25 research outputs found

    Quality Assurance Challenges for Inclusion of Non-formal Education Qualifications into NQFs

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    In this article we analyse practices of various forms of learning in different countries and their key roles for individuals regarding their potential on the labour market, in further education or any other interests of individuals and society. In addition, we analyse validation processes for non-formal and informal learning, as well as quality assurance practices in those countries. Based on our analysis, we discuss the challenges of the inclusion of ‘non-formal education qualifications’ into national qualifications frameworks, emphasising the quality assurance principles for qualifications that are part of national qualification frameworks, and propose the theoretical base for inclusion of such qualifications into national qualifications frameworks. Some of the key quality assurance challenges discussed are related to the design of qualifications, the application of learning outcomes, valid and reliable assessment according to the agreed and transparent learning outcomes-based standards, and the process of certifications of those ‘non-formal education qualifications’

    Phytochemical and cytogenetic profile of selected Centaurea species (Asteraceae)

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    Rod Centaurea, porodica Asteracea, taksonomski je vrlo složen, a 80 od ukupno 400 do 700 vrsta nalazimo na području Republike Hrvatske. Cilj ovoga doktorskog rada bio je odrediti fitokemijski i citogenetski profil odabranih vrsta roda Centaurea: Centaurea ragusina, Centaurea rupestris i Centaurea solstitialis. Fitokemijski profil, određen kroz kemijski sastav izoliranih hlapljivih ulja, istražen je vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija - masena spektrometrija. Citogenetski profil, određen kao veličina genoma i osnovni broj kromosoma istraživanih vrsta, istraživan je protočnom citometrijom i standardnim kariološkim metodama. Citogenetski profil fitokemijski proučavanih vrsta u skladu je s prethodnim istraživanjima, čime je utvrđena autentičnost istraživanih vrsta bez dvojbe prilikom botaničke determinacije. Dominantne su komponente hlapljivih ulja odabranih vrsta roda Centaurea neoksidirani i oksidirani seskviterpenski spojevi te neterpenske kiseline i ugljikovodici. Germakren D, -kariofilen i heksadekanska kiselina identificirani su u svim proučavanim eteričnim uljima. Izolirana hlapljiva ulja pokazuju slab antioksidacijski potencijal i slabu sposobnost inhibicije acetilkolinesteraze i butirilkolinesteraze kao i značajan antimikrobni potencijal.The Centaurea genus, Asteraceae family, taxonomically is very complex. It contains 80 species from Croatia, of about 400 up to 700 in total. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to determine the phytochemical and cytogenetic profiles of selected Centaurea species: Centaurea ragusina, Centaurea rupestris and Centaurea solstitialis. Phytochemical profile, determined as chemical composition of isolated volatile oil, was assesed with associated gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cytogenetic profile, expressed as genome size and chromosome number, was assessed by flow cytometry and standard karyological methods. Cytogenetic profile of species selected for phytochemical research, is in accordance with previous research, which aproves authenticity of the studied taxa. Dominant components of volatile oils of Centaurea species are oxidized and nonoxidized sesquiterpenes, and nonterpene acids and hydrocarbons. Germacrene D, -caryophyllene and hexadecanoic acid are identified in all Centaurea volatile oils. Isolated volatile oil showed weak antioxidant potential and inhibiton of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase, as well as significant antimicrobial potential

    Phytochemical and cytogenetic profile of selected Centaurea species (Asteraceae)

