appearance of amphibole. P-T conditions for Hbl1-Pl are 780 °C and 5.9 Kbar, respectively.; C. The third point is characterized by the presence of Hbl2 and Spl and the disappearance of Ol, leading to the association Pl-Opx-Cpx-Hbl2-Spl-H2O. Equilibrium temperature and pressure for this stage are 780 ºC and 5.69 Kbar, respectively; and D. The last point in the path implies the disappearance of Cpx and the retrogression of the phases to Chl with, a concomitant consumption of excess water. Both the equilibrium temperature (694.2 ºC) for the stable association Pl-Opx-Hbl2-Spl-Chl, and the narrow stability pressure range (4.5-5.2 Kbar), are constrained by the absence of olivine and garnet. The defined portion of the P-T path indicates cooling from granulite to amphibolite facies with a concomitant pressure increment, defining a counter-clockwise P-T path. U-Pb zircon ages determined for basement xenoliths in metatroctolites and gabbroic inclusions in granodiorites, allows constraining the emplacement of Ñorquinco lake metatroctolites to Upper Paleozoic times.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la evolución poscristalización de cuerpos má- ficos que afloran en la zona de lago Ñorquinco (sector sur del Complejo Ígneo Metamórfico Aluminé), los cuales han sido clasificados como metatroctolitas. Estas rocas muestran coronas de reacción alrededor del olivino que resultan del reequilibrio posmagmático, compuestas principalmente de Opx, Cpx, Spl y Amp (Hbl1 y Hbl2). La evolución temporal de las metatroctolitas fue evaluada a partir de relaciones de fase determinadas a partir del análisis petrográfico y de la construcción de una pseudosección adecuada basada en la composición química de la roca total. Este análisis fue com- plementado con estudios de geotermobarometría clásica, a partir de los cuales se establecieron cuatro estadios sobre una trayectoria P-T: A. El punto de inicio para la retrogresión se ubica en el campo de estabilidad de la asociación Pl-Ol-Opx- Cpx-H2O, en condiciones de P-T de 936 oC y 2,7 kbar en facies de granulita; B. El segundo estadio sobre la trayectoria está representado por la presencia de anfíbol en condiciones de P-T de 780 oC y 5,69 kbar para la estabilidad del par Hbl1-Pl; C. El tercer punto en la trayectoria P-T está caracterizado por la aparición de Hbl2 y Spl y la desaparición de Ol, lo que conduce a la asociación estable Pl-Opx-Cpx-Hbl2-Spl- H2O. Las temperaturas y presiones de equilibrio para este estadio son de 780 oC y 5,69 Kbar; y D. El último punto definido implica la desaparición de Cpx y la retrogradación de las fases a Chl con un consumo concomitante de agua en exceso. Tanto la temperatura de equilibrio (694,2 oC) para la asociación estable Pl-Opx-Hbl2-Spl-Chl, como el rango estrecho de la presión de estabilidad (4,5-5,2 Kbar) son limi- tado por la ausencia de olivino y granate. La trayectoria P-T definida indica enfriamiento a partir de granulita a facies de anfibolita con un incremento concomitante con la presión, definiendo una trayectoria P-T antihoraria. Edades U-Pb en circones determinadas para xenolitos de basamento en las metatroctolitas e inclusiones gabroides en granodioritas, permiten delimitar el emplazamiento de las metatroctolitas del lago Ñorquinco al Paleozoico Superior.Fil: Urraza, Ivana Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Delpino, Sergio Hugo. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Geología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Geológico del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Grecco, Laura Edith. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto Geológico del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentin

    Petrología y Estructura del Complejo Ígneo-Metamórfico Aluminé, Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina Petrology and Structure of the Aluminé Igneous-Metamorphic Complex, Neuquén province, Argentina

