15 research outputs found

    SUSD3D Computer Code as Part of the XSUN-2017 Windows Interface Environment for Deterministic Radiation Transport and Cross-Section Sensitivity-Uncertainty Analysis

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    A Windows interface XSUN-2017 facilitating the deterministic radiation transport and cross-section sensitivity-uncertainty (S/U) calculation is presented. The package was developed to assist the users in the preparation of input cards, rapid modification, and execution of the complete chain of codes including TRANSX, PARTISN, and SUSD3D, all available from the OECD/NEA Data Bank and RSICC. The objective of this work was to make the input and output handling for these codes as user-friendly as possible, passing information among codes internally. XSUN-2017 allows a user-friendly viewing of results obtained from the PARTISN and SUSD3D programs. The first version of the Windows interface XSUN-2013 was developed in 2013 and submitted to OECD/NEA Data Bank Computer Code Collection and RSICC in early 2014. An updated version, XSUN-2017, will be released in 2017. The package includes also the new version of the SUSD3D code. The XSUN-2017 and SUSD3D code systems and recent improvements and updates are described. Examples of the use and validation are presented, including the S/U intercomparison exercise using the SNEAK-7 benchmarks involving the XSUN-2017 code system comparison with the codes such as TSUNAMI, SERPENT, and MCNP6, and the S/U analysis of the keff and βeff parameters for the MYRRHA accelerator driven system (ADS)

    ASUSD nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty program package: Validation on fusion and fission benchmark experiments

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    Nuclear data (ND) sensitivity and uncertainty (S/U) quantification in shielding applications is performed using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. In this paper the validation of the newly developed deterministic program package ASUSD (ADVANTG + SUSD3D) is presented. ASUSD was developed with the aim of automating the process of ND S/U while retaining the computational efficiency of the deterministic approach to ND S/U analysis. The paper includes a detailed description of each of the programs contained within ASUSD, the computational workflow and validation results.ASUSD was validated on two shielding benchmark experiments from the Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD) - the fission relevant ASPIS Iron 88 experiment and the fusion relevant Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG) Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Test Blanket Module (TBM) mock-up experiment. The validation process was performed in two stages. Firstly, the Denovo discrete ordinates transport solver was validated as a standalone solver. Secondly, the ASUSD program package as a whole was validated as a ND S/U analysis tool. Both stages of the validation process yielded excellent results, with a maximum difference of 17% in final uncertainties due to ND between ASUSD and the stochastic ND S/U approach. Based on these results, ASUSD has proven to be a user friendly and computationally efficient tool for deterministic ND S/U analysis of shielding geometries


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    To assure tritium self-sufficiency in future fusion reactors such as DEMO the accuracy of TRP calculations has to be demonstrated within the design uncertainties. A new neutronics experiment representing a mock-up of the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Test Blanket Module (TBM) is under preparation at the Frascati neutron generator (FNG) with the objective to provide an experimental validation of accuracy of nuclear data and neutron transport codes for the tritium production rate (TPR) calculations. The mock-up will consist of LiPb bricks, EUROFER plates and Perspex substituting water. The mock-up will be irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons at the FNG facility, and the TPR and detector reaction rates will be measured using Li2CO3 pellets and activation foils placed at different positions up to about 55 cm inside the mock-up. Computational pre-analyses for the design of the WCLL neutronics experiment using the SUSD3D sensitivity/uncertainty (S/U) code system is described and compared with the results of some similar FNG experiments performed in the past, in particular the FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2005) and FNG-HCLL Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2009). The objective of the pre-analysis is to provide the calculated nuclear responses including the uncertainties due to the uncertainties in nuclear data and thus contributes to the optimisation of the design of the experimental set-up


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    To assure tritium self-sufficiency in future fusion reactors such as DEMO the accuracy of TRP calculations has to be demonstrated within the design uncertainties. A new neutronics experiment representing a mock-up of the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Test Blanket Module (TBM) is under preparation at the Frascati neutron generator (FNG) with the objective to provide an experimental validation of accuracy of nuclear data and neutron transport codes for the tritium production rate (TPR) calculations. The mock-up will consist of LiPb bricks, EUROFER plates and Perspex substituting water. The mock-up will be irradiated by 14 MeV neutrons at the FNG facility, and the TPR and detector reaction rates will be measured using Li2CO3 pellets and activation foils placed at different positions up to about 55 cm inside the mock-up. Computational pre-analyses for the design of the WCLL neutronics experiment using the SUSD3D sensitivity/uncertainty (S/U) code system is described and compared with the results of some similar FNG experiments performed in the past, in particular the FNG HCPB Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2005) and FNG-HCLL Tritium Breeder Module Mock-up (2009). The objective of the pre-analysis is to provide the calculated nuclear responses including the uncertainties due to the uncertainties in nuclear data and thus contributes to the optimisation of the design of the experimental set-up

    Uncertainty in the delayed neutron fraction in fuel assembly depletion calculations

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    This study presents uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of the delayed neutron fraction of light water reactor and sodium-cooled fast reactor fuel assemblies. For these analyses, the sampling-based XSUSA methodology is used to propagate cross section uncertainties in neutron transport and depletion calculations. Cross section data is varied according to the SCALE 6.1 covariance library. Since this library includes nu-bar uncertainties only for the total values, it has been supplemented by delayed nu-bar uncertainties from the covariance data of the JENDL-4.0 nuclear data library. The neutron transport and depletion calculations are performed with the TRITON/NEWT sequence of the SCALE 6.1 package. The evolution of the delayed neutron fraction uncertainty over burn-up is analysed without and with the consideration of delayed nu-bar uncertainties. Moreover, the main contributors to the result uncertainty are determined. In all cases, the delayed nu-bar uncertainties increase the delayed neutron fraction uncertainty. Depending on the fuel composition, the delayed nu-bar values of uranium and plutonium in fact give the main contributions to the delayed neutron fraction uncertainty for the LWR fuel assemblies. For the SFR case, the uncertainty of the scattering cross section of U-238 is the main contributor

    Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation in Complex Fusion Geometries

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    The ASUSD program package was designed to automate and simplify the process of deterministic nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty quantification. The program package couples Denovo, a discrete ordinate 3D transport solver, as part of ADVANTG and SUSD3D, a deterministic first order perturbation theory based Sensitivity/Uncertainty code, using several auxiliary programs used for input data preparation and post processing. Because of the automation employed in ASUSD, it is useful for Sensitivity/Uncertainty analysis of complex fusion geometries. In this paper, ASUSD was used to quantify uncertainties in the JET KN2 irradiation position. The results were compared to previously obtained probabilistic-based uncertainties determined using TALYS-based random nuclear data samples and MCNP in a Total Monte Carlo computation scheme. Results of the two approaches, deterministic and probabilistic, to nuclear data uncertainty propagation are compared and discussed. ASUSD was also used to perform preliminary Sensitivity/Uncertainty (S/U) analyses of three JET3-NEXP streaming benchmark experimental positions (A1, A4 and A7).Number: 1 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute</p