360 research outputs found

    Lepton mixing and neutrino masses from A5 and CP

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    Some properties of lepton mixing and neutrino masses can be computed under the assumption of A5 and CP as a symmetry in the leptonic sector. The results show that four mixing patterns accommodate well the oscillation data, i.e. all the mixing angles are in the 3sigma confidence region. We also introduce an explicit realization of this framework in the case of the Weinberg operator where the neutrino mass spectrum can be computed.Comment: Poster presented at NuPhys2015 (London, 16-18 December 2015). 5 pages, LaTeX, 2 pdf figure

    Probability Densities of the effective neutrino masses mβm_{\beta } and mββm_{\beta \beta}

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    We compute the probability densities of the effective neutrino masses mβm_{\beta } and mββm_{\beta \beta} using the Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) approach applied to a distribution of points in the (mmin,mββ)(m_{\min}, m_{\beta\beta }) and (mβ,mββ)(m_{\beta }, m_{\beta\beta }) planes, obtained using the available Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the neutrino mixing and mass differences, with the additional constraints coming from cosmological data on the sum of the neutrino masses. We show that the reconstructed probability densities strongly depend on the assumed set of cosmological data: for jmj0.68 @ 95% CL\sum_j m_j \leq 0.68\ @\ 95\% \ \mathrm{CL} a sensitive portion of the allowed values are already excluded by null results of experiments searching for mββm_{\beta \beta} and mβm_{\beta }, whereas in the case $\sum_j m_j \leq 0.23\ @\ 95\% \ \mathrm{CL}$ the bulk of the probability densities are below the current bounds.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Improved discussion and references added, typos corrected, matches published version in NP

    Phenomenology of SU(5) low-energy realizations: the diphoton excess and Higgs flavor violation

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    We discuss different SU(5)\rm SU(5) low-energy realizations and illustrate their use with the diphoton excess and Higgs flavor violation, which require new physics at the TeV scale. In particular, we study two scenarios for a 750750 GeV resonance: in the first one the resonance belongs to the adjoint of SU(5)\rm SU(5), being either an SU(2)L\rm SU(2)_L singlet or a triplet, while in the second case the signal is due to the CP-even and CP-odd states of a new SU(2)L\rm SU(2)_L Higgs doublet belonging to a 45H{\bf 45}_H or a 70H{\bf 70}_H representations, giving rise to a two-Higgs doublet model at low energies. We study the fine-tuning needed for the desired members of the multiplets to be light enough, while having the rest at the GUT scale. In these scenarios, the production and decay into photons of the new resonance are mediated by the leptoquarks (LQ) present in these large SU(5)\rm SU(5) representations. We analyse the phenomenology of such scenarios, focusing on the most relevant predictions that can help to disentangle the different models, like decays into gauge bosons, Standard Model (SM) fermions and LQs pair production. In the case of the 45H{\bf 45}_H (the Georgi-Jarlskog model), we also study the possibility to have Higgs flavor violation. We find that BsB_s mixing limits (in addition to τμγ\tau\rightarrow \mu \gamma) always imply that BR(hτμ,bs)105\rm{BR}(h\rightarrow \tau\mu,\,bs)\lesssim 10^{-5}.Comment: Minor clarifications and references added, typos corrected, matches published version in NP

    Probing new physics scenarios in accelerator and reactor neutrino experiments

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    We perform a detailed combined fit to the νeνe\overline \nu_e \rightarrow \overline \nu_e disappearence data of the Daya Bay experiment and the appearance νμνe\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_{e} and disappearance νμνμ\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_{\mu} data of the Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) one in the presence of two models of new physics affecting neutrino oscillations, namely a model where sterile neutrinos can propagate in a large compactified extra dimension and a model where non-standard interactions (NSI) affect the neutrino production and detection. We find that the Daya Bay \oplus T2K data combination constrains the largest radius of the compactified extra dimensions to be R0.17R\lesssim 0.17 μm\mu {\rm m} at 2σ\sigma C.L. (for the inverted ordering of the neutrino mass spectrum) and the relevant NSI parameters in the range O(103)O(102){\mathcal O}(10^{-3})-{\mathcal O}(10^{-2}), for particular choices of the charged parity violating phases.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; typos corrected; matches published versio

    O Uso de Plantas Medicinais no Tratamento de Queimaduras - Uma revisão integrativa

