35 research outputs found

    Sistema multiobjetivo de soporte a decisiones para planificación de programación de operaciones

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    This research shows the design and construction of a multi objective optimization support system for decision making, DSS-SCHEDULER, in order to effectively perform naval shipbuilding operations, by managing to have a rational usage, under a limited capacity, of the installed capacity. The system creates the operational plan for the scheduling of operations as well as the allocation of all the resources related to the processes carried out at the plant, and, taking into account all the restrictions this type of service entails, generate a set of optimal solutions in order to comply with the objective functions as planned, such as costs and the promise for delivery dates to support the decision making process in scheduling Cotecmar’s industrial operations.La presente investigación muestra el diseño y construcción de un sistema de optimización Multiobjetivo de soporte a toma de decisiones, DSS-SCHEDULER, para realizar de manera efectiva la actividad de programación de operaciones en planta de astilleros navales, logrando una utilización racional, bajo capacidad finita, de la capacidad instalada, el cual realiza la creación de la planificación operativa de programación de operaciones y la asignación de todos los recursos asociados a los procesos que se realizan en la planta, y teniendo en cuenta todas las restricciones que conlleva estos servicios, generar un conjunto de soluciones óptimas cumpliendo con las funciones objetivo propuestas, como costos y promesa de fechas de entrega para apoyar la toma de decisiones de la programación de las operaciones industriales de Cotecmar

    Life on the ice-edge: Paleoenvironmental significance of the radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the northern hemisphere

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    The high-latitude Northern Hemisphere is a key region in the global climate balance. Variations in sea-ice extent affect biological productivity, CO2 exchange and carbon drawdown. Marine proxies indicative of proximity of the ice-marginal zone are therefore essential to understand these processes. Amphimelissa setosa is nowadays a dominant radiolarian species in the Arctic basin and very abundant in the high-latitude North Atlantic. This species, now absent from the North Pacific, has been widely used as a qualitative proxy of modern and past environmental conditions in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere. Using our new and published data on the distribution of A. setosa in plankton, sediment trap, surface sediment and downcore samples, we provide a quantitative ecological context for the occurrence of this species. We find that the optimal depth and season of A. setosa in the modern North Atlantic and the Chukchi Sea are 160 m and the late boreal summer/early fall (August–October), respectively. A regression model combining environmental variables (temperature, salinity, silicate and chlorophyll-a concentrations, apparent oxygen utilization, sea-ice) at that season and depth, are able to explain 43% of the distribution of this species in surface sediments. Based on these new findings, we conclude that the presence of A. setosa in surface sediments is closely related to high primary production in the proximity of the sea-ice and areas of ice rafting. The onset of this species started at ca. 1.5 Ma in the North Pacific, linked to a gradual cooling, increased silica availability and southward advance of the ice-margins since the Early Pleistocene. Amphimelissa setosa’s decline in this region was likely caused by the development of a quasi-permanent halocline, perennial sea-ice and depletion of silica during marine isotope stage 4. In the high-latitude North Atlantic, the relative abundance of A. setosa appears to be related to cooling and supply of dissolved silica from the continent during ice-rafting events. The comprehensive approach taken in this study suggest that A. setosa is a useful proxy to explore past variations in the ice-cover in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology | Ref. 0149-2019-000

    Catalases Are NAD(P)H-Dependent Tellurite Reductases

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    Reactive oxygen species damage intracellular targets and are implicated in cancer, genetic disease, mutagenesis, and aging. Catalases are among the key enzymatic defenses against one of the most physiologically abundant reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide. The well-studied, heme-dependent catalases accelerate the rate of the dismutation of peroxide to molecular oxygen and water with near kinetic perfection. Many catalases also bind the cofactors NADPH and NADH tenaciously, but, surprisingly, NAD(P)H is not required for their dismutase activity. Although NAD(P)H protects bovine catalase against oxidative damage by its peroxide substrate, the catalytic role of the nicotinamide cofactor in the function of this enzyme has remained a biochemical mystery to date. Anions formed by heavy metal oxides are among the most highly reactive, natural oxidizing agents. Here, we show that a natural isolate of Staphylococcus epidermidis resistant to tellurite detoxifies this anion thanks to a novel activity of its catalase, and that a subset of both bacterial and mammalian catalases carry out the NAD(P)H-dependent reduction of soluble tellurite ion (TeO(3) (2−)) to the less toxic, insoluble metal, tellurium (Te°), in vitro. An Escherichia coli mutant defective in the KatG catalase/peroxidase is sensitive to tellurite, and expression of the S. epidermidis catalase gene in a heterologous E. coli host confers increased resistance to tellurite as well as to hydrogen peroxide in vivo, arguing that S. epidermidis catalase provides a physiological line of defense against both of these strong oxidizing agents. Kinetic studies reveal that bovine catalase reduces tellurite with a low Michaelis-Menten constant, a result suggesting that tellurite is among the natural substrates of this enzyme. The reduction of tellurite by bovine catalase occurs at the expense of producing the highly reactive superoxide radical

