29 research outputs found

    Hamiltonization of Elementary Nonholonomic Systems

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    In this paper, we develop the Chaplygin reducing multiplier method; using this method, we obtain a conformally Hamiltonian representation for three nonholonomic systems, namely, for the nonholonomic oscillator, for the Heisenberg system, and for the Chaplygin sleigh. Furthermore, in the case of an oscillator and the nonholonomic Chaplygin sleigh, we show that the problem reduces to the study of motion of a mass point (in a potential field) on a plane and, in the case of the Heisenberg system, on the sphere. Moreover, we consider an example of a nonholonomic system (suggested by Blackall) to which one cannot apply the reducing multiplier method

    The Hess-Appelrot system and its nonholonomic analogs

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    This paper is concerned with the nonholonomic Suslov problem and its generalization proposed by Chaplygin. The issue of the existence of an invariant measure with singular density (having singularities at some points of phase space) is discussed

    Geometrisation of Chaplygin's reducing multiplier theorem

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    We develop the reducing multiplier theory for a special class of nonholonomic dynamical systems and show that the non-linear Poisson brackets naturally obtained in the framework of this approach are all isomorphic to the Lie-Poisson e(3)e(3)-bracket. As two model examples, we consider the Chaplygin ball problem on the plane and the Veselova system. In particular, we obtain an integrable gyrostatic generalisation of the Veselova system

    Topology and bifurcations in nonholonomic mechanics

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    This paper develops topological methods for qualitative analysis of the behavior of nonholonomic dynamical systems. Their application is illustrated by considering a new integrable system of nonholonomic mechanics, called a nonholonomic hinge. Although this system is nonholonomic, it can be represented in Hamiltonian form with a Lie–Poisson bracket of rank two. This Lie–Poisson bracket is used to perform stability analysis of fixed points. In addition, all possible types of integral manifolds are found and a classification of trajectories on them is presented