239 research outputs found

    Attribute Controlled Dialogue Prompting

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    Prompt-tuning has become an increasingly popular parameter-efficient method for adapting large pretrained language models to downstream tasks. However, both discrete prompting and continuous prompting assume fixed prompts for all data samples within a task, neglecting the fact that inputs vary greatly in some tasks such as open-domain dialogue generation. In this paper, we present a novel, instance-specific prompt-tuning algorithm for dialogue generation. Specifically, we generate prompts based on instance-level control code, rather than the conversation history, to explore their impact on controlled dialogue generation. Experiments on popular open-domain dialogue datasets, evaluated on both automated metrics and human evaluation, demonstrate that our method is superior to prompting baselines and comparable to fine-tuning with only 5%-6% of total parameters.Comment: Accepted at ACL 2023 In Finding

    Chiral Optical Tamm States at the Interface between a Cholesteric and an All-Dielectric Polarization-Preserving Anisotropic Mirror

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    The chiral optical Tamm state is a new localized state of light at the interface between a polarization-preserving anisotropic mirror and an optically chiral medium such as a cholesteric liquid crystal. In this study the metal-free polarization-preserving mirror is used for efficient resonance control. We stress the advantage of the all-dielectric structure in obtaining high Q factor. The light is localized near the interface and the field decreases exponentially with the distance from the interface. The penetration of the field into the chiral medium is virtually blocked at wavelengths corresponding to the photonic band gap and close to the pitch of the helix. The polarization-preserving mirror has another photonic band gap as well. Our analytics agrees well with precise calculations, enabling intelligent design for laser and sensing applications.Comment: in Russia

    Enhanced light absorption in Tamm metasurface with a bound state in the continuum

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    We consider light absorption in a germanium grating placed on top of photonic-crystalline substrate. Such a system supports an optical Tamm state decoupled from the continuous spectrum with its frequency within the photonic band gap. We have demonstrated that application of the Tamm state makes in possible to engineer extremely narrow absorber which provides a 100% absorption in a semiconductor grating in the critical coupling regime. The proposed design may be used at both normal and oblique incidence at the telecom wavelength

    Nonlinear absorption and refraction of picosecond and femtosecond pulses in HgTe quantum dot films

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    We report measurements of the saturated intensities, saturable absorption, and nonlinear refraction in 70-nm thick films containing 4 nm HgTe quantum dots. We demonstrate strong nonlinear refraction and saturable absorption in the thin films using tunable picosecond and femtosecond pulses. Studies were carried out using tunable laser pulses in the range of 400–1100 nm. A significant variation of the nonlinear refraction along this spectral range was demonstrated. The maximal values of the nonlinear absorption coefficients and nonlinear refractive indices determined within the studied wavelength range were −2.4 × 10−5 cm2 W−1 (in the case of 28 ps, 700 nm probe pulses) and −3 × 10−9 cm2 W−1 (in the case of 28 ps, 400 nm probe pulses), respectively. Our studies show that HgTe quantum dots can be used in different fields e.g., as efficient emitters of high-order harmonics of ultrashort laser pulses or as laser mode-lockers. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Published under the CC BY 4.0 license.European Regional Development Fund (, Latvian Council of Sciences (lzp-2020/2-0238). Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence acknowledges funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2

    Prognostic model for patient survival in primary anorectal mucosal melanoma:stage at presentation determines relevance of histopathologic features

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    Pathological staging of primary anorectal mucosal melanoma is often performed according to the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) guidelines for cutaneous melanoma, as an anorectal melanoma-specific staging system does not exist. However, it remains unknown whether prognostic factors derived for cutaneous melanoma also stratify risk in anorectal melanoma. We retrospectively determined correlations between clinicopathological parameters and disease-specific survival in 160 patients. Patients were grouped by clinical stage at presentation (localized disease, regional or distant metastases). Cox proportional hazards regression models determined associations with disease-specific survival. We also summarized the somatic mutations identified in a subset of tumors analyzed for hotspot mutations in cancer-associated gene panels. Most of the patients were white (82%) and female (61%). The median age was 62 years. With a median follow-up of 1.63 years, median disease-specific survival was 1.75 years, and 121 patients (76%) died of anorectal melanoma. Patients presenting with regional (34%) or distant metastases (24%) had significantly shorter disease-specific survival compared to those with disease localized to the anorectum (42%). Of the 71 anorectal melanoma tumors analyzed for hotspot genetic alterations, somatic mutations involving the KIT gene (24%) were most common followed by NRAS (19%). Increasing primary tumor thickness, lymphovascular invasion, and absence of regression also correlated with shorter disease-specific survival. Primary tumor parameters correlated with shorter disease-specific survival in patients presenting with localized disease (tumor thickness) or regional metastases (tumor thickness, absence of regression, and lymphovascular invasion), but not in patients presenting with distant metastases. Grouping of patients according to a schema based on modifications of the 8th edition AJCC cutaneous melanoma staging system stratified survival in anorectal melanoma. Our findings support stage-specific associations between primary tumor parameters and disease-specific survival in anorectal melanoma. Moreover, the AJCC cutaneous melanoma staging system and minor modifications of it predicted survival among anorectal melanoma patients

