7 research outputs found

    On the Robustness of Low-frequency Laser Control Schemes for Proton Transfer in Thioacetylacetone

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    The paper investigates quantum control of the proton transfer reaction in a two-dimensional model system using terahertz (THz) laser fields. The model potential, tailored to MP2 data for thioacetylacetone, comprises the proton transfer and the heavy atom coordinates. Two distinct mechanisms of proton transfer are investigated: the resonant versus the tunneling one. The efficiency of laser control in both cases is tested against the instability of pulse characteristics. The study shows that while the resonant scheme allows efficient control for a large range of field parameters, the tunneling scheme is very sensitive to the pulse characteristics, and therefore experimentally hardly realizable

    Kombinirani in silico i in vitro pristup pronalaženju spojeva s mogućim ljekovitim djelovanjem

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    The purpose of High Throughput Screening (HTS) in pharmaceutical industry is to identify, as soon as possible, compounds that are good starting points for successful new drug development process. Experts from this area study the chemical structures of so called Ā»hitĀ« compounds that have been found to interact with the target protein, interfere with proliferation of different types of cells or stop bacterial or fungal growth. Hypotheses to design related structures with improved biological properties are than builded. Each idea is then tested by the iterative synthesis and testing of novel compounds in various biological assays, searching for hits with better properties and defining useful and promising Ā»leadĀ« molecules. In parallel, molecular modeling and chemoinformatics experts can increase efficiency and decrease experimental costs by using different database filtering methods. In such a way, hits from HTS may be assessed before committing significant resource for chemical optimization. Joint efforts of these HTS experimental and modeling groups are the best way to speed up the process of finding a new useful hits and promising leads.Svrha HTS-a u farmaceutskoj industriji je identifikacija spojeva koji mogu poslužiti kao dobre polazne molekule u procesa razvoja lijeka iz novih kemijskih entiteta. Proučavanjem kemijske strukture takvih Ā»hitĀ« spojeva koji interagiraju s proteinom ā€“ metom, stručnjaci iz tog područja tragaju za strukturama poboljÅ”anih bioloÅ”kih svojstava. Svaka se ideja kasnije provjerava iterativnim postupkom sinteze i testiranja novih spojeva uporabom različitih metoda bioloÅ”kih probira, kako bi se doÅ”lo do hitova s boljim svojstvima i do uporabivih i obećavajućih Ā»leadĀ« molekula. Istovremeno, molekularno modeliranje i kemoinformatika mogu povećati učinkovitosti i smanjenja troÅ”kova eksperimenata uporabom različitih metoda filtriranja baza spojeva. Na taj način, Ā»hitoviĀ« iz HTS-a mogu virtualno biti procijenjeni prije značajnog ulaganja resursa u kemijsku optimizaciju. Udruženi napori eksperimentalnih HTS grupa i grupa koje se bave molekularnim modeliranjem najbolji su način ubrzavanja procesa pronalaženja novih, uporabivih Ā»hitovaĀ« i obećavajućih Ā»leadovaĀ«

    Influence of insecticides application on channel lenght in stem of maize plants caused by feeding of larvae of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.)

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    In maize plants the attack of European corn borer can cause significant damages, which can lessen by insecticide application in crop protection. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of insecticides on the total length of channels in maize plant stem formed by the feeding of larvae Ostrinia nubilalis. The research was carried out in Maize Research Institute different FAO ripening groups (ZP 434, ZP 600 and ZP 666) and three insecticides chlorantraniliprole (200 g l-1), bifenthrin (100 g l-1) and lufenuron (50 g l-1)+(cypermethrin (50 g l-1) + chlorpyrifos (500 g l-1)), which were applied only after the maximum flight of the first generation to protect plants from attack of European corn borer. The result showed significantly different total length of channels in the stem of plants, caused by feeding of the larvae of European corn borer, which varied from the lowest on treatment with insecticide chlorantraniliprole in maize genotype ZP 600 (170.00 cm) to the highest in maize genotype ZP 666 (278.33 cm) on the control variant (without insecticide application). For all treatments, the average value of total length of channels in stem, was the lowest 192.92 cm in ZP 434, slightly higher 195.42 cm in ZP 600, while the highest average value of total length of channels was 233.34 cm in maize genotype ZP 606. The established differences for total length of channels depended on genotype and type of insecticide applie

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Prolonged heat stress during winter diapause alters the expression of stress-response genes in Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.)

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    During diapause, a state of temporarily arrested development, insects require low winter temperatures to suppress their metabolism, conserve energy stores and acquire cold hardiness. A warmer winter could, thus, reduce diapause incidence and duration in many species, prematurely deplete their energy reserves and compromise post-diapause fitness. In this study, we investigated the combined effects of thermal stress and the diapause program on the expression of selected genes involved in antioxidant defense and heat shock response in the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis. By using qRT-PCR, it has been shown that response to chronic heat stress is characterized by raised mRNA levels of grx and trx, two important genes of the antioxidant defense system, as well as of hsp70 and, somewhat, of hsp90, two major heat shock response proteins. On the other hand, the expression of hsc70, hsp20.4 and hsp20.1 was discontinuous in the latter part of diapause, or was strongly controlled by the diapause program and refractory to heat stress, as was the case for mtn and fer, genes encoding two metal storage proteins crucial for metal ion homeostasis. This is the first time that the effects of high winter temperatures have been assessed on cold-hardy diapausing larvae and pupae of this important corn pest