4 research outputs found

    Spatial distribution and habitat variability of hypogaeous macromycetes (Mycota) in Serbia

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    Jedan broj gljiva iz različitih taksonomskih grupa procesom konvergentne evolucije razvio je zajedničku ekološku strategiju formiranja makroskopskih podzemnih sporokarpa. Zbog te osobine nazvane su hipogeične ili podzemne gljive. One imaju značajnu ulogu u šumskim ekosistemima kao fungalni partneri u simbiotskom odnosu sa drvećem, a ovaj odnos je obostrano od esencijalne koristi za biljku i gljivu. Takođe su i važan izvor hrane za šumske životinje. U ovoj grupi najpoznatiji su tartufi, cenjene i skupe gljive koje se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani i imaju ekonomski značaj, ali pored njih i brojne druge vrste imaju veliku i važnu ulogu u prirodi. Iako najstariji podaci o hipogeičnim gljivama na području Srbije potiču još iz 18. veka, do danas je vrlo malo poznato o njima i postoji samo petnaestak objavljenih naučnih radova i nekoliko kongresnih saopštenja, uglavnom s kraja 20. i početka 21. veka. U njima su prvenstveno obrađivani tartufi, dok o drugim grupama gotovo da nema nikakvih podataka i one su predstavljale veliku nepoznatu komponentu biodiverziteta Srbije. Jedan od razloga za mali stepen istraženosti hipogeičnih gljiva, ne samo u Srbiji već i globalno, je problematika njihovog proučavanja i pronalaženja u prirodi zbog kriptičnog, podzemnog razvoja sporokarpa na osnovu kojih je prvenstveno moguće detektovati i locirati individue gljiva. Počev od 1991. godine započeta su istraživanja hipogeičnih gljiva uz pomoć obučenih pasa, inicirana od strane dr Miroljuba Milenkovića u kojima je učestvovalo više saradnika. Na taj način formirana je zbirka koja je 2012. godine smeštena u fungarijum Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, i od tada je nastavljeno sa njenim prinavljanjem. Najveći broj nalaza i taksona koji su u njoj deponovani nisu do sada objavljeni. Glavni cilj ove disertacije je da se rasvetli i analizira diverzitet i položaj hipogeičnih gljiva u ekosistemima Srbije, da se napravi sveobuhvatan uvid i analiza podataka, objedine znanja i na taj način doprinese i unapredi fundamentalno poznavanje i razumevanje distribucije i ekologije hipogeičnih gljiva u Srbiji i na evropskom kontinentu...Hypogaeous fungi have evolved a common ecological strategy of forming macroscopic underground sporocarps as a result of convergent evolution. This polyphyletic group includes a number of species from different taxonomic units. They play an important role in forest ecosystems as fungal partners in essential mutualistic symbiotic associations with trees where both organisms derive benefit. Furthermore, they are an important source of food for forest animals. The truffles, the prized and expensive fungi of culinary and economic importance, are the best known of this group, however, there are other numerous species that serve a large and significant role in nature. Although the oldest data on hypogaeous fungi from the territory of Serbia date back to the 18th century, very little is known about them to this day and there are only about a dozen published original scientific articles and several conference papers, mostly dating from the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. These articles and papers primarily addressed the truffles, and offered hardly any data about other groups, which presented a large unknown component of Serbia’s biodiversity. A reason that hypogaeous fungi had not been researched to a greater degree, either in Serbia or worldwide, lies in the difficulties associated with studying and detecting these fungi in nature, due to the cryptic, underground development of sporocarps, whose presence basically allows for the detection and location of the fungal individuals. The year 1991 saw a commencement of investigation of hypogaeous fungi with the help of trained dogs, initiated by Dr Miroljub Milenković involving a number of associates. Their efforts led to the formation of a collection which was housed in the Fungarium of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade in 2012. The collection has grown since then. Most findings and taxa deposited in the Fungarium had not been published until now. The main goal of this doctoral dissertation was to research, analyse and shed light on the diversity and status of hypogaeous fungi in Serbia’s ecosystems, provide a comprehensive survey and analysis of data, consolidate data from multiple sources and contribute to and advance the fundamental knowledge and understanding of distribution and ecology of hypogaeous fungi in Serbia and Europe..