    The Association Between Home Stay and Symptom Severity in Major Depressive Disorder: Preliminary Findings From a Multicenter Observational Study Using Geolocation Data From Smartphones

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    BACKGROUND: Most smartphones and wearables are currently equipped with location sensing (using GPS and mobile network information), which enables continuous location tracking of their users. Several studies have reported that various mobility metrics, as well as home stay, that is, the amount of time an individual spends at home in a day, are associated with symptom severity in people with major depressive disorder (MDD). Owing to the use of small and homogeneous cohorts of participants, it is uncertain whether the findings reported in those studies generalize to a broader population of individuals with MDD symptoms. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the overall severity of depressive symptoms, as assessed by the 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire, and median daily home stay over the 2 weeks preceding the completion of a questionnaire in individuals with MDD. METHODS: We used questionnaire and geolocation data of 164 participants with MDD collected in the observational Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse-Major Depressive Disorder study. The participants were recruited from three study sites: King's College London in the United Kingdom (109/164, 66.5%); Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (17/164, 10.4%); and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red in Barcelona, Spain (38/164, 23.2%). We used a linear regression model and a resampling technique (n=100 draws) to investigate the relationship between home stay and the overall severity of MDD symptoms. Participant age at enrollment, gender, occupational status, and geolocation data quality metrics were included in the model as additional explanatory variables. The 95% 2-sided CIs were used to evaluate the significance of model variables. RESULTS: Participant age and severity of MDD symptoms were found to be significantly related to home stay, with older (95% CI 0.161-0.325) and more severely affected individuals (95% CI 0.015-0.184) spending more time at home. The association between home stay and symptoms severity appeared to be stronger on weekdays (95% CI 0.023-0.178, median 0.098; home stay: 25th-75th percentiles 17.8-22.8, median 20.9 hours a day) than on weekends (95% CI -0.079 to 0.149, median 0.052; home stay: 25th-75th percentiles 19.7-23.5, median 22.3 hours a day). Furthermore, we found a significant modulation of home stay by occupational status, with employment reducing home stay (employed participants: 25th-75th percentiles 16.1-22.1, median 19.7 hours a day; unemployed participants: 25th-75th percentiles 20.4-23.5, median 22.6 hours a day). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that home stay is associated with symptom severity in MDD and demonstrate the importance of accounting for confounding factors in future studies. In addition, they illustrate that passive sensing of individuals with depression is feasible and could provide clinically relevant information to monitor the course of illness in patients with MDD

    Long-term participant retention and engagement patterns in an app and wearable-based multinational remote digital depression study

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    Recent growth in digital technologies has enabled the recruitment and monitoring of large and diverse populations in remote health studies. However, the generalizability of inference drawn from remotely collected health data could be severely impacted by uneven participant engagement and attrition over the course of the study. We report findings on long-term participant retention and engagement patterns in a large multinational observational digital study for depression containing active (surveys) and passive sensor data collected via Android smartphones, and Fitbit devices from 614 participants for up to 2 years. Majority of participants (67.6%) continued to remain engaged in the study after 43 weeks. Unsupervised clustering of participants' study apps and Fitbit usage data showed 3 distinct engagement subgroups for each data stream. We found: (i) the least engaged group had the highest depression severity (4 PHQ8 points higher) across all data streams; (ii) the least engaged group (completed 4 bi-weekly surveys) took significantly longer to respond to survey notifications (3.8 h more) and were 5 years younger compared to the most engaged group (completed 20 bi-weekly surveys); and (iii) a considerable proportion (44.6%) of the participants who stopped completing surveys after 8 weeks continued to share passive Fitbit data for significantly longer (average 42 weeks). Additionally, multivariate survival models showed participants' age, ownership and brand of smartphones, and recruitment sites to be associated with retention in the study. Together these findings could inform the design of future digital health studies to enable equitable and balanced data collection from diverse populations
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