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    Rod Centaurea, porodica Asteracea, taksonomski je vrlo složen, a 80 od ukupno 400 do 700 vrsta nalazimo na području Republike Hrvatske. Cilj ovoga doktorskog rada bio je odrediti fitokemijski i citogenetski profil odabranih vrsta roda Centaurea: Centaurea ragusina, Centaurea rupestris i Centaurea solstitialis. Fitokemijski profil, određen kroz kemijski sastav izoliranih hlapljivih ulja, istražen je vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija - masena spektrometrija. Citogenetski profil, određen kao veličina genoma i osnovni broj kromosoma istraživanih vrsta, istraživan je protočnom citometrijom i standardnim kariološkim metodama. Citogenetski profil fitokemijski proučavanih vrsta u skladu je s prethodnim istraživanjima, čime je utvrđena autentičnost istraživanih vrsta bez dvojbe prilikom botaničke determinacije. Dominantne su komponente hlapljivih ulja odabranih vrsta roda Centaurea neoksidirani i oksidirani seskviterpenski spojevi te neterpenske kiseline i ugljikovodici. Germakren D, -kariofilen i heksadekanska kiselina identificirani su u svim proučavanim eteričnim uljima. Izolirana hlapljiva ulja pokazuju slab antioksidacijski potencijal i slabu sposobnost inhibicije acetilkolinesteraze i butirilkolinesteraze kao i značajan antimikrobni potencijal.The Centaurea genus, Asteraceae family, taxonomically is very complex. It contains 80 species from Croatia, of about 400 up to 700 in total. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to determine the phytochemical and cytogenetic profiles of selected Centaurea species: Centaurea ragusina, Centaurea rupestris and Centaurea solstitialis. Phytochemical profile, determined as chemical composition of isolated volatile oil, was assesed with associated gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Cytogenetic profile, expressed as genome size and chromosome number, was assessed by flow cytometry and standard karyological methods. Cytogenetic profile of species selected for phytochemical research, is in accordance with previous research, which aproves authenticity of the studied taxa. Dominant components of volatile oils of Centaurea species are oxidized and nonoxidized sesquiterpenes, and nonterpene acids and hydrocarbons. Germacrene D, -caryophyllene and hexadecanoic acid are identified in all Centaurea volatile oils. Isolated volatile oil showed weak antioxidant potential and inhibiton of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase, as well as significant antimicrobial potential

    Phytochemical Composition, Antiradical and Anticholinesterase Potentials of Centaurea alba and Centaurea jacea Volatile Oils

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    This paper reports on the phytochemical composition as well as antiradical and anticholinesterase potential of volatile oils isolated from Centaurea alba and Centaurea jacea, from Croatia. The volatile components, obtained by hydrodistillation, were determined by GC and GC-MS analyses. A total of 18 compounds were identified in C. alba volatile oil with hexadecanoic acid, germacrene D and tetradecanoic acid as main compounds. A total of 29 compounds were identified in C. jacea volatile oil, with epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene, aromadendrene and hexadecanoic acid as a major compounds. The tested volatile oils showed low DPPH inhibition potential as well as low to moderate antiAChE potential and low antiBuChE potential. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Medicinal plant Mentha pulegium L. – chemical profile and biological activity of its essential oil

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    The medicinal plant Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae) is used in traditional medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina to treat neurological and gastrointestinal disorders [1]. Healing properties of M. pulegium are attributed to monoterpenoids present in its essential oil and polyphenol derivatives [2]. These bioactive components have an important role in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases related to oxidative stress. One of them is Alzheimer's disease, a neurological brain disorder and the most common form of dementia, affecting the older population. Inhibitors of cholinesterases have an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.                The aim of this work was to analyze the chemical composition as well as the antioxidant activity and cholinesterase inhibition potential of M. pulegium essential oil from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The chemical composition of the essential oil was determined by GC/MS and GC/FID techniques. The antioxidant potential was tested using DPPH and FRAP methods [3,4]. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase was determined using the Ellman’s method [5].The major components found in M. pulegium essential oil where: pulegone (54.4%; Fig. 1), p-menthone (14.0%), piperitenone (12.8%) and piperitone (3.7%). A solution of the essential oil (1 g/L) showed a low antioxidant potential and a good inhibition of both cholinesterases

    Centaurea rupestris L.: Cytogenetics, Essential Oil Chemistry and Biological Activity

