103 research outputs found

    Parameter Estimation of Sigmoid Superpositions: Dynamical System Approach

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    Superposition of sigmoid function over a finite time interval is shown to be equivalent to the linear combination of the solutions of a linearly parameterized system of logistic differential equations. Due to the linearity with respect to the parameters of the system, it is possible to design an effective procedure for parameter adjustment. Stability properties of this procedure are analyzed. Strategies shown in earlier studies to facilitate learning such as randomization of a learning sequence and adding specially designed disturbances during the learning phase are requirements for guaranteeing convergence in the learning scheme proposed.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Birational self-maps of threefolds of (un)-bounded genus or gonality

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    We study the complexity of birational self-maps of a projective threefold XX by looking at the birational type of surfaces contracted. These surfaces are birational to the product of the projective line with a smooth projective curve. We prove that the genus of the curves occuring is unbounded if and only if XX is birational to a conic bundle or a fibration into cubic surfaces. Similarly, we prove that the gonality of the curves is unbounded if and only if XX is birational to a conic bundle.Comment: 23 pages, some appendix adde

    A New Measure of Vector Dependence, with an Application to Financial Contagion

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    We propose a new nonparametric measure of association between an arbitrary number of random vectors. The measure is based on the empirical copula process for the multivariate marginals, corresponding to the vectors, and is insensitive to the within-vector dependence. It is bounded by the [0, 1] interval, covering the entire range of dependence from vector independence to a vector version of a monotone relationship. We study the properties of the new measure under several well-known copulas and provide a nonparametric estimator of the measure, along with its asymptotic theory, under fairly general assumptions. To illustrate the applicability of the new measure, we use it to assess the degree of interdependence between equity markets in North and South America, Europe and Asia, surrounding the financial crisis of 2008. We find strong evidence of previously unknown contagion patterns, with selected regions exhibiting little dependence before and after the crisis and a lot of dependence during the crisis period

    Approximation with Random Bases: Pro et Contra

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    In this work we discuss the problem of selecting suitable approximators from families of parameterized elementary functions that are known to be dense in a Hilbert space of functions. We consider and analyze published procedures, both randomized and deterministic, for selecting elements from these families that have been shown to ensure the rate of convergence in L2L_2 norm of order O(1/N)O(1/N), where NN is the number of elements. We show that both randomized and deterministic procedures are successful if additional information about the families of functions to be approximated is provided. In the absence of such additional information one may observe exponential growth of the number of terms needed to approximate the function and/or extreme sensitivity of the outcome of the approximation to parameters. Implications of our analysis for applications of neural networks in modeling and control are illustrated with examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0905.067

    Efficient estimation of parameters in marginals in semiparametric multivariate models

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    We consider a general multivariate model where univariate marginal distributions are known up to a parameter vector and we are interested in estimating that parameter vector without specifying the joint distribution, except for the marginals. If we assume independence between the marginals and maximize the resulting quasi-likelihood, we obtain a consistent but inefficient QMLE estimator. If we assume a parametric copula (other than independence) we obtain a full MLE, which is efficient but only under a correct copula specification and may be biased if the copula is misspecified. Instead we propose a sieve MLE estimator (SMLE) which improves over QMLE but does not have the drawbacks of full MLE. We model the unknown part of the joint distribution using the Bernstein-Kantorovich polynomial copula and assess the resulting improvement over QMLE and over misspecified FMLE in terms of relative efficiency and robustness. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the new estimator and show that it reaches the relevant semiparametric efficiency bound. Simulations suggest that the sieve MLE can be almost as efficient as FMLE relative to QMLE provided there is enough dependence between the marginals. We demonstrate practical value of the new estimator with several applications. First, we apply SMLE in an insurance context where we build a flexible semi-parametric claim loss model for a scenario where one of the variables is censored. As in simulations, the use of SMLE leads to tighter parameter estimates. Next, we consider financial risk management examples and show how the use of SMLE leads to superior Value-at-Risk predictions. The paper comes with an online archive which contains all codes and datasets
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