7 research outputs found

    Raw Materials in Fibre Enriched Biscuits Production as Source of Total Phenols

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    Due to scientifically well documented health beneficial effects of dietary fibres and recommendations for an every day intake on an average of 30 g by food (DRI 2005), the confectionery industry has been increasingly engaged in the production of fibre enriched biscuits with the aim to offer such a product as a valuable constituent of proper nutrition and dietetic functional food intended for risky populations. Thereby, commercially available pure fibres or fibre-rich raw materials have been used for the enrichment of biscuits, prevalently pure fibres. To evaluate such products as functional food it is of interest to know how the choice of raw material for biscuit fibre enrichment influences the content of other health protecting compounds which commonly accompany fibres in plant material. With the aim of evaluating fibre rich biscuits as a source of total phenols depending on the origin of fibres, total phenols were determined spectrophotometrically by a modified Folin-Ciocalteau method (Gao et al. 2002) in ten experimentally baked biscuits based on wheat flour type 500 and type 1700 with or without different dietary fibres or fibre rich raw materials added instead of definite amount of white fl our. Results show that shares of total phenols and fibres in biscuits based on the wheat fl our depend on the type of the fl our. Biscuits with pure wheat and oats fibres added were the lowest in phenol content regardless on the highest amount of fibres (0.96 g kg-1 and 1.09 g kg-1, respectively); inulin and amaranth do not change essentially phenol content; apple fibres, soya fl our, and carob fl our enhance phenol content thereby carob fl our being the most effective giving biscuits 5.53 g total phenols kg-1

    Integrated marketing communications on social networks: A case study on IKEA

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    Investment in marketing is investment in the future of the company and its survival in the market. This position is supported by numerous professionals operating in the wood and furniture industry. Wood industry as highly developed industry in the world gathers many companies and furniture manufacturers. The goal of all of them is to offer their products to a wider range of consumers. With the emergence of the Internet and new technologies is being developed a new way of doing business, where everything is available to potential buyers from their 'armchair', starting with the range of products, payment methods, delivery to their home address and the like. Companies in the furniture industry using social networks daily, enhance relationships with consumers through clearly defined messages that attract customer's attention to products, but at the same time performs mutual interactions. One of the leaders in the world in the wood industry and furniture production, IKEA company, has achieved social effect that failed through other media, which resulted in a strengthening of the company's image and increasing demand for products and services, and with all of that awareness about the company also increased among potential customers

    Strategic management of human resources in function of overcoming change resistance in learning organizations

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    Дa би прeдузeћe у данашње време достигло и oдржaлo предност у конкуренцији коју је остварило, нeoпхoднo je дa кoнстaнтнo рaзвиja знaњe, крeaтивнoст и инoвaтивнoст кoд свих зaпoслeних. Успeшнe инoвaтивнe oргaнизaциje дaнaшњицe су oргaнизaциje кoje су дошле до сазнања дa знање и учeњe пoстajу кључни фактори успeхa, a oбрaзoвaњe круциjaлнo зa будућe бoгaтствo. Oргaнизaциje кoje уче сe сусрeћу сa стaлним, брзим, мaњим или вeћим промeнaмa нa oдрeђeним нивoимa и сaмa динaмикa je чeстo вeлики изaзoв зa рукoвoдствo. У оквиру овог истраживања биће стављен посебан фокус нa aдeквaтaн и примeњив стрaтeшки oквир и нa штo бoљe и приближниje нaчинe упрaвљaњa oтпoрoм кoд зaпoслeних, кojи je чeстo oгрaничaвajући фaктoр у кoмпaниjaмa. Прeдмeт истрaживaњa којим се бави овај рад je стрaтeшкo упрaвљaњe људским рeсурсимa кao фaктoр упрaвљaњa промeнaмa у сeгмeнту успeшнoг прeвaзилaжeњa oтпoрa промeнaмa у oргaнизaциjи кoja учи.For a company today to reach and maintain an advantage in the competition it has achieved, it is necessary to constantly develop knowledge, creativity and innovation in all employees. Today’s successful innovative organizations are organizations that have realized that knowledge and learning are becoming key success factors, and education is crucial to future wealth. Learning organizations face constant, rapid, minor or major changes at certain levels and the dynamics themselves are often a major challenge for management. Special attention shall be given within this research to adequate and applicable strategic framework will be pointed out, as well as the best and closest possible ways of managing resistance among employees, which is often a limiting factor in companies. The subject of the research that this paper deals with is strategic human resource management as a factor of change 4 management in the segment of successfully overcoming resistance to change in a learning organization

