6 research outputs found

    Physical Model of Water Seepage Through Porous Medium

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    U ovom radu opisana su osnovna načela i vladajuće jednadžbe za opis strujanja podzemne vode kroz porozni materijal. U svrhu dobivanja mjerodavnih vrijednosti pojedinih karakterističnih fizikalnih veličina kod strujanja podzemne vode u pjeskovitom poroznom materijalu (brzina procjeđivanja, ekvipotencijal u određenoj točki unutar prostora, hidraulički gradijenti, protok i sl.) korišten je fizikalni model GUNT HM169 koji čini sastavni dio hidrotehničkog laboratorija Građevinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U radu je opisan princip rada za navedeni fizikalni model te način pripreme samih eksperimentalnih pokusa. U tom pogledu, izrađeno je nekoliko hidrodinamičkih analiza strujanja podzemne vode u odnosu na varijabilnost potencijala gornje i donje vode, analiza strujanja ispod vertikalnog čeličnog žmurja (dijafragme) te analiza opstrujavanja podzemne vode ispod prostorno trapezno izmodelirane prirodne nasute brane. Za potrebe provođenja pokusa, nasuta brana ručno je izrađena od pleksi stakla. Svrha istraživanja kroz fizikalni model HM169 bila je dobivanje jasnije slike strujnog polja ispod pojedinih hidrotehničkih objekata i, posljedično, dobivanje simulacijskih prikaza propagacije toka podzemne vode koja je praćena žutim fluorescin traserom.This paper describes basic principles and governing equations for describing groundwater flow through porous material. In order to obtain the relevant values of some of the characteristic physical quantities of groundwater flow in the sandy porous material (infiltration velocity, equipotential at a certain point within the space, hydraulic gradients, flow, etc.), the physical model GUNT HM169 was used, which is an integral part of the hydro technical laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka. The paper describes the working principle for the mentioned physical model and the preparation of the experimental trials themselves. In this respect, several hydrodynamic analyzes of groundwater flow regarding the upper and lower water variability potential were made as well as the flow analysis below the vertical steel diaphragm and the analysis of groundwater depletion under the spatially trapezoidal modified natural sloping dam. To carry out the experiment, the sloping dam was manually made of Plexiglas. The purpose of the research through the physical model HM169 was to obtain a clearer picture of the streamline field below the individual hydroelectric objects and consequently to obtain a simulation of the propagation of the groundwater flow which was followed by a yellow fluorescence tracer

    Fostering Creativity in Classroom: Triarchic Teaching

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    Rad se bavi načinima osmišljavanja razrednog okružja u funkciji razvoja kreativnih sposobnosti učenika u kontekstu poučavanja za kreativnost. Preduvjeti su razvoja kreativnosti učenika modeliranje kreativnosti nastavnika i poticanje uvjerenja o samodjelotvornosti. Neke od temeljnih tehnika poticanja kreativnosti učenika jesu preispitivanje postojećih pretpostavki, definiranje i redefiniranje problema, poticanje generiranja ideja i poticanje interdisciplinarnog pristupa idejama. Kako bi se izbjegle prepreke kreativnosti, važno je poticati preuzimanje razumnog rizika, omogućavati toleranciju dvosmislenosti/neizvjesnosti i dopuštati pogreške pri učenju. Složene tehnike poticanja kreativnosti učenika usmjerene su razvoju odgovornosti i samoregulacije u kreativnom stvaranju, kao i poučavanju vrijednosti ustrajnog zalaganja i odgode zadovoljstva u kreativnom radu. Kreativni rad zahtijeva uravnoteženost triju misaonih sposobnosti ključnih za uspješnu inteligenciju: analitičkih, kreativnih i praktičnih. Poučavanje prema principima uspješne inteligencije naziva se Trijarhično poučavanje i vrednovanje (Triarchic Instruction and Assessment, TIA) i temelji se na poticanju navedenih sposobnosti. Podrazumijeva učiteljevo pronalaženje materijala najprikladnijih za razvoj određenih sposobnosti (analitičkih, kreativnih i praktičnih) te pomaže učeniku kompenzirati ili ispraviti slabosti, a istaknuti jake strane, čime se pojačava i motivacija za učenje. Na kraju rada prikazani su primjeri provedbe trijarhičnoga poučavanja u nastavi školskog predmeta Hrvatski jezik u petom i šestom razredu, kroz korake planiranja trijarhičnoga poučavanja i vrednovanja.This paper deals with the design of the teaching environment with regard to the development of students’ creative abilities in the context of teaching for creativity. Modeling of creativity by the teacher and fostering students’ self-efficacy beliefs as prerequisites for the development of students’ creativity are discussed. Among basic techniques for developing student creativity questioning existing assumptions, defining and redefining problems, encouraging idea generation, and promoting an interdisciplinary approach to ideas are outlined. To avoid barriers to creativity, it is important to encourage sensible risk-taking, tolerate ambiguity, and allow for learning mistakes. Complex techniques for fostering student creativity aim to develop self-responsibility and self-regulation in creative work, as well as to teach the value of persistent effort and delaying gratification in creative work. Creative work requires a balance of the three thinking abilities that make up successful intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical. Teaching according to the principles of successful intelligence is called Triarchic Instruction and Assessment (TIA) and is based on fostering analytical, creative, and practical thinking. This means that the teacher should find the material that is best suited for the development of specific abilities (analytical, creative, and practical) and help students compensate for or correct their weaknesses while capitalizing their strengths thus increasing the students’ motivation to learn. Finally, examples of implementation of triarchic instruction in Croatian language classes of 5th and 6th grade are given through the steps of Triarchic Instruction and Assessment planning