    Interchangeability of biological drugs: Considerations about the approval of biogeneric formulations in Chile Intercambiabilidad de medicamentos de origen biológico (biofármacos): Consideraciones acerca de la aprobación de formulaciones biosimilares (biog

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    Once drug patents expire, the health authorities can approve the registry of similar products. They must request to the manufacturer, the bibliographic background of the original product and the analytical results that certify drug quality. An inspection of the premises of the manufacturer is also required. The main goal of this approval is to decrease cost, considering that the original product is usually more expensive. This is a current situation due to the imminent expiration of the patents of many biopharmaceutical products. Therefore, in Chile, the Public Health (ISP) and the Ministry of Health should consider that for this kind of products, until now, there are no interchangeable generic drugs, and that the similar drugs that are offered have a different chemical composition, since they have been manufactured through different processes. In the case of biological drugs (e.g. erythropoietir, somatotropin, heparin) the quality and homogeneity depend from the manufacture process.

    Experiencia vivida frente al aborto inducido en un grupo de mujeres en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Introduction: Regarding induced abortion, different positions have been adopted, often based on moral, philosophical, and religious perspectives, when they should be focused on what this health situation implies for women’s lives. Method: A phenomenological research was conducted to establish dialogues from the own protagonists’ perspective of induced abortion, where seven women over 18 years of age in Bogotá participated. Results: Women’s experiences are varied, but some similar or common aspects were identified. However, each experience is specific and is framed within the context where each woman lived at the time of the abortion. The following categories of analysis were identified: Abortion as a consequence of unwanted pregnancy, abortion as an experience versus an autonomous decision, abortion, guilt and sin, changes associated with the experience, maternity, desire materialization, and abortion should not be considered a crime. Conclusions: Abortion experience cannot be generalized, and for its understanding, aspects that only concern women as the experts on their lives and situations must be taken into account. This research contribution was to restore women's abortion experiences to advance female population health care.Introdução: sobre o aborto provocado têm-se estabelecido diferentes posturas, muitas vezes baseadas em perspectivas morais, filosóficas e religiosas, quando deveriam estar focadas no que implica essa situação de saúde na vida das mulheres. Metodologia: desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa fenomenológica para estabelecer os diálogos na perspectiva das próprias protagonistas sobre o aborto provocado com a participação de sete mulheres, maiores de 18 anos, em Bogotá. Resultados: as experiências das mulheres são variadas, mas alguns aspectos semelhantes ou comuns foram identificados. Porém, cada experiência é particular e se enquadra no contexto em que cada uma permanecia no momento do aborto. Foram identificadas as seguintes categorias de análise: aborto como consequência de uma gravidez indesejada, aborto como experiência diante de uma decisão autônoma, aborto, culpa e pecado, mudanças associadas à experiência, maternidade, materialização do desejo e aborto não deve ser considerado como um crime. Conclusões: a experiência do aborto não pode ser generalizável e, para sua compreensão, devem ser considerados aspectos que dizem respeito apenas à mulher como especialista em sua vida e em sua situação. A contribuição desta pesquisa foi resgatar as vivências de mulheres sobre o aborto para contribuir com a atenção à saúde da população feminina.Introducción: frente al aborto inducido se han establecido diferentes posturas que muchas veces se basan en perspectivas morales, filosóficas y religiosas, cuando deberían estar centradas en lo que implica esta situación de salud en la vida de las mujeres Metodología: se desarrolló una investigación fenomenológica para establecer los diálogos desde la perspectiva de las propias protagonistas sobre el aborto inducido con una participación de siete mujeres, mayores de 18 años en Bogotá. Resultados: las experiencias de las mujeres son variadas, pero se identificaron algunos aspectos similares o comunes. Sin embargo, cada vivencia es particular y tiene como marco el contexto en el que cada una habitaba en el momento del aborto. Se identificaron las siguientes categorías de análisis: aborto como consecuencia de un embarazo no deseado, aborto como experiencia frente a una decisión autónoma, aborto, culpa y pecado, cambios asociados a la experiencia, maternidad, materialización del deseo y aborto no debe ser considerado como un delito. Conclusiones: la vivencia del aborto no puede ser generalizable, y para su entendimiento debe tenerse en cuenta aspectos que solo atañen a la mujer como experta en su vida y en su situación. El aporte de la presente investigación fue recuperar la vivencia de las mujeres sobre el aborto para contribuir al cuidado de la salud en la población femenina