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    Centaurea species are used in eastern Mediterranean ethnopharmacology due to variety of bioactive compounds they comprise. Aim of this work was to characterize the Centaurea rupestris L. hydrodistilled essential oil chemical composition and test its biological activity: antimicrobial effect, antioxidant potential and inhibition of cholinesterases. Plant material authentication was by chromosome number counting and genome size assessment with the flow cytometry. Hydrodistilled essential oils were characterized using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique GC-MS and GC-FID. The antimicrobial effect was tested using disk diffusion and microdilution methods, antioxidant potential was tested with DPPH and FRAP methods and cholinesterases inhibition was tested with Ellman method. Genome size for C. rupestris species: sample A presented 2C=3.60 (0.10) pg and sample B 2C=3.62 (0.08) pg. The chromosome number was 2n=20 for both samples. The main essential oil constituents in isolated sample A oil, detected with GC-MS and GC-FID were: germacrene D (24.3 %), heptacosane (14.4 %), phytol (6.7 %), β-caryophyllene (5.0 %) and pentacosane (4.5 %). Sample B essential oil had the main constituents: hexadecanoic acid (18.7 %), heptacosane (13.8 %), α-linolenic acid (11.8 %), nonacosane (7.8 %) and germacrene D (5.4 %). Both samples of oil showed broad spectrum antimicrobial effect with good activity against emerging Gram-positive and Gram-negative opportunistic pathogens and pathogenic fungi which indicates the pharmaceutical potential of the C. rupestris essential oil. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Društveno-korisno učenje kao inovativan alat u poučavanju rješavanja okolišnih problema – što smo naučili u 10 godina?

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    Service-learning represents an innovative pedagogy that integrates academic learning with community service to address environmental issues based on experiential learning principles. This innovative pedagogy enhances higher education learning outcomes by fostering active engagement, real-world context, interdisciplinary insight, skills development, and civic engagement among students. The merging of service-learning contributes to a profound understanding of the subject matter, its practical applications, and personal and professional growth. This paper provides an overview of the implementation of service-learning in the STEM field, with a primary focus on the decade-long involvement of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in environmental protection projects. Through collaboration with the non-governmental organisation Sunce and partners from the University of Split, this initiative, led by environmental experts, has introduced a novel approach to higher education, facilitating knowledge expansion, skill improvement, and expertise development for both students and academic staff. The impact has been substantial, with the University of Split attaining the 21st position globally on the “World Universities with Real Impact” list for ethics in 2021, largely attributable to these service-learning projects. Service-learning has been integrated into the SEA-EU initiative, furthering its development at the University of Split, and establishing it as a pioneer in this field. Institutionalising service-learning in higher education requires the establishment of dedicated courses, integration into existing programmes, and the allocation of resources for academic staff, community partners, and students. Successful implementation requires a collaborative, iterative process involving careful planning, preparation, and assessment, ensuring that students benefit from meaningful opportunities to apply course content to real-world challenges while positively impacting the community.Društveno-korisno učenje (DKU) je obrazovni pristup koji spaja akademsko učenje s korisnim radom u zajednici da bi se riješili problemi okoliša utemeljeni na principima iskustvenog učenja. Taj inovativni pristup poboljšava ishode učenja u visokom obrazovanju nudeći studentima aktivan angažman, kontekst stvarnog svijeta, interdisciplinarne uvide, razvoj vještina i uključenost građana. Uključivanje DKU-a potiče dublje razumijevanje materijala kolegija, njegove praktične primjene te osobni i profesionalni rast. Ovaj rad daje pregled implementacije DKU učenja u STEM području, uglavnom se fokusirajući na desetljetnu uključenost Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakulteta u projekte zaštite okoliša. Suradnjom Udruge za zaštitu prirode i okoliša Sunce s partnerima sa Sveučilišta u Splitu, ova inicijativa, koju vode stručnjaci za okoliš, uvela je nov pristup visokom obrazovanju. Omogućila je studentima, nastavnicima i suradnicima da prošire svoja znanja, unaprijede svoje vještine i razviju stručnost. Utjecaj je bio znatan, a Sveučilište u Splitu zauzelo je 21. mjesto u svijetu na popisu “Svjetska sveučilišta sa stvarnim utjecajem” u kategoriji etike u 2021., uglavnom zahvaljujući DKU projektima. DKU je integriran u inicijativu SEA-EU i nastavlja se razvijati na Sveučilištu u Splitu, postavši predvodnik u tom području. Institucionalizacija DKU-a unutar visokog obrazovanja zahtijeva razvijanje DKU kolegija, integraciju DKU-a u postojeće programe i osiguravanje resursa za nastavno osoblje, partnere u zajednici i studente. Uspješna implementacija zahtijeva kolaborativni, iterativni proces koji uključuje pažljivo planiranje, pripremu i evaluaciju. Taj pristup osigurava studentima smislene prilike za primjenu sadržaja kolegija na izazove iz stvarnog svijeta, a istodobno pozitivno utječu na zajednicu

