37 research outputs found

    Od umjetnosti riječi do 9. umjetnosti: Vidimo se tamo gore, roman i strip

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    Along with the introductory remarks on the relationship between novels and comics and their historically problematic status, this paper analyzes and interprets, from the perspective of creation, i.e. the scriptwriter and the illustrator, as well as from the perspective of the reception or audience, the procedures by which Pierre Lemaitreā€™s novel Goodbye, Up There is, on the level of content and expression, transformed into the new medium of comics. The comparative narrative analysis of the novel and the comic book shows that the shift from telling to showing mode requires, above all, dramatization, introduction of dialogues, and certain alterations of the plot, focalization, themes, and motivation of characters. These alterations can be linked by the common denominator ā€“ adaptation. Adaptation is thus seen as the creative process of transcoding, where the original is reconceived and reinvented in another form of expression, as well as an intertextual process of reception as decoding the narrative

    EPR spectroscopy of solid trehalose: the effect of matrix disorder on the dynamics of the paramagnetic centers

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je proučavanje dinamike u materijalima karakteriziranim neuređenoŔću molekula. Kao prikladan eksperimentalan sustav koriÅ”tena je trehaloza jer ima najveću temperaturu stakliÅ”ta, Tg, i najizraženiju mrežu vodikovih veza od svih saharida, zbog čega je zanimljiva za proučavanje niskotemperaturnih anomalija opaženih u staklastom stanju općenito. Prednost primjene elektronske paramagnetske rezonancije (EPR) je u osjetljivosti međudjelovanja spina elektrona i reÅ”etke s obzirom na dinamička svojstva promatranog sistema. Provedena je komparativna analiza dinamike paramagnetskog centra induciranog zračenjem u krutoj trehalozi pripremljenoj u staklastom i polikristalnom beta stanju primjenom metode impulsne EPR spektroskopije. Efektivno spin-reÅ”etka relaksacijsko vrijeme spina elektrona, određeno u Å”irokom temperaturnom intervalu, od 0,012 Tg do 0,7 Tg, ukazuje na efikasniji prijenos energije sa spinskog sustava na reÅ”etku za trehalozu u staklastom stanju u odnosu na polikristalno stanje. Za opis dinamike u stanju neuređenosti krute matrice koriÅ”ten je teorijski pristup zasnovan na modelu mekog potencijala. Budući da su svojstva radikala nastalih ionizirajućim zračenjem u polimorfnim oblicima krute trehaloze važna u dozimetriji, istraživana je njihova stabilnost u staklastom i polikristalnom stanju. Poznavanje ovih svojstava može biti zanimljivo za otkrivanje i karakterizaciju ozračenih prehrambenih i farmaceutskih proizvoda koji sadrže Å”ećere.In the multidisciplinary quest for understanding of glasses, the study of molecular glasses provides an adequate experimental framework to investigate dynamics in states characterized by frozen-in disorder. Due to the fact that trehalose, a glass-forming disaccharide found in nature, exhibits the highest glass transition temperature, Tg, and the best-developed boson peak of saccharides, it is interesting to be studied in the context of low-temperature anomalies of glasses related to the impact of hydrogen-bonded network. Here, a comparative study of trehalose glassy and anhydrous polycrystalline form, trehalose-Ī², using pulsed X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is presented. The radiation-induced paramagnetic centers are used to study the coupling of the electron spin with the lattice as a function of the frozen-in disorder. The effective spin lattice relaxation time is presented in the large temperature interval, from 0,012 Tg to 0,7 Tg, indicating more effective energy exchange between the spin system and the lattice for the paramagnetic defects in the glassy than trehalose-Ī² crystalline state. The theoretical analysis of the experimental data is put into the framework of the contribution of the disorder modes. Furthermore, understanding the behavior of radiation-induced defects in trehalose in different polymorphic forms is important for radiation dosimetry purposes and for the detection and characterization of irradiated final products in the pharmaceutical and food industry. Therefore, EPR signals in gamma irradiated trehalose in different polymorphic forms were studied with dosimetry applications in view