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    En la presente contribución se dan a conocer los resultados parciales de un estudio de detalle de los eventos magmáticos, metamórficos y tectónicos acaecidos en el Complejo Ígneo-Metamórfico Aluminé (CIMA). Se define como CIMA al conjunto de rocas ígneas intrusivas preandinas y andinas y su encajonante metamórfico, aflorantes en el área comprendida entre los lagos Aluminé, Moquehue, Ñorquinco y Pulmarí, en la provincia de Neuquén, Argentina. Sobre la base de las observaciones de campo y de las características petrográficas y geoquímicas, las rocas granitoides constituyentes del CIMA han sido clasificadas como: 1. dioritas cuarzosas, 2. tonalitas-granodioritas, 3. granodioritas y 4. granitos. Los parámetros geoquímicos indican que las litologías definidas derivan de magmas calcicos a levemente calcoalcalinos, de composición metaaluminosa, típicos de los batolitos Tipo I Cordilleranos asociados a márgenes continentales activos. Intercalados entre las rocas magmáticas se preservan afloramientos de basamento metamórfico compuestos por esquistos, gneises, anfibolitas y escasas areniscas cuarzosas. Cubriendo en parte a las metamorfitas y granitoides, se reconocen andesitas, tobas y basaltos. La estructura del sector se caracteriza por la presencia de tres conjuntos de lineamientos regionales principales con orientaciones NE-SW, NW-SE y N-S. Estas direcciones coinciden con las orientaciones de tres grupos de foliaciones penetrativas reconocidas en las rocas magmáticas del sector. Sobre la base del análisis petrográfico-microestructural y de mecanismos de deformación en minerales, se identificaron al menos dos eventos de deformación dúctil en las rocas magmáticas del área. Los mapeos de campo y estudios petrológicos y estructurales llevados a cabo hasta el presente, permitieron diferenciar dos sectores con características claramente contrastantes: el sector norte caracterizado por el predominio de granitoides con edades andinas (cretácicas o más modernas) y el sector sur donde dominan los granitoides preandinos de edades permotriásicas-jurásicas, emplazados en un basamento paleozoico. Si bien los diagramas geoquímicos permiten diferenciar los diferentes petrotipos definidos petrográficamente y sus tendencias evolutivas podrían indicar procesos de cristalización fraccionada, la distribución areal de los mismos, sus características petrográfico-microestructurales y la geocronología, indican que podrían corresponder a diferentes pulsos-eventos magmáticos separados en el tiempo, aunque desarrollados en un contexto de características tectónicas similares.<br>In the present contribution, the partial results of a detailed study of the magmatic, metamorphic and tectonic events developed in the Aluminé Igneous-Metamorphic Complex (AIMC) are given. We define the AIMC as the set of pre-andean and andean intrusive igneous and metamorphic rocks, outcropping in the área located between the Aluminé, Moquehue, Ñorquinco and Pulmarí lakes in the Neuquén province, Argentina. Based on field and petrographic observations and geochemical characteristics, the granitic rocks forming part of the AIMC have been classified as: 1. quartz diorites, 2. tonalites-granodiorites, 3. granodiorites and 4. granites. The geochemical parameters indícate that the defined lithologies derive from calcic to weakly calcalkaline magmas of metaluminous composition, typical of Type I Cordilleran batholiths associated with active continental margins. Intercalated between the magmatic rocks, some outcrops of metamorphic basement composed mainly of schists, gneisses, amphibolites and scarce quartzose sandstones. Andesites, tuffs and basalts cover in part the metamorphites and granitoids are exposed. The structure of the sector is characterized by the presence of three main sets of regional lineaments, with NE-SW, NW-SE and N-S orientations. These directions coincide with the orientations of the three groups of penetrative foliations recognized in the magmatic rocks of the sector. On the basis of the petrographic-microstructural analysis and deformation mechanisms in minerals, at least two ductile deformation events were identified in the magmatic rocks of the área. Field mapping and perrological-structural studies carried out so far, allow to differentiate two sectors with clearly contrasting characteristics. The north sector is characterized by the predominance of granitoids with andean ages (Cretaceous or younger), whereas in the southern sector dominates the pre-andean granitoids of permotriassic-jurassic ages emplaced in a Paleozoic basement. Although the geochemical diagrams allow to clearly distinguish the different lithologies defined petrographically and their evolu-tive trends could indicate fraccional crystallization processes, its areal distribution, their petrographic-microstructural characteristics and the geochronology indicate that they correspond to different magmatic pulse-events separated in time, although developed in a similar tectonic framework

    Decrease lysyl oxidase activity in hearts of copper-deficient bovines

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    Background: Lysyl oxidase (LOX) is a metalloenzyme that requires Cu as a cofactor and it is responsible for the formation of collagen and elastin cross-linking. The objective of this work was to measure the LOX enzyme activity in the heart of bovines with Cu deficiency induced by high molybdenum and sulfur levels in the diet. Methods: Eighteen myocardial samples were obtained from Cu-deficient (n = 9) and control (n = 9) Holstein bovines during two similar assays. The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −70 °C to measure enzymatic activity. A commercial kit was used, following producer instructions. Results: The results showed that LOX activity from the hearts of Cu-deficient bovines is 29 % lower than the ones of control bovines, being this difference statistically significant (p = 0.03). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first report that determined LOX enzymatic activity in bovine heart of Cu-deficient animals. The microscopic alterations found in these animals in our previous work, could be explained by a diminished LOX activity. The results are in agreement with other authors, who found a relationship between LOX activity and dietary Cu intake. The information provided by this work could help to clarify the pathogenesis of cardiac lesions in cattle with dietary Cu deficiency.Fil: Postma, Gabriela Cintia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Nicastro, Carolina Natalia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Valdez, Laura Batriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad Medicina. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Rukavina Mikusic, Ivana Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad Medicina. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Grecco, Andres. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Minatel, Leonardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentin

    Fluorescent Labeling of Biomolecules with Organic Probes

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