    Sex difference and intra-operative tidal volume: Insights from the LAS VEGAS study

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    BACKGROUND: One key element of lung-protective ventilation is the use of a low tidal volume (VT). A sex difference in use of low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) has been described in critically ill ICU patients.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine whether a sex difference in use of LTVV also exists in operating room patients, and if present what factors drive this difference.DESIGN, PATIENTS AND SETTING: This is a posthoc analysis of LAS VEGAS, a 1-week worldwide observational study in adults requiring intra-operative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals in 29 countries.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Women and men were compared with respect to use of LTVV, defined as VT of 8 ml kg-1 or less predicted bodyweight (PBW). A VT was deemed 'default' if the set VT was a round number. A mediation analysis assessed which factors may explain the sex difference in use of LTVV during intra-operative ventilation.RESULTS: This analysis includes 9864 patients, of whom 5425 (55%) were women. A default VT was often set, both in women and men; mode VT was 500 ml. Median [IQR] VT was higher in women than in men (8.6 [7.7 to 9.6] vs. 7.6 [6.8 to 8.4] ml kg-1 PBW, P < 0.001). Compared with men, women were twice as likely not to receive LTVV [68.8 vs. 36.0%; relative risk ratio 2.1 (95% CI 1.9 to 2.1), P < 0.001]. In the mediation analysis, patients' height and actual body weight (ABW) explained 81 and 18% of the sex difference in use of LTVV, respectively; it was not explained by the use of a default VT.CONCLUSION: In this worldwide cohort of patients receiving intra-operative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery, women received a higher VT than men during intra-operative ventilation. The risk for a female not to receive LTVV during surgery was double that of males. Height and ABW were the two mediators of the sex difference in use of LTVV.TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered at Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT01601223

    Seasonality of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Their Derivatives in PM<sub>2.5</sub> from Ljubljana, Combustion Aerosol Source Apportionment, and Cytotoxicity of Selected Nitrated Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (NPAHs)

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    Airborne particulate matter (PM) is a vector of many toxic pollutants, including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives. Especially harmful is the fine fraction (PM2.5), which penetrates deep into the lungs during inhalation and causes various diseases. Amongst PM2.5 components with toxic potential are nitrated PAHs (NPAHs), knowledge of which is still rudimentary. Three of the measured NPAHs (1-nitropyrene (1-nP), 9-nitroanthracene (9-nA), and 6-nitrochrysene (6-nC)) were detected in ambient PM2.5 from Ljubljana, Slovenia, along with thirteen non-nitrated PAHs. The highest concentrations of pollutants, which are closely linked with incomplete combustion, were observed in the cold part of the year, whereas the concentrations of NPAHs were roughly an order of magnitude lower than those of PAHs throughout the year. Further on, we have evaluated the toxicity of four NPAHs, including 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene (6-nBaP), to the human kidney cell line, HEK293T. The most potent was 1-nP (IC50 = 28.7 µM), followed by the other three NPAHs, whose IC50 was above 400 or 800 µM. According to our cytotoxicity assessment, atmospheric 1-nP is the most harmful NPAH among the investigated ones. Despite low airborne concentrations of NPAHs in ambient air, they are generally considered harmful to human health. Therefore, systematic toxicological assessment of NPAHs at different trophic levels, starting with cytotoxicity testing, is necessary in order to accurately evaluate their threat and adopt appropriate abatement strategies

    Društveno-korisno učenje kao inovativan alat u poučavanju rješavanja okolišnih problema – što smo naučili u 10 godina?