    Concept design for flood protection of the City of Novigrad based on blue-green infrastructure

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    U ovome radu prikazano je idejno rješenje zaštite Grada Novigrada od štetnog djelovanja voda primjenom plavo-zelene infrastrukture. Na početku rada dan je opis područja i planiranih faza urbanizacije područja Grada Novigrada te pregled klimatskih i oborinskih karakteristika. Analizirani su infrastrukturni sustavi grada te je prikazano trenutno stanje kanalizacijskog sustava. U radu je generiran pljusak za projektiranje za područje Grada Novigrada kako bi se dobili realni podaci o oborinama. U QGIS alatu napravljena je analiza pokrova zemljišta, udjela nepropusnih površina uz primjenu CN vrijednosti prema SCS metodi za povijesno, trenutno i buduće stanje izgrađenosti područja. Na temelju hidrološko – hidrauličkih analiza provedenih u SWMM 5.1. programu prikazano je povećanje otjecanja oborinskih voda kao rezultat povećanja nepropusnosti podloge zbog intenzivnije izgrađenosti područja. Stoga je predložen koncept smanjenja otjecanja i zaštite od štetnog djelovanja velikih voda primjenom plavo-zelene infrastrukture prema LID pristupu (zeleni krovovi i infiltracijska retencija – kišni vrt).This paper presents the conceptual design for the flood protection of the City of Novigrad by applying blue-green infrastructure. First a description of the area and planned phases of urbanization of the area of the City of Novigrad is given, as well as an overview of climate and precipitation characteristics. The infrastructural systems of the city are analyzed and the current state of the sewerage system is shown. A design storm was generated for the City of Novigrad to define a more realistic precipitation data. Next, the land cover was analysed using QGIS tools, and the corresponding CN number according to the SCS method was assessed for the past, present and future conditions. Hydrological - hydraulic analyses performed in SWMM 5.1. showed an increase in the precipitation runoff as a result of a higher percentage of impermeability of the area because of an increased urbanisation. Therefore, a concept design was proposed for reducing the precipitation runoff and flood protection by implementing blue-green infrastructure according to the LID approach (green roofs and an infiltration retention - rain garden)

    Physical model of water seepage under natural dam

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Physical model of water seepage under natural dam

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Concept design for flood protection of the City of Novigrad based on blue-green infrastructure

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    U ovome radu prikazano je idejno rješenje zaštite Grada Novigrada od štetnog djelovanja voda primjenom plavo-zelene infrastrukture. Na početku rada dan je opis područja i planiranih faza urbanizacije područja Grada Novigrada te pregled klimatskih i oborinskih karakteristika. Analizirani su infrastrukturni sustavi grada te je prikazano trenutno stanje kanalizacijskog sustava. U radu je generiran pljusak za projektiranje za područje Grada Novigrada kako bi se dobili realni podaci o oborinama. U QGIS alatu napravljena je analiza pokrova zemljišta, udjela nepropusnih površina uz primjenu CN vrijednosti prema SCS metodi za povijesno, trenutno i buduće stanje izgrađenosti područja. Na temelju hidrološko – hidrauličkih analiza provedenih u SWMM 5.1. programu prikazano je povećanje otjecanja oborinskih voda kao rezultat povećanja nepropusnosti podloge zbog intenzivnije izgrađenosti područja. Stoga je predložen koncept smanjenja otjecanja i zaštite od štetnog djelovanja velikih voda primjenom plavo-zelene infrastrukture prema LID pristupu (zeleni krovovi i infiltracijska retencija – kišni vrt).This paper presents the conceptual design for the flood protection of the City of Novigrad by applying blue-green infrastructure. First a description of the area and planned phases of urbanization of the area of the City of Novigrad is given, as well as an overview of climate and precipitation characteristics. The infrastructural systems of the city are analyzed and the current state of the sewerage system is shown. A design storm was generated for the City of Novigrad to define a more realistic precipitation data. Next, the land cover was analysed using QGIS tools, and the corresponding CN number according to the SCS method was assessed for the past, present and future conditions. Hydrological - hydraulic analyses performed in SWMM 5.1. showed an increase in the precipitation runoff as a result of a higher percentage of impermeability of the area because of an increased urbanisation. Therefore, a concept design was proposed for reducing the precipitation runoff and flood protection by implementing blue-green infrastructure according to the LID approach (green roofs and an infiltration retention - rain garden)