    Farmacocinética de medicamentos de uso pediátrico, visión actual

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    Role of cytochrome P450 enzymes in the metabolism of antineoplastic drugs Papel de las enzimas citocromo p450 en el metabolismo de fármacos antineoplásicos: Situación actual y perspectivas terapéuticas

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    Cytochrome P450 enzymes are very important to metabolize anti-carcinogenic agents. Therefore, understanding the role of these enzymes and their allele variants in the bioactivation or detoxification of drugs could greatiy benefit antineoplastic pharmacotherapy. The aim of thís manuscrípt is to give information about metabohzing enzymes for antineoplastic agents and to relate the current situation in antitumoral pharmacotherapy with recent knowledge about cytochrome P450 enzymes. This is crucial for the future perspectives towards personalized pharmacotherapy. We summarize the role of cytochrome P450 enzymes in the resistance and bioactivation of several antitumor agents, their induction and repression mechanisms and the effect of genetic polymorphisms on variability of drug metabolization. The understanding of genetic variability will help to develop new research Unes on innovative therapeutic possibilities. © 2009 Sociedad Médica de Santiago

    Relative bioavailability study of two oral formulations of mycophenolate mofetil in healthy volunteers Estudio de biodisponibilidad relativa entre dos formulaciones orales de micofenolato mofetilo en voluntarios sanos

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    Background: The bioequivalence of different formulations of a same pharmaceutical product must be tested empirically. Aim: To evaluate the relative bioavailability for an oral formulation of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) (LinfonexTM) compared to the reference formulation (CellceptTM) to determine the bioequivalence between both formulations. Material and Methods: A randomized, crossover, double-blind trial in 22 healthy male volunteers, who received a single oral dose of 1000 mg of Linfonex and Cellcept with a washout period of 10 days. Plasma levels of the drug were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Plasma concentrations were plotted and maximum concentration, area under the plasma concentration versus time between 0 and 12 hours after administration and area under plasma concentration curve versus time after administration between 0 and infinity, were calculated for both products. Results: The active compound, mycophenolic acid, was similarly absorbed in both formu

    Multi objective support system for the decisions to plan scheduling of operations

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    This research shows the design and construction of a multi objective optimization support system for decision making, DSS-SCHEDULER, in order to effectively perform naval shipbuilding operations, by managing to have a rational usage, under a limited capacity, of the installed capacity. The system creates the operational plan for the scheduling of operations as well as the allocation of all the resources related to the processes carried out at the plant, and, taking into account all the restrictions this type of service entails, generate a set of optimal solutions in order to comply with the objective functions as planned, such as costs and the promise for delivery dates to support the decision making process in scheduling Cotecmar’s industrial operations.La presente investigación muestra el diseño y construcción de un sistema de optimización Multiobjetivo de soporte a toma de decisiones, DSS-SCHEDULER, para realizar de manera efectiva la actividad de programación de operaciones en planta de astilleros navales, logrando una utilización racional, bajo capacidad finita, de la capacidad instalada, el cual realiza la creación de la planificación operativa de programación de operaciones y la asignación de todos los recursos asociados a los procesos que se realizan en la planta, y teniendo en cuenta todas las restricciones que conlleva estos servicios, generar un conjunto de soluciones óptimas cumpliendo con las funciones objetivo propuestas, como costos y promesa de fechas de entrega para apoyar la toma de decisiones de la programación de las operaciones industriales de Cotecmar