218 research outputs found

    The Connection Between Salvation, Martyrdom and Suffering According to St. Ignatius of Antioch

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    Ignatius of Antioch passed on many of his ideas about salvation, martyrdom and suffering through the epistles which he wrote shortly before being martyred. The author did not articulate the relationship between salvation and martyrdom very clearly, probably because he had little time to do so. Thus, should some of the expressions he uses, such as “to attain unto God” and “now I am perfected”, be correlated with martyrdom, it would seem that martyrdom is the only way for a Christian to attain unto God and to be perfected. This paper proves that Ignatius did not see martyrdom as a means to achieve salvation, but as the right way for a Christian to leave this earthly life in order to be with God for eternity through the salvation given by Christ

    The Connection Between Salvation, Martyrdom and Suffering According to St. Ignatius of Antioch

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    Ignatius of Antioch passed on many of his ideas about salvation, martyrdom and suffering through the epistles which he wrote shortly before being martyred. The author did not articulate the relationship between salvation and martyrdom very clearly, probably because he had little time to do so. Thus, should some of the expressions he uses, such as “to attain unto God” and “now I am perfected”, be correlated with martyrdom, it would seem that martyrdom is the only way for a Christian to attain unto God and to be perfected. This paper proves that Ignatius did not see martyrdom as a means to achieve salvation, but as the right way for a Christian to leave this earthly life in order to be with God for eternity through the salvation given by Christ

    Principle, characterization and control of a new hybrid thermo-piezoelectric microactuator.

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new actuator based on a unimorph piezocantilever and on the thermal bimorph principle, called hybrid thermopiezoelectric actuator. The main advantage of the proposed actuator is the high range of positioning from the thermal actuation and the high resolution and bandwidth from the piezoelectric one. A characterization and linear modeling are proposed. Finally, we propose an adapted control law to manage the two possible actuation types

    An inequality for continuous linear functionals

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    AbstractLet n>1 be an integer, f∈Cn[a,b], and A:C[a,b]→R a continuous linear functional which annihilates all polynomials of degree at most n−1. We give sharp inequalities of the form |A(f)|≀Mk‖f(k)‖2, k=2,

    Development and dynamic modeling of a new hybrid thermo-piezoelectric micro-actuator.

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new hybrid micro-actuator based on the combination of piezoelectric and thermal effects. The proposed actuator can perform both a high stroke coarse positioning through the thermal actuation, and a high resolution fine positioning through the piezoelectric actuation. The micro-actuator structure is a unimorph piezoelectric cantilever, which also constitutes a thermal bimorph that is very sensitive to temperature variation. While electrical voltage is used to control the piezoelectric actuation, we use a Peltier module to provide the temperature variation and to control the thermal functioning. In order to understand the behavior of the hybrid actuator, a model is developped. For better precision but at the same time for model simplicity, the thermal part is modeled with the thermal network whereas the Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis approach is used to model the nonlinearity of the piezoelectric part. Finally, a series of experimental results validate the developed model

    Development and Force/Position control of a new Hybrid Thermo-Piezoelectric MicroGripper dedicated to micromanipulation tasks.

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    International audienceA new microgripper dedicated to micromanipulation and microassembly tasks is presented in this paper. Based on a new actuator, called thermo-piezoelectric actuator, the microgripper presents both a high range and a high positioning resolution. The principle of the microgripper is based on the combination of the thermal actuation (for the coarse positioning) and the piezoelectric actuation (for the fine positioning). In order to improve the performances of the microgripper, its actuators are modeled and a control law for both the position and the manipulation force is synthesized afterwards. A new control scheme adapted for the actuators of the hybrid thermo-piezoelectric microgripper is therefore proposed. To prove the interest of the developed microgripper and of the proposed control scheme, the control of a pick-and-release task using this microgripper is carried out. The experimental results confirm their efficiency and demonstrate that the new microgripper and the control law are well suited for micromanipulation and microassembly applications

    Dual mode, multiple electrodes Quartz Sensor.

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    International audienceWe present a method to design the electrodes shape of contoured BAW resonators intended to serve as temperature compensated force sensors. Those are based on simultaneous operation on two families of modes: fast shear B-mode and slow shear C-mode. Use of anharmonic modes instead of main overtone ones provides the possibility of spatial separation of vibrating areas, each mode being driven by separated pairs of electrodes. Electronic circuitry is greatly simplified and force deriving is straightforward

    Dry etching of single crystal PMN-PT piezoelectric material.

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    International audienceDuring the last decade, the applications of PMN-PT spread significantly. Unlike PZT, the appropriate microtechnologies for PMN-PT Piezo-MEMS aren't fully documented in the literature. This paper deals with the PMN-PT etching by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technique, also known as DRIE. The paper quantitatively presents the etching parameters of PMN-PT by the Ar/C4F8 gas combination and reports some related useful experience