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    Service-learning represents an innovative pedagogy that integrates academic learning with community service to address environmental issues based on experiential learning principles. This innovative pedagogy enhances higher education learning outcomes by fostering active engagement, real-world context, interdisciplinary insight, skills development, and civic engagement among students. The merging of service-learning contributes to a profound understanding of the subject matter, its practical applications, and personal and professional growth. This paper provides an overview of the implementation of service-learning in the STEM field, with a primary focus on the decade-long involvement of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in environmental protection projects. Through collaboration with the non-governmental organisation Sunce and partners from the University of Split, this initiative, led by environmental experts, has introduced a novel approach to higher education, facilitating knowledge expansion, skill improvement, and expertise development for both students and academic staff. The impact has been substantial, with the University of Split attaining the 21st position globally on the “World Universities with Real Impact” list for ethics in 2021, largely attributable to these service-learning projects. Service-learning has been integrated into the SEA-EU initiative, furthering its development at the University of Split, and establishing it as a pioneer in this field. Institutionalising service-learning in higher education requires the establishment of dedicated courses, integration into existing programmes, and the allocation of resources for academic staff, community partners, and students. Successful implementation requires a collaborative, iterative process involving careful planning, preparation, and assessment, ensuring that students benefit from meaningful opportunities to apply course content to real-world challenges while positively impacting the community.Društveno-korisno učenje (DKU) je obrazovni pristup koji spaja akademsko učenje s korisnim radom u zajednici da bi se riješili problemi okoliša utemeljeni na principima iskustvenog učenja. Taj inovativni pristup poboljšava ishode učenja u visokom obrazovanju nudeći studentima aktivan angažman, kontekst stvarnog svijeta, interdisciplinarne uvide, razvoj vještina i uključenost građana. Uključivanje DKU-a potiče dublje razumijevanje materijala kolegija, njegove praktične primjene te osobni i profesionalni rast. Ovaj rad daje pregled implementacije DKU učenja u STEM području, uglavnom se fokusirajući na desetljetnu uključenost Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakulteta u projekte zaštite okoliša. Suradnjom Udruge za zaštitu prirode i okoliša Sunce s partnerima sa Sveučilišta u Splitu, ova inicijativa, koju vode stručnjaci za okoliš, uvela je nov pristup visokom obrazovanju. Omogućila je studentima, nastavnicima i suradnicima da prošire svoja znanja, unaprijede svoje vještine i razviju stručnost. Utjecaj je bio znatan, a Sveučilište u Splitu zauzelo je 21. mjesto u svijetu na popisu “Svjetska sveučilišta sa stvarnim utjecajem” u kategoriji etike u 2021., uglavnom zahvaljujući DKU projektima. DKU je integriran u inicijativu SEA-EU i nastavlja se razvijati na Sveučilištu u Splitu, postavši predvodnik u tom području. Institucionalizacija DKU-a unutar visokog obrazovanja zahtijeva razvijanje DKU kolegija, integraciju DKU-a u postojeće programe i osiguravanje resursa za nastavno osoblje, partnere u zajednici i studente. Uspješna implementacija zahtijeva kolaborativni, iterativni proces koji uključuje pažljivo planiranje, pripremu i evaluaciju. Taj pristup osigurava studentima smislene prilike za primjenu sadržaja kolegija na izazove iz stvarnog svijeta, a istodobno pozitivno utječu na zajednicu