    Enhanced Oxidation of Nickel at Room Temperature by Low-energy Oxygen Implantation

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    The formation of oxide films on pure Ni surfaces by low energy oxygen ion-beam bombardment at room temperature was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Ion-induced oxidation is more efficient in creating thin NiO films on Ni surfaces than oxidation in oxygen atmosphere. The oxide thickness of bombarded samples is related to the penetration depth of oxygen ions in Ni and scales with the dose of implanted oxygen, Ī¦, as Ī¦1/6. This type of oxide growth is predicted theoretically for diffusion of Ni cations by doubly charged cation vacancies, which creation and mobility is greatly enhanced by ion-irradiation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Francuska dječja književnost i uvođenje u vjeÅ”tinu čitanja

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    It is well known that literary texts used in teaching (both of mother tongue and foreign languages) allow the learners to develop all four language skills. Regarding the foreign languages, CEFR anticipates reading of original literary texts only at C1 and C2 levels. This paper will present the research carried out in a small and heterogeneous group (by age and by prior leaning) of preschool- and school-aged children, who were introduced to reading skills in the French language classes, for which a special teaching method was devised. The starting point of classes was based on the original childrenā€™s literature texts and informal learning stemming from everyday activities connected to family or leisure, with special accent on play, particularly because of its positive effects on childrenā€™s motivation for reading. From the teacherā€™s perspective, special attention was paid to the selection of childrenā€™s literature texts (with the objective not only to introduce the dominant literary, linguistic and cultural codes to the learners but also to develop a sense of relevance and joy while reading), and establishing learning objectives and outcomes. The issued evaluations showed that the classes which closely connect the decoding of text on grapho-phonemic level to literary texts and its understanding while relying on ludic activities allow the learners to acquire expected competences at a high level.Književnoumjetnički tekst primijenjen u nastavi (kako materinskog, tako i inog) jezika, poznato je, omogućuje učenicima razvoj svih četiriju jezičnih vjeÅ”tina. Å to se pak inih jezika tiče, ZEROJ predviđa čitanje izvornih književnoumjetničkih tekstova tek na razinama C1 i C2. U ovom će radu biti prikazno istraživanje provedeno nad malom i izrazito heterogenom skupinom (i po dobi, i po predznanju) predÅ”kolske i osnovnoÅ”kolske djece koju se uvodilo u vjeÅ”tinu čitanja na francuskom jeziku, Å”to je zahtijevalo osmiÅ”ljavanje posebne metode poučavanja. PolaziÅ”te za nastavu bili su izvorni tekstovi dječje književnosti, a učenje informalno, dakle proizaÅ”lo iz svakodnevnih aktivnosti povezanih s obitelji ili sa slobodnim vremenom, pri čemu je poseban naglasak stavljen na igru, nadasve zbog njezina pozitivnog utjecaja na dječju motivaciju za čitanje. S nastavničke je strane pak posebna pozornost posvećena odabiru tekstova dječje književnosti (ne samo kako bi se učenike uvelo u dominantne književne, lingvističke i kulturalne kodove već i razvio osjećaj relevantnosti i veselja prilikom čitanja), kao i određivanju ciljeva i ishoda učenja. Provedene evaluacije pokazale su da nastava koja deÅ”ifiranje teksta na grafo-fonemskoj razini tijesno veže uz književnoumjetnički tekst i njegovo razumijevanje, pritom se oslanjajući na ludičke aktivnosti, omogućuje da učenici steknu očekivane kompetencije na visokoj razini

    Intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin) in Treatment of Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration

