8 research outputs found

    The influence of the oxidant penetration depth on the apparent reaction velocity of sulfides oxidation

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    This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the oxidant penetration depth into the fixed layer of zinc concentrate on the layer oxidation rate. There was obtained the distribution of the oxygen concentration along the height of the charge components layer and was calculated the average value of the effective oxygen concentration as a function of the reactant layer thickness.Данная работа посвящена изучению влияния глубины проникновения окислителя в неподвижный слой цинкового концентрата на скорость его окисления. Получено распределение концентрации кислорода по высоте слоя компонентов шихты и рассчитано среднее значение действующей концентрации кислорода в зависимости от толщины слоя реагирующего вещества


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    Аналитически получена зависимость концентрации горючих веществ в кипящем слое при обжиге цинкового концентрата. Проведено сопоставление расчетов с экспериментальными данными, полученными на промышленной обжиговой печи.Dependence of volatilize evolution under zinc concentrate roasting in fluidized bed furnace. The comparison between calculation results and experimental data industrial was made. Experimental data resulted in industrial roasted furnace operation

    Features of the porous particles reaction of iron sulphide with respect to the processes of zinc concentrate roasting

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    The oxidation kinetics of one of the main components of the zinc concentrate, pyrite, is considered. On the basis of the experiments carried out on the device of the synchronous thermal analysis NETZSCH STA 449 F3, empirical dependence was obtained to determine the reaction velocity constant of pure substance (pyrite) for further determination of oxidation kinetics and the gas generation during annealing of zinc concentrate in the fluidized bed.В работе рассматривается кинетика окисления одного из основных компонентов цинкового концентрата – пирита. На основании проведенных автором на приборе синхронного термического анализа NETZSCH STA 449 F3 экспериментов получена эмпирическая зависимости для определения константы скорости химического реагирования пирита для дальнейшего определения кинетики окисления и газообразования при обжиге шихты в кипящем слое

    Fluidized bed furnace for roasting zinc concentrates as a control object

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    The relevance of the research is caused by continuous increase in using zinc in the world. Obtaining of zinc is an expensive process, one of the stages of which is roasting of sulfide zinc concentrates (charge) in a fluidized bed furnace using air blast enriched with oxygen. Since the granulometric composition of the charge, its moisture content and composition are variable, the temperature of the fluidized bed can vary and requires continuous monitoring by the operator. A huge mass of material determines the large bed inertia, therefore, it is necessary to use an automatic control system. The main aim of the research is to optimize the operation of the fluidized bed furnace for roasting sulphide zinc concentrates, in par ticular, to introduce automatic control of the fluidized bed temperature in order to avoid temperature fluctuations over a wide range. A significant decrease of the bed temperature leads to degradation of the concentrate roasting, as a consequence, the yield of the final product (zinc) decreases. As the temperature rises, the danger of bed slagging increases substantially due to the possible local overhea ting. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the dependence of the bed temperature on the charge rate, both by calculation and experimen tally, on the basis of the studied kinetics of zinc concentrate oxidation in the fluidized bed furnace. Object of research is the fluidized bed furnace of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant for roasting sulphide zinc concentrate. Methods: obtaining the calculated dependence of the fluidized bed temperature on the charge rate based on the studied kinetics of zinc concentrate oxidation; an experimental study of the dynamics of the change in the bed temperature with a change in the charge rate. Results. The authors have developed the mathematical model of the transient processes in the fluidized bed furnace for calcining zinc concentrates, which makes it possible to calculate the change in the bed temperature and the combustible substances concentration in it with a change in the charge rate. Comparison of the calculations with the experimental data showed good convergence of the results. On the basis of the obtained data, an approximate model of the fluidized bed furnace in the Ovatsiya PTA and an algorithm of the flui dized bed temperature regulator were developed. The introduction of a temperature regulator at the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant will enable automatically maintain the specified fluidized bed temperature, the constancy of the combustible in the bed, eliminate undesirable char ges, and reduce the danger of slagging the layer. © 2018 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House. All right reserved


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    According to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.12.2004 № 715 the disease caused by the virus of immunodeficiency of the person enter the list of socially significant diseases and the list of the diseases presenting danger to people around. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the dynamics of the volume of procurement of medicines for the treatment of HIV-infected patients and the assortment availability of antiretroviral medicines in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The studies were conducted during the period of 2010–2016 years. The objects were the materials of reporting of the State Budget Health Agency Republican Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases, electronic cards of government contracts. Methods of research: statistical, marketing, logic-economic, ATC/DDDs. The average growth rate in procurement of antiretroviral medicines is relatively the basic 2010 in monetary terms amounted to 168,52%. The largest share (1⁄2 part) were domestic medicines with one active substance. In value terms, there is a significant reduction of 26,74% in the volume of purchases of imported medicines with one active substance. At the same time, the import antiretroviral medicines were more in demand among combined antiretroviral medicines: their share increased by 28,56%. In natural terms, the share of domestic medicines with one active substance increased by 49,37%, in general, the share of the volume of antiretroviral medicines purchases of domestic production increased by 2,64 times. An analysis was conducted of the levels of management of assortment based on the calculation of the coefficients of the latitude of ARVs, regional mesocontours of domestic and imported ARVs of the six of the analyzed ATCgroups 4-th level were formed. The number of average daily doses of DDDs/1000 people/day for ARVs was calculated. It is established that the dominating in 2010–2016 there were ARVs of two ATC-subgroups: non-nucleoside — reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and Nucleoside — reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), which corresponds to the preferred first-line regimen for patients who had not previously taken antiretroviral therapy.Цель исследования: изучение динамики объемов закупок антиретровирусных лекарственных препаратов и их ассортиментной доступности в Республике Башкортостан. Исследования проводились за период 2010–2016 годов. Объектами явились материалы отчетности ГБУЗ «Республиканский центр профилактики и борьбы со СПИДом и инфекционными заболеваниями», электронные карточки государственных контрактов. Методы исследования: статистические, маркетинговые, логико-экономические, ATC/DDDs. Средние темпы роста закупок антиретровирусных препаратов относительно базового 2010 года в стоимостном выражении составил 168,52%. Наибольшую долю (1⁄2 часть) составляли отечественные препараты с одним действующим веществом. В стоимостном выражении четко прослеживается значительное сокращение объемов закупок импортных препаратов с одним действующим веществом на 26,74%. В то же время среди комбинированных препаратов более востребованными были АРВП импортного производства: их доля увеличилась на 28,56%. В натуральном выражении доля отечественных препаратов с одним действующим веществом увеличилась на 49,37%, в целом удельный вес объемов закупок антиретровирусных препаратов отечественного производства вырос в 2,64 раза. Был проведен анализ уровней управления ассортиментом на основе расчета коэффициентов широты АРВП, сформированы региональные мезоконтуры отечественных и импортных препаратов по шести анализируемым АТХ-группам 4-го уровня. Рассчитано количество средних суточных доз DDDs/1000 человек/день для АРВП. Установлено, что доминирующими в 2010–2016 годы были АРВП двух АТХ-подгрупп: ненуклеозидов — ингибиторов обратной транскриптазы и нуклеозидов — ингибиторов обратной транскриптазы, что соответствует предпочтительной схеме первого ряда для назначения пациентам, ранее не принимавшим антиретровирусную терапию.</p

    Catalytic Synthesis Of Sulfides Sulfoxides and Sulfones

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