258 research outputs found

    Hemliga tvångsmedel – En studie om avvägningen mellan effektivitet och rättssäkerhet vid bekämpande av de mest allvarliga brotten

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    I januari 2008 trädde lagen (2007:978) om hemlig rumsavlyssning och lagen (2007:979) om åtgärder för att förhindra vissa särskilt allvarliga brott, ikraft. Ett år senare trädde lagen (2008:854) om åtgärder för att utreda vissa samhällsfarliga brott, ikraft. Samtliga tre lagar gav de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna nya förutsättningar att använda hemliga tvångsmedel. För att effektivt kunna bekämpa terrorism och organiserad brottslighet får de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna numera använda hemlig rumsavlysning, hemlig telefonavlyssning och hemlig kameraövervakning. Det finns dock nackdelar med att hemliga tvångsmedel används för att bekämpa brottslighet såsom intrång på enskildas personliga integritet. En effektiv brottsbekämpning bör därmed ifrågasättas. I min undersökning har jag börjat med att studera begreppen effektivitet och rättssäkerhet. Därefter har jag försökt ta reda på om användningen av tvångsmedel enligt de tre tidsbegränsade tvångsmedelslagarna är effektiv och rättssäker, samt hur avvägningen mellan dessa två intressen är reglerad i lagarna. Avslutningsvis har jag försökt ta reda på om användningen av hemliga tvångsmedel ger tillräckligt goda effekter för den allmänna säkerheten att den enskilde individens rättssäkerhet måste tolerera inskränkningar. Enligt min uppfattning kan de tidsbegränsade tvångsmedelslagarna generellt sett ses, som rättssäkra, även om delar av regelverket skulle kunna skada tilltron till de brottsbekämpande myndigheterna. Användningen av tvångsmedel enligt 2008 års utredningslag bidrog till resultat i en fjärdedel av fallen. När det gäller att bekämpa den mest allvarliga brottsligheten i samhället, är detta enligt min uppfattning, ett tillräckligt godtagbart resultat. I och med att tvångsmedelsanvändningen, enligt de tre tidsbegränsade lagarna, inte började gälla från och med år 2008, förutsätter jag att användningen kommer att visa sig mer effektiv i framtiden.The laws of “secret room interception” and “actions to prevent certain serious crimes” took effect in January 2008. A year later the law of “actions to investigate certain crimes that are dangerous to society” was enforced. All three laws gave the law enforcement authorities new conditions for the use of secret coercive measures. The law enforcement authorities are entitled to use secret room interception, secret wiretapping, and secret camera surveillance in order to effectively fight organized crime and terrorism. Meanwhile there are disadvantages with the using of secret coercive measures such as intrusion on an individuals privacy. An effective law enforcement should therefore be questioned. In this study the concepts of efficiency and legal certainty have been studied. Thereafter, it has been investigated whether or not the three above mentioned coercive laws are effective and legally secure, and how the balance between these two interests are regulated by laws. Finally, it has been explored if the use of secret surveillance provides sufficient results on public safety that the personal privacy must tolerate restrictions. This study has found that the coercive laws are generally seen as legally safe, although parts of the regulations could damage the credibility of the law enforcement authorities. The use of coercive measures according to the 2008 investigation team contributed to the results in a quarter of cases. When it comes to fighting the most serious crimes in society, this is, in the opinion of the author, an acceptable result. The coercive use according to the three temporary laws took effect in 2008. Therefore it is assumed in this paper that the use will prove more effective in the future


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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of agreement between the routinely used multiple-load method and a simple two-load method based on direct assessment of the F-V relationship from only 2 external loads applied. Twelve participants were tested on the maximum performance vertical jumps, cycling, bench press throws, and bench pull performed against a variety of different loads. All four tested tasks revealed both exceptionally strong relationships between the parameters of the 2 methods (median R = 0.98) and a lack of meaningful differences between their magnitudes (fixed bias below 3.4%). Therefore, addition of another load to the standard tests of various functional tasks typically conducted under a single set of mechanical conditions could allow for the assessment of the muscle mechanical properties, such as the muscle F, V, and P producing capacities


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    Background: Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) refers to visual hallucinations that occur in individuals with preserved cognitive functions associated with visual impairment. Methods: This article reviews occurence of visual hallucinations in subjects with CBS by journals published in English in the Pubmed database in the period 1992-2018. Criteria for selection of appropriate papers were sufficient information and perspicuous view on pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment possibilities of CBS. Results: Most commonly, visual hallucinations in patients with CBS are complex, repetitive and stereotyped. Such individuals have preserved insight that those percepts are not real, and there is an absence of secondary explanatory delusions and hallucinations within other modalities. Seeing as the aforementioned percepts do not share all the characteristics of hallucinations, it remains unresolved how they should be referred to. Terms as release hallucinations, one that is reflecting its underlying pathogenesis, or confabulatory hallucinatory experiences have been proposed. Moreover, CBS has also been referred to as phantom vision syndrome and may occur in any ophthalmological disease. It is not particularly connected with loss of function along any level of the visual pathway. Although this syndrome is mostly associated with age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract, it could be related to almost any other ophthalmological conditions. The incidence of CBS alongside with mostly other ocular pathology is rising as population is ageing. Conclusions: Nonetheless, CBS remains commonly underreported, under recognized and/or misrecognized. Albeit the treatment recommendations and guidelines are not yet fully established, it is important to raise awareness of this specific and distinct condition, which inevitably implicates many differential diagnostic deliberations