    The advancement of women leaders: Case study of the city administration of Belgrade

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    The position of women in our society today is such that they constantly have to prove that they are capable of achieving the set targets and goals in their careers. In the world, as well as in Serbia, a lot has been done in this area and women still continue to work on gender equality and aim at constantly improving their position in all segments of society. Women who strive to achieve leadership positions in their careers have to continuously work on their professional development and show initiative to solve everyday tasks set before them. In Serbia, the trend of placing women in managerial positions is increasing rapidly each year, which leads to increased significance of the role of women in business decision making and society at large. The goal of conducted research in the City Administration of Belgrade was to prove the existence of gender equality and the equal status of women, as well as to show that there are opportunities which they can use to advance in their careers and become equal with men

    New records of recently described Zebrus pallaoroi (Actinopterygii: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) with notes on its morphology, ecology, and molecular identification

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    The family Gobiidae represents the species-richest family of fishes in the Mediterranean Sea. However, many Mediterranean gobiid species are poorly known with just one or few species records in total. Among those species, the recently described Zebrus pallaoroi Kovačić, Šanda et Vukić, 2021 has been known only from the localities in the species description: the southern Adriatic, northern Ionian, and northern and western Aegean seas. The additional specimens of this species were collected in central and northern Adriatic Sea. The identification was confirmed by morphological and genetic methods. The morphological and preserved coloration characters were compared with the data from the limited type material and the alternative preserved coloration diagnostic character was suggested. The first data on alive and freshly dead coloration are reported. The phylogenetic analysis was performed on sequenced COI, cytochrome b, and rhodopsin genes. The analyzed molecular markers placed Z. pallaoroi in a distinct clade within Zebrus–Millerigobius group. The preference of this species for the very shallow habitat is confirmed and discussed

    New records of recently described Zebrus pallaoroi (Actinopterygii: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) with notes on its morphology, ecology, and molecular identification

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    The family Gobiidae represents the species-richest family of fishes in the Mediterranean Sea. However, many Mediterranean gobiid species are poorly known with just one or few species records in total. Among those species, the recently described Zebrus pallaoroi Kovačić, Šanda et Vukić, 2021 has been known only from the localities in the species description: the southern Adriatic, northern Ionian, and northern and western Aegean seas. The additional specimens of this species were collected in central and northern Adriatic Sea. The identification was confirmed by morphological and genetic methods. The morphological and preserved coloration characters were compared with the data from the limited type material and the alternative preserved coloration diagnostic character was suggested. The first data on alive and freshly dead coloration are reported. The phylogenetic analysis was performed on sequenced COI, cytochrome b, and rhodopsin genes. The analyzed molecular markers placed Z. pallaoroi in a distinct clade within Zebrus–Millerigobius group. The preference of this species for the very shallow habitat is confirmed and discussed

    Microbiological Quality and Variability of Natural Microbiota in Croatian Cheese Maturing in Lambskin Sacks

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    As in the traditional production of cheese in lambskin sacks raw cow’s or sheep’s milk is mostly used, the purpose of this study is to see how the production affects the microbiological quality of the cheese. To do that, we tested 39 samples of raw cow’s and sheep’s milk, curd, ripened cheese (15, 30 and 45 days) and lambskin sacks for native microbial population. Two-thirds of the milk, curd and cheese samples had higher counts of staphylococci and enterobacteria than permitted by regulations. Not a single sample had Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, but we did find Escherichia coli in sheep’s milk and cheese, and yeast and mould in both types of milk and cheese. Staphylococcus xylosus prevailed in lambskin sacks. Despite the high incidence of S. aureus, even in the final product, staphylococcal enterotoxin was detected in only two sheep’s cheese samples. Among the lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei prevailed in cow’s cheese, whereas Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum prevailed in sheep’s cheese. In the lambskin sacks Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum were predominant. Our findings give an important insight into the fermentation and microbial ecology of the cheese in lambskin sacks