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    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravitreal bevacizumab in treatment of minimally classic and occult choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular disease 48 eyes of 48 patients (mean age of 74.8) included in this prospective, noncomparative, interventional case series. Median follow-up was 18 weeks (6ā€“24). Intravitreal bevacizumab injection of 0.05 mL (1.25 mg) was administered at baseline and in 6 week intervals until leakage resolved, and repeated in case of leakage recurrence. Visual acuity (VA) improved in the majority of patients (mean baseline VA=1.078 log MAR) by mean increase of 1.32 lines (last follow-up) (p=0.001). Central foveal thickness and total macular volume decreased by 51 Ī¼m (p=0.01) and 0.84 mm3 (p<0.0001) respectively. No serious complications were observed. As initial therapy, intravitreal bevacizumab appears to be safe and effective. A significant functional and anatomical improvement was noted in majority of patients and maintained during follow-up

    Lasik ultratankog poklopca (Sub-Bowman Keratomileusis) ili fotorefraktivna keratektomija

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    The aim of this study was to compare two different refractive surgery approaches in correction of myopia with or without astigmatism. In patients where one eye underwent sub- Bowman keratomileusis (SBK) and the other eye photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), the objective and subjective results were retrospectively compared during the six-month follow-up. Eighty four patients (168 eyes) were involved in this retrospective contralateral study. The mean preoperative spherical refraction was -3.88 diopters (D) and the mean cylinder was -0.82 D for all eyes. Each patient underwent SBK on one eye and PRK on the contralateral eye. The eyes in the PRK group underwent mechanical epithelial removal, which was followed by laser treatment. Mitomycin C 0.02% was used for 15 seconds if ablation was deeper than 50 microns. In the SBK group, the intended 100-Ī¼m corneal flap was created with IntraLase femtosecond laser. All eyes underwent customized wavefront guided laser ablation using a VI SX Star S4 IR excimer laser. Preoperative and postoperative outcome measures included best spectacle-corrected visual acuity, uncorrected visual acuity, corneal topography, contrast visual acuity, and anterior optical coherence tomography imaging. Patients were asked to complete subjective satisfaction questionnaires at each visit. Through the first 3 months of follow up, the SBK eyes demonstrated clinically and statistically better visual results than PRK eyes, between 3 and 6 months the results in the two groups began to equalize, and after 6 months of follow up there were no clinical and statistical differences between the SBK and PRK groups. SBK seems to be more practical for the patient with less pain, faster visual recovery, fewer medications, and overall superior experience.Cilj ove studije bio je tijekom Å”estomjesečnog praćenja bolesnika usporediti subjektivne i objektivne rezultate korekcije miopije s astigmatizmom očiju ili bez njega podvrgnutih dvama različitim zahvatima: refrakcijskoj kirurgiji ultratankog poklopca (sub-Bowman keratomileusis, SBK) ili fotorefraktivnoj keratektomiji (photorefractive keratectomy, PRK). Osamdeset četiri bolesnika (168 očiju) su bila uključena u ovu retrospektivnu studiju. Prosječna kratkovidnost bila je -3,88 sfernih dioptrija s prosječnim astigmatizmom od -0,82 cilindrične dioptrije. U svakog bolesnika je primijenjen SBK na jednom oku i PRK na drugom oku. Rožnični epitel je mehanički uklonjen na očima iz skupine PRK, nakon čega je učinjen laserski zahvat. Zatim je apliciran mitomicin C 0,02% (vrijeme ekspozicije 15 sekunda) ako je ablacija bila dublja od 50 mikrona. Kod očiju iz skupine SBK formiran je ultratanki poklopac od 100 mikrona pomoću IntraLase femtosekundnog lasera. Laserska korekcija je u oba slučaja izvrÅ”ena metodom wavefront CustomVue laserom VI SX Star S4. Prijeoperacijska i poslijeoperacijska izlazna mjerenja uključivala su određivanje vidne oÅ”trine (nekorigirane i najbolje korigirane), rožničnu topografiju, aberometriju, test kontrastne osjetljivosti i optičku koherentnu tomografiju prednjega očnog segmenta. Bolesnici su na svakom kontrolnom pregledu ispunjavali upitnik o subjektivnoj procjeni rezultata. Klinički i statistički su značajno bolji rezultati bili u skupini očiju operiranih metodom SBK i to poslijeoperacijski do trećeg mjeseca. Od trećeg do Å”estog mjeseca su se rezultati počeli izjednačavati te nakon 6 mjeseci praćenja viÅ”e nije bilo statistički i klinički značajnih razlika između dviju skupina očiju. Metoda SBK je objektivno i subjektivno bolja metoda u odnosu na PRK, te bolesniku omogućuje brži oporavak uz manje nuspojava