    Acute effects of nandrolone decanoate on oxidative stress in isolated rat heart

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    Abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) produces side effects in different tissues, with oxidative stress linked to their pathophysiology, being involved in fibrosis, cellular proliferation, and tumorigenesis. The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of nandrolone decanoate (ND) on oxidative stress in isolated rat heart. The hearts of male Wistar albino were excised and perfused according to the Langendorff technique at gradually increasing coronary perfusion pressures (40-120 cm H2O). The hearts were perfused with ND at doses of 1, 10 and 100 μM. Oxidative stress markers, including the index of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)), nitric oxide (nitrites; NO2-), the superoxide anion radical (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were measured in the coronary venous effluent. Our results showed that acute effects of ND do not promote the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our finding pointed out that the highest concentration of ND may even possess some anti-oxidative potential, which should be examined further

    Eksploatacioni parametri vučenog kombajna za berbu grožđa „Volentieri VG 2000/2TA“

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    Harvesting represents one of the most challenging problems in managing vineyards. `Quality picking` is considered when it is done in the period when the grapes are suitable for its purposes, especially related with the soluble solid content, and the appropriate sugar/acids relation. Hand picking costs represent around 45% of total labor per hectare, which is equivalent of 30-50 working days for one laborer. Study of the mechanical picking of grapevine cultivars intended for winemaking by applying dragged combine „Volentieri“ ensemble with tractor „New Holland Tn 95 F“ are shown in this paper. Experiment was done in the Ćemovsko Field’s production vineyards, with cultivars Vranac and Župljanka. Grapevine planting was done on the planting distance 2.6 x 0.7 m and 2.6 x 1 m, respectively. Row length was 168 m, with training system modified horizontal bilateral cordon with green strip width in grape area 50-60 cm. Aggregate’s working results of the investigation are showing that average running speed was 4.8 km/h, and output 0.62 ha/h, i.e. 4.98 ha/day in cultivar Vranac. In cultivar Župljanka following values were achieved: running speed was 4.1 km/h, output 0.53 ha/h i.e. 4.24 ha/day. Turning time in headlands of examined harvester was 30 - 32 s. It was necessary to reduce green leaves just before harvesting, especially in the zone bunches, in order to decrease slowdowns and losses. Dragged combines, except in larger plantations, have commercial adequacy both in smaller households.Jedan od najsloženijih problema u obavljanju radnih operacija u vinogradarstvu predstavlja proces berbe grožđa. Kvalitetna berba se smatra ona koja se obavi u periodu kada sastav grožđa odgovara njegovoj nameni, što se pre svega odnosi na suvu materiju i odgovarajući odnos šećera i kiselina. Troškovi ručne berbe grožđa čine oko 45% od ukupnog utroška ljudskog rada po hektaru što odgovara 30–50 radnih dana jednog radnika. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mehanizovane berbe vinskih sorti grožđa, primjenom vučenog kombajna „Volentieri“ u agregatu s traktorom „New Holland Tn 95 F“. Ispitivanja su obavljena na proizvodnim površinama Ćemovskog polja, sorte Vranac i Župljanka. Sadnja loze je obavljena na međurednom i rednom rastojanju 2,6 x 0,7 m i 2,6 x 1 m. Dužina redova je iznosila 168 m a zastupljen uzgojni sistem je modifikovana horizontalna dvokraka kordunica sa širinom zelenog pojasa u zoni grožđa 50-60 cm. Rezultati ispitivanja agregata u radu pokazuju da je ostvarena prosječna radna brzina od 4,8 km/h, a učinak 0,62 ha/h tj. 4,98 ha/dan – sorta Vranac. Kod sorte Župljanka ostvarene su vrednosti: brzina rada 4,1 km/h, učinak 0,53 ha/h tj. 4,24 ha/dan. Pri radu kombajna javljaju se gubici od 36 kg/ha kod sorte Vranac, a 70 kg/ha kod sorte Župljanka. Vreme okretanja na uvratinama ispitivanog kombajna je iznosilo 30 -32 s. Neposredno pred berbu neophodno je zelenom rezidbom smanjiti lisnu masu posebno u zoni grožđa kako bi se smanjili zastoji u berbi i gubici. Vučeni kombajni, osim u većim plantažnim zasadima imaju ekonomsku opravdanost i na manjim posjedima