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Farmácia.Introdução: Queimaduras são lesões teciduais causadas por agentes térmicos, químicos, elétricos ou radioativos sendo categorizadas como de 1º, 2º ou 3º graus, de acordo com sua profundidade e das estruturas da pele ou tecidos adjacentes acometidos. São feridas de grande complexidade técnica, pois requerem condições fisiológicas, nutricionais e microbiológicas absolutamente favoráveis para regeneração, trazendo imenso sofrimento às vítimas. Essas lesões ocorrem em maior frequência nas populações socialmente vulneráveis. Considerando a grande biodiversidade vegetal do país, a forte tradição étnica e popular do uso de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos, essa modalidade terapêutica pode melhorar o acesso de populações socioeconomicamente vulneráveis a medicamentos. Objetivo: Identificar e descrever a produção científica sobre o uso de plantas medicinais no tratamento de queimaduras. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada no período de fevereiro a março de 2021, nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, Scopus, e na biblioteca eletrônica da SciELO e PubMed, a partir dos descritores: “plantas medicinais”, “ervas medicinais”, “queimaduras”; “farmacognosia” e suas variações, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados: Foram selecionados 17 artigos, desses, aproximadamente 59% foram desenvolvidos na Ásia. Quanto às plantas medicinais utilizadas, a maioria são nativas da Europa, Ásia ou África. Não houve prevalência de nenhuma espécie, contudo, foi observado que os flavonoides foi a classe fitoquímica mais citada, e o resultado observado no processo de cicatrização mais frequente foi redução do tempo de cicatrização. Conclusão: Várias das plantas estudadas apresentaram potencial para o desenvolvimento de medicamentos que podem ser usados no tratamento de queimaduras. Contudo, são necessários mais estudos clínicos com alto nível de evidência, para que o uso de plantas medicinais seja difundido como uma metodologia terapêutica séria e confiável, e não apenas resquícios históricos da medicina, beneficiando a as vítimas e minimizando seu sofrimento.Introduction: Burns are tissue injuries caused by thermal, Chemical, electrical or radioactive agents, being categorized as first, second, or third degree burns, according to its depth and the skin structures or adjacent tissue affected. Burns are very technically complex wounds, as they require conditions physiological, nutritional, and microbiological favorable to heal, bringing immense suffering to the victims. These wounds occur most frequently in socially vulnerable populations. Considering the vast vegetal biodiversity in Brazil, as the strong ethnical and tradition in using medicinal plants and phytoterapic medicines, this therapeutic modality may improve access of socioeconomic vulnerable people to medical care. Objective: Identify and describe scientific production related to the use medicinal plants in burn wound care. Methodology: This is a integrative review carried out from February to March 2021, using LILACS, MEDLINE, Scopus, SciELO and PubMed databases, with the descriptors: “medicinal plants”, “medicinal herbs”, “burns”, “pharmacognosy” and their respective variations, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. Results: 17 articles were selected, and approximately 59% of these were done in Asia. About the medicinal plants studied, most of them are native to Europe, Asia or Africa. There was no greater prevalence of any of the species, although was observed that flavonoids were the most cited phytochemical class, and the most observed result in the cicatrization process was the reduction of the healing time. Conclusion: Many of the studied plants showed potential to the development of medicines that may be used in the treatment of burns. Nevertheless, more clinical studies are needed, with high level evidences, so the use of medicinal plants may be defunded as a serious and reliable therapeutic methodology, and not just historical reminiscences from old medical practices, benefiting burn victims and minimizing their suffering

    Enzymatic synthesis of cyclic imino acids

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    Optically active cyclic imino acids are widely used as important pharmaceutical intermediates and it is necessary to develop cost effective synthetic method for their production. We have already established one-pot synthesis of L-cyclic imino acids from diamino acids by using N-methyl-L-amino acid dehydrogenase (NMAADH) from Pseudomonas putida. In order to make this process more efficient, we established a recombinant Escherichia coli which expresses NMAADH, lysine racemase from P. putida and D-lysine dehydrogenase from Selenomonas ruminantium in a single cell. The recombinant E. coli makes it possible to recycle NADPH by combination of reductive reaction using NMAADH and oxidative reaction using D-lysine dehydrogenase (Fig.1). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Neutrino masses and lepton mixing from A5×CPA_5\times{\rm CP}

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    We analyse in detail the phenomenological implications for lepton masses and mixing derived by the breaking of the discrete symmetries A5×CPA_5 \times CP into the subgroups Z2×CPZ_2 \times CP in the neutrino sector and Z5Z_5 in the charged lepton sector. We derive accurate analytic expressions for the sum of the neutrino masses Σimi\Sigma_i m_i as well as for the effective Majorana masses mβm_\beta and mββm_{\beta \beta} under different hypotheses for the flavon vevs and compare them with the exact numerical results obtained from the diagonalization of the neutrino mass matrix.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figure

