74 research outputs found

    Agile Management of IT Projects by Modified Scrum Processes

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    Scrum is the result of evolution in product development originating from the Japanese management system and process improvement (kaizen) and the Toyota production system from middle of the 20th century. However, Scrum is not the end result but a constant evolution. The purpose of this paper is an attempt to add new knowledge to this evolution. There are numerous alternatives to Scrum process and rules, commonly called hybrids. It is important to be aware that one approach or process cannot be a solution for every software development project. The key is to find a balance between the processes and the people, policies and the principles, as well as focus on long-term or short-term goals, etc. This problem is one of the biggest challenges widely discussed in present-day scientific and industrial communities

    Archival collections of Nikola Tesla museum. Archival-documental and museological approach ; Архивные материалы в Музее Никола Тесла. Архитектурно-документальный и музейный подход

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    Овај научни рад представља систематизацију архивске, библиотечке и музеолошке грађе коју баштини Музеј Николе Тесле, посвећен најзначајнијем српском научнику. Његова научна визија, виртуозност и реални домети његове научне мисли, односно идеје које су биле практично реализоване, уграђене су у фундаментална начела савремене цивилизације. Интердисциплинарна методолошка матрица oве студије заснована је на свеобухватној анализи музејских збирки при чему је коришћен архивистичко-документалистички и музеолошки приступ. Тематски оквир истраживања постављен је тако да је фокус стављен на анализирање и тумачење грађе из Музеја Николе Тесле као примарног дела овог истраживања, а према њеној научној садржини и значају. Осим тога, коришћен је и материјал из других фондова и библиотека како би се употпунио теоријски и историјски оквир који прати живот и дело Николе Тесле. У обзир је узет друштвени контекст, временски оквири, провенијенција, културни садржаји и други аспекти. Такође, посебна пажња посвећена је цивилизацијским тековинама у савременом контексту, односно валоризацији Теслиног доприноса...This scholarly work represents a systematization of archival, librarian and museological holdings of Nikola Tesla Museum, dedicated to the most significant Serbian scientist. His scientific vision, virtuosity and genuine range of scientific thought, that is, ideas he empirically realized, are integrated in the fundamental principles of contemporary civilization. Interdisciplinary methodological matrix of this study is based on the comprehensive analysis of museological collections while utilizing archival-documental and museological approach. Thematic framework of the research is placed in the way that it focuses on the analysis and interpretation of Nikola Tesla Museum collections as a primary part of this investigation, following its scientific contents and significance. Besides, the author employs the material from other registries and libraries as well in order to enhance the theoretical and historical structure pursuing life and work of Nikola Tesla. The social context, time frameworks, provenience, cultural contents and other aspects are taken into consideration. Moreover, a special attention is given to civilizational achievements in the contemporary context, namely to the evaluation of the Tesla’s contribution..

    Models for measuring of knowledge management and e-business systems success

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    The resulting model of the measurement of knowledge management system success is used to classify the abundant variables described in a large number of empirical studies and comprises six components. On the basis of some resources and on the basis of this literature review, the DeLone/McLean model for information system (IS) success measurement is selected and discussed. We also give a figure to show that the six categories are interrelated and describe a process view of knowledge management success, a series of constructs which include temporal and casual influences in determining success. The clear structuring of the measures and especially the interrelationships hypothesized in DeLone/McLean model have been subject to repeated criticism. Finally some critics are reviewed and developed of extensions to this model. We have extended the original DeLone/McLean model, respecified parts of the interrelationships, and even presented alternative models that follow an entirely different logic. The new model allows for a much more comprehensive analysis of independent factors influencing knowledge management system success and takes into account most of critique directed at the original DeLone/McLean model

    Approximate State Reduction of Fuzzy Finite Automata

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    In this paper we introduce a new type of approximate state reductions where the behaviors of the reduced and the original automaton do not have to be identical, but they must match on all words of length less than or equal to some given natural number. We provide four methods for performing such reductions.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2023, arXiv:2309.0112

    Prognostic factors of mortality in elderly with community acquired pneumonia

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    Background/Aim. Community acquired pneumonia in elderly has specific clinical aspect and higher mortality in relation to younger patients. According to specific pneumonia severity assessment on admission and its importance in proper prediction of clinical course and outcome, the aim of this study was defining prognostic factors of mortality. Methods. This study included 240 patients aged ≥ 65 years with community acquired pneumonia. On admission, demographic characteristics, underlying diseases, physical symptoms and findings, laboratory values, chest radiography and oxygen blood saturation (SaO2) were analyzed. Multivariate analysis was used to identify characteristic prognostic factors which showed a statistical significance in relation to mortality. Results. Altered mental status, respiratory frequency ≥ 23/min and the presence of bilateral pneumonic infiltrates were defined as the most important prognostic factors of mortality (p < 0.001). These factors displayed 57.89% sensitivity, 100% specificity and 93.33% accuracy. Conclusion. The presence of identified characteristic prognostic factors on admission pointed out an adverse clinical course and outcome of community acquired pneumonia in elderly. Age and sex were not significantly associated with mortality

    Traditional food products on the local market - consumption conditional on the characteristics of management and restaurant facilities in tourism of Vojvodina (Serbia)

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    The research dealt with traditional food products (TFP) observed on the local hospitality-touristic market, from the point of view of 300 restaurant workers employed in managerial positions, as important subjects in preservation of tradition in hospitality and touristic industry of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The research examined the management’s views on TFP, as well as whether there are differences based on the features of the respondents as well as the restaurant facility. In order to obtain data that would provide additional guidelines for acting on the hospitality and tourism market, the procurement and consumption of TFP was also examined. In order to determine set differences the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was applied. In order to establish statistically significant differences between the observed groups, the Dunn’s post hoc test was applied. In the second part of the research, a binary logistic regression model was applied in order to determine which of the observed variables has a significant impact on the respondents’ decision to acquire TFP from their field. The research showed that the level of education and the field of management education significantly influence the attitudes about the offer of TFP in the hospitality and tourism market, as well as the type of restaurant offer and the development of the field of business

    Supracondylar fractures of humerus at children

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    INTRODUCTION: Supracondylar fractures of the humerus occupy a significant place in the morbidity of children. The success in treating these fractures certainly depends on the timely diagnosis, the speed of transport and the quality of nursing care. Aim. Observe differences in children with supracondylary fracture of the humerus compared to the applied treatment method. Material and methods. The research was conducted at the Institute for Health Care of Children and Youth of Vojvodina in Novi Sad using custom questionnaires and disease history to obtain relevant data that was statistically processed. RESULTS: Supracondylar elbow fractures are in third place by frequency. The largest number of respondents belongs to the age category of 7-9 years. Injuries are more often on the left hand. The majority of respondents from both groups suffered injuries in May, a fall in the game. In 63.3% of respondents from both groups passed from 0 to 2h from the moment of injuries to the intervention. A statistically significant difference exists in the mode of transport between patients treated with conservative and operative pathways. CONCLUSION: In the case of supracondylary fractures in children, properly installed transport immobilization and faster transport to a health institution, the risk of complications and the need for an open reduction are reduced. Reduced length of hospitalization allows for quicker return to daily activities, reduction of the possibility of intrahospital infections, and reduction of treatment costs