38 research outputs found

    Modulation of cough response by sensory inputs from the nose - role of trigeminal TRPA1 versus TRPM8 channels

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    BACKGROUND: Cough, the most important airways defensive mechanism is modulated by many afferent inputs either from respiratory tussigenic areas, but also by afferent drive from other organs. In animal models, modulation of cough by nasal afferent inputs can either facilitate or inhibit the cough response, depending on the type of trigeminal afferents stimulated. METHODS: In this study we addressed the question of possible bidirectional modulation of cough response in human healthy volunteers by nasal challenges with TRPA1 and TRPM8 agonists respectively. After nasal challenges with isocyanate (AITC), cinnamaldehyde, (βˆ’) menthol and (+) menthol (all 10(-3) M) nasal symptom score, cough threshold (C2), urge to cough (Cu) and cumulative cough response were measured). RESULTS: Nasal challenges with TRPA1 relevant agonists induced considerable nasal symptoms, significantly enhanced urge to cough (p<0.05) but no statistically significant modulation of the C2 and cumulative cough response. In contrast, both TRPM8 agonists administered to the nose significantly modulated all parameters including C2 (p<0.05), Cu (p<0.01) and cumulative cough response (p <0.01) documenting strong anti irritating potential of menthol isomers. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to trigeminal afferents expressing TRP channels, olfactory nerve endings, trigemino – olfactoric relationships, the smell perception process and other supramedullar influences should be considered as potential modulators of the cough response in humans

    Short reflex expirations (expiration reflexes) induced by mechanical stimulation of the trachea in anesthetized cats

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    Fifty spontaneously breathing pentobarbital-anesthetized cats were used to determine the incidence rate and parameters of short reflex expirations induced by mechanical stimulation of the tracheal mucosa (ERt). The mechanical stimuli evoked coughs; in addition, 67.6% of the stimulation trials began with ERt. The expiration reflex mechanically induced from the glottis (ERg) was also analyzed (99.5% incidence, p < 0.001 compared to the incidence of ERt). We found that the amplitudes of abdominal, laryngeal abductor posterior cricoarytenoid, and laryngeal adductor thyroarytenoid electromyograms (EMG) were significantly enhanced in ERg relative to ERt. Peak intrathoracic pressure (esophageal or intra-pleural pressure) was higher during ERg than ERt. The interval between the peak in EMG activity of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle and that of the EMG of abdominal muscles was lower in ERt compared to ERg. The duration of thyroarytenoid EMG activity associated with ERt was shorter than that in ERg. All other temporal features of the pattern of abdominal, posterior cricoarytenoid, and thyroarytenoid muscles EMGs were equivalent in ERt and ERg

    Ultraviolet Radiation - Level of Knowledge and Health Protection of College Students in Slovakia. An Educational-Questionnaire Study

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    It is generally acknowledged that there is a correlation between the incidence of ultraviolet burden diseases and overexposure of the body to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). The main goals of our study were to determine the level of knowledge of college students in regard to the effects of UVR, to educate them about it, and finally to urge them to improve their personal protection against the harmful effects of UVR. We performed an educational-questionnaire study of UVR in 2003, 2005, and 2008 years. Responses of 841 students from Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin (JFM), University of Zilina, and St. Elizabeth College of Health and Social Work (SEC) in Bratislava showed a higher level of knowledge in students at JFM and Univ. of Zilina following their education, as compared to those students from SEC. There was little difference in responses to questions related to the protection against UVR. A lower level of knowledge in all groups of students was shown in 2005. Nevertheless, all respondents significantly increased their level of protection against UVR during the years of the study and the number of those visiting solaria decreased. A weak relationship between the knowledge of students and their protection skills against UVR was found, indicating that a complex reason might be involved. This study highlights the importance of providing education that is systematic and longterm to university students in Slovakia (future doctors, bioengineers and nurses). Moreover, this study brings new insights on the surveillance and protection against the harmful effects of UVR to prospective patients

    Raw electromyographic traces of swallow stimulated by the three conditions.

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    <p>Note the increased burst amplitude of the mylohyoid and post-swallow cricopharyngeus with the addition of water, and increased duration of the parasternal muscle electromyogram during pharyngeal swabbing.</p

    Pearson product moment correlation scatter plot examples for the comparisons with the largest <i>r</i> values.

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    <p>Pearson product moment correlation scatter plot examples for the comparisons with the largest <i>r</i> values.</p

    Pearson Correlations comparing electromyogram amplitude and duration during swallowing.

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    <p>All data was pooled over the three conditions: water only, water plus punctate mechanical stimulation and pharyngeal swabbing.</p><p>Pearson Correlations comparing electromyogram amplitude and duration during swallowing.</p

    Effect of swallow stimuli on normalized electromyogram amplitude (% of maximum) and durations (ms) of selected swallow-related muscles, over the three stimulus conditions.

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    <p>*Significant effect (repeated measures ANOVA, P<0.05), significant difference (post-hoc test) from both other stimuli conditions (P<0.05).</p><p>Effect of swallow stimuli on normalized electromyogram amplitude (% of maximum) and durations (ms) of selected swallow-related muscles, over the three stimulus conditions.</p