    Influência do hipotireoidismo gestacional experimental em sistemas biológicos centrais de regulação da nocicepção em ratos

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    Changes in maternal thyroid hormones concentrations during pregnancy can affect the body development of pups. However, despite the recent race for the understanding of the mechanisms that explain the impact of perinatal life in the occurrence of different diseases, little has been done to investigate the role of maternal thyroid hormones for proper development of CNS structures, important in regulating perception nociceptive. In this sense, in the present study we investigate the effect of experimental gestational hypothyroidism (EGH) in biological systems of nociceptive circuitry. The EGH was induced by methimazole to 0.02% in drinking water from ninth day of gestation until delivery. The threshold for noxious temperature was evaluated by using the hot plate apparatus (52 ± 0.2 ° C) in male offspring from methimazole treated dams (OMTD) and offspring from water treated dams (OWTD), on postnatal day (PND) 60 days, in baseline condiction and after a drug injection (morphine, memantine, sertraline and AMPT). In addition, thyroid status was evaluated through the determination of total T3 and T4 serum levels on PND 60, sections through the vlPAG were processed for TH immunofluorescence, the contents of glutamate in the cerebrospinal fluid was measured and evaluated oxidative parameters in spinal cord. The results were expressed mean ± Standard Error values. Three and two way ANOVA, Student t test, Mann-Whitney and correlation test were used. The threshold of statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Thus, our data showed that EGH does not generate significant impact on the treated mothers when they are compared to control, but in the offspring important effects of lack of maternal THs in the intrauterine period were observed. OMTD had less body weight after 60 DPN (p <0.01), higher serum concentration of TT3 (p <0.05), higher analgesia on the hot plate after i.p. morphine, at times 30 and 60 minutes (time factor interaction and treatment (F (4, 80) = 2.50, p <0.05) and increased lipid peroxidation (assessed by quantification of TBARS) in the spinal cord (p <0.01 ). Given the above, we conclude that the lack of THs during pregnancy causes changes in body weight and serum concentrations of T3, as well as in biological systems of nociceptive circuitry.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESAlterações das concentrações de hormônios tireoideanos maternos durante a gestação podem afetar o adequado desenvolvimento dos filhotes. No entanto, apesar da corrida recente pela compreensão dos mecanismos que expliquem as repercussões da vida perinatal na ocorrência de distintas doenças, pouco se tem feito para investigar o papel dos hormônios tireoideanos maternos para o adequado desenvolvimento das estruturas do SNC, importantes na regulação da percepção nociceptiva. Nesse sentido, no presente estudo, procurou-se investigar as repercussões do hipotireoidismo gestacional (HGE) materno nos sistemas biológicos centrais de controle nociceptivo. O HGE foi induzido adicionando metimazol a 0,02% na água de beber a partir do nono dia de gestação até o parto. Os machos da prole de mães hipotireoideas (PMH) e eutireoideas (PME) foram submetidos à avaliação basal e após a injeção de drogas (morfina, memantina, sertralina e AMPT), do limiar nociceptivo com 60 dias pós-natal (DPN) por meio do aparato da placa quente (52±0,2 C). Ademais, foi realizada a dosagem da triiodotironina e tiroxina totais (TT3 e TT4, respectivamente) séricos, quantificação de neurônios da substância cinzenta periaquedutal porção ventrolateral (PAGvl) imunomarcados para tirosina hidroxilase, quantificação de glutamato no líquor, além da avaliação de parâmetros oxidativos. Os resultados obtidos foram expressos em valores de média ± erro padrão da média. Para comparação dos dados entre os grupos foi realizado ANOVA three e two-way de medidas repetidas, student t test, Mann-withney e ANCOVA com distância percorrida como co-. O nível crítico fixado foi de 5% (P<0,05). Após análise dos dados foi possível observar que a PMH apresenta menor massa corporal aos 60 DPN (p<0.01), maior concentração sérica de TT3 (p<0.05), maior analgesia na placa quente após a administração i.p. de morfina nos tempos 30 e 60 minutos (fator interação tempo e tratamento (F(4, 80) = 2,50; p <0,05) e maior peroxidação lipídica (avaliada pela quantificação do TBARS) na medula espinhal (p<0.01) quando comparada ao grupo controle. Diante do exposto, concluímos que o HGE não gera repercussões importantes nas mães tratadas, quando estas são comparadas as controle, no entanto, a prole sofre importantes efeitos da carência dos hormônios tireoideanos maternos no período intraútero. A carência de HTs no período gestacional acarreta alterações no peso corporal e nas concentrações séricas de TT3, bem como nos sistemas biológicos de controle nociceptivo