    Fungi in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia

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    Conservation and protection of fungi have lately been considered as extremely important elements of the environmental conservation, and numerous environmental, scientific, medical, economic, cultural, ethical, and other reasons for such attitude exist today. This paper presents an overview of official regulations on the protection of fungi in the Republic of Serbia from the Act of Protection of 1991 until today. The paper lists and analyses the good and bad provisions of individual legal regulations. It registers the effects of the adopted regulations on the actual efficiency of protection of endangered species of fungi (macrofungi, mushrooms), and considers the impact of chronological development of legislation on the population of fungi in nature, and presents general measures to improve protection of mushrooms in the future. These measures primarily include reliable information and study of fungi as a basis for their effective protection based on scientific knowledge. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-179079

    Spatial distribution and habitat variability of hypogaeous macromycetes (Mycota) in Serbia

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    Jedan broj gljiva iz različitih taksonomskih grupa procesom konvergentne evolucije razvio je zajedničku ekološku strategiju formiranja makroskopskih podzemnih sporokarpa. Zbog te osobine nazvane su hipogeične ili podzemne gljive. One imaju značajnu ulogu u šumskim ekosistemima kao fungalni partneri u simbiotskom odnosu sa drvećem, a ovaj odnos je obostrano od esencijalne koristi za biljku i gljivu. Takođe su i važan izvor hrane za šumske životinje. U ovoj grupi najpoznatiji su tartufi, cenjene i skupe gljive koje se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani i imaju ekonomski značaj, ali pored njih i brojne druge vrste imaju veliku i važnu ulogu u prirodi. Iako najstariji podaci o hipogeičnim gljivama na području Srbije potiču još iz 18. veka, do danas je vrlo malo poznato o njima i postoji samo petnaestak objavljenih naučnih radova i nekoliko kongresnih saopštenja, uglavnom s kraja 20. i početka 21. veka. U njima su prvenstveno obrađivani tartufi, dok o drugim grupama gotovo da nema nikakvih podataka i one su predstavljale veliku nepoznatu komponentu biodiverziteta Srbije. Jedan od razloga za mali stepen istraženosti hipogeičnih gljiva, ne samo u Srbiji već i globalno, je problematika njihovog proučavanja i pronalaženja u prirodi zbog kriptičnog, podzemnog razvoja sporokarpa na osnovu kojih je prvenstveno moguće detektovati i locirati individue gljiva. Počev od 1991. godine započeta su istraživanja hipogeičnih gljiva uz pomoć obučenih pasa, inicirana od strane dr Miroljuba Milenkovića u kojima je učestvovalo više saradnika. Na taj način formirana je zbirka koja je 2012. godine smeštena u fungarijum Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu, i od tada je nastavljeno sa njenim prinavljanjem. Najveći broj nalaza i taksona koji su u njoj deponovani nisu do sada objavljeni. Glavni cilj ove disertacije je da se rasvetli i analizira diverzitet i položaj hipogeičnih gljiva u ekosistemima Srbije, da se napravi sveobuhvatan uvid i analiza podataka, objedine znanja i na taj način doprinese i unapredi fundamentalno poznavanje i razumevanje distribucije i ekologije hipogeičnih gljiva u Srbiji i na evropskom kontinentu...Hypogaeous fungi have evolved a common ecological strategy of forming macroscopic underground sporocarps as a result of convergent evolution. This polyphyletic group includes a number of species from different taxonomic units. They play an important role in forest ecosystems as fungal partners in essential mutualistic symbiotic associations with trees where both organisms derive benefit. Furthermore, they are an important source of food for forest animals. The truffles, the prized and expensive fungi of culinary and economic importance, are the best known of this group, however, there are other numerous species that serve a large and significant role in nature. Although the oldest data on hypogaeous fungi from the territory of Serbia date back to the 18th century, very little is known about them to this day and there are only about a dozen published original scientific articles and several conference papers, mostly dating from the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. These articles and papers primarily addressed the truffles, and offered hardly any data about other groups, which presented a large unknown component of Serbia’s biodiversity. A reason that hypogaeous fungi had not been researched to a greater degree, either in Serbia or worldwide, lies in the difficulties associated with studying and detecting these fungi in nature, due to the cryptic, underground development of sporocarps, whose presence basically allows for the detection and location of the fungal individuals. The year 1991 saw a commencement of investigation of hypogaeous fungi with the help of trained dogs, initiated by Dr Miroljub Milenković involving a number of associates. Their efforts led to the formation of a collection which was housed in the Fungarium of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade in 2012. The collection has grown since then. Most findings and taxa deposited in the Fungarium had not been published until now. The main goal of this doctoral dissertation was to research, analyse and shed light on the diversity and status of hypogaeous fungi in Serbia’s ecosystems, provide a comprehensive survey and analysis of data, consolidate data from multiple sources and contribute to and advance the fundamental knowledge and understanding of distribution and ecology of hypogaeous fungi in Serbia and Europe..