    ā€œDonā€™t leave, pleaseā€ ā€“ cognitive behavioural treatment of a child with separation anxiety disorder

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    Separacijski anksiozni poremećaj (SAP) ili anksiozni poremećaj zbog separacije u djetinjstvu dijagnosticira se kada strah od odvajanja od osoba za koje je dijete vezano (roditelj ili druge osobe ā€“ figure privrženosti) čini žariÅ”te anksioznosti. Ubraja se u najučestalije anksiozne poremećaje u djece mlađe od 12 godina s tipičnim početkom u dobi 8-12 godina. Povezan je s izbjegavajućim ponaÅ”anjem Å”to može dovesti do poteÅ”koća na emocionalnom i socijalnom planu, a u težim slučajevima rezultirati naruÅ”enim Å”kolskim funkcioniranjem te reduciranim sveopćim funkcioniranjem djeteta. Prikazujemo slučaj dječaka u dobi od 10,5 godina, koji je nakon multidisciplinske timske obrade kojom je utvrđeno postojanje značajnih teÅ”koća iz anksioznog kruga s dominantnim separacijskim poteÅ”koćama, uključen u kognitivno-bihevioralni tretman. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati važnost multidisciplinskog pristupa dijagnostici i liječenju, suvremene spoznaje kognitivno-bihevioralnog pristupa i tretmana te doprinos uključenosti roditelja kao koterapeuta u implementaciji tehnika radi boljeg ishoda cjelokupnog tretmana.Separation anxiety disorder (SAD), or anxiety disorder due to separation in childhood, is diagnosed when the fear of separation from an attachment figure is the focus of anxiety. The level of separation anxiety has to be inappropriate for the age of the child and accompanied by impaired functioning. SAD is the most common anxiety disorder among children under the age of 12, with a typical onset at the age of 8-12 years. A common feature of separation anxiety disorder is avoidance behaviour, and if left untreated can lead to strong emotional distress or affect social life of a child, family and educational functioning. In this paper, we describe a boy aged 10 years and 5 months (4th grade of elementary school), who was referred for multidisciplinary team assessment, was diagnosed with anxiety disorder (with dominant separation anxiety problems) and was later included in cognitive-behavioural therapy. This article presents recent findings on cognitive-behavioural approach and treatment and discusses the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in assessment and treatment of SAD as well as the parentsā€™ participation in CBT implementation to improve treatment outcome


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    Djeca s eksternaliziranim poremećajima iskazuju simptome nedovoljno kontroliranog ponaÅ”anja kojima ometaju okolinu zbog čega su ovi poremećaji jedan od najčeŔćih razloga za traženje stručne procjene i tretmana u području mentalnog zdravlja. Eksternalizirani poremećaji su rezultati međudjelovanja bioloÅ”kih, psiholoÅ”kih i socijalnih čimbenika. Djeca s eksternaliziranim poremećajima imaju specifične socio-kognitivne karakteristike koje održavaju simptome, a mnoge terapijske intervencije u sklopu kognitivno bihevioralnog terapije usmjerene su na njihovu modifikaciju. U radu je prikazan kognitivno bihevioralni model eksternaliziranih poremećaja u djece i tehnike kognitivno bihevioralne terapije (KBT) s naglaskom na specifičnosti kognitivnih tehnika kod djece mlađe dobi. Navedeni su i rezultati istraživanja učinkovitosti KBT za eksternalizirane poremećaje djece koja pokazuju značajno smanjenje simptoma, osobito kada su u terapiju uključeni i roditelji kao koterapeuti. Prognoze su bolje ako se s terapijom započne u mlađoj dobi