76 research outputs found

    Photoinitiated azo-hydrazo tautomerizm of 1- p

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    A novel photochromic compound with NH-N intramolecular H-bond (1-p-toluenesulphonylazo- 2,4,6,8-tetrakis(tert-butyl)phenoxazine) and the corresponding model structures (1-oxo-2,4,6,8-tetrakis(tertbutyl) phenoxazine, 2,4,5,7-tetrakis (tert-butyl )-1-( veratroylazo ) phenoxazine, 2,4,5,7-tetrakis ( tert-butyl )-Nacetyl- 1-(p-toluenesulphonylazo)phenoxazine) have been synthesized and their spectral and photochemical properties are studied. The photochromic transformations observed are found to be conditioned by ESIPT (as a primary step) followed by E-Z isomerisation about N–N-bond

    Extending the footprint record of Pareiasauromorpha to the Cisuralian : earlier appearance and wider palaeobiogeography of the group

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    Pareiasauromorpha is one of the most important tetrapod groups of the Permian. Skeletal evidence suggests a late Kungurian origin in North America, whereas the majority of occurrences come from the Guadalupian and Lopingian of South Africa and Russia. However, Pareiasauromorpha footprints include the ichnogenus Pachypes, which is unknown from strata older than late Guadalupian. A revision of several Pachypes-like footprints from the Cisuralian-Guadalupian of Europe and North America confirm the occurrence of this ichnogenus and of the ichnospecies Pachypes ollieri comb. nov. beginning in the Artinskian. This is the earliest known occurrence of Pachypes and it coincides with the Artinskian reptile radiation. Based on a synapomorphy-based track-trackmaker correlation, P. ollieri can be attributed to nycteroleter pareiasauromorphs such as Macroleter. Therefore, the earliest occurrences of pareiasauromorph footprints precede by at least 10 myr the earliest occurrence of this group in the skeletal record. Moreover, the palaeobiogeography of the group is extended to the Cisuralian and Guadalupian of western Europe

    Emerging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation

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    Water, energy, and food are all essential components of human societies. Collectively, their respective resource systems are interconnected in what is called the “nexus”. There is growing consensus that a holistic understanding of the interdependencies and trade-offs between these sectors and other related systems is critical to solving many of the global challenges they present. While nexus research has grown exponentially since 2011, there is no unified, overarching approach, and the implementation of concepts remains hampered by the lack of clear case studies. Here, we present the results of a collaborative thought exercise involving 75 scientists and summarize them into 10 key recommendations covering: the most critical nexus issues of today, emerging themes, and where future efforts should be directed. We conclude that a nexus community of practice to promote open communication among researchers, to maintain and share standardized datasets, and to develop applied case studies will facilitate transparent comparisons of models and encourage the adoption of nexus approaches in practice

    Solid phase extraction of hydroxyaromatic compounds from aquatic environment

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    The dependence of extraction parameters of hydroxyaromatic compounds on sort of polyurethane foam, nature and composition of solution deposited on a polymer foam, content of inorganic salt in solution

    Cranial morphology and evolution of Permian Dinomorpha (Eotherapsida) of eastern Europe

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