1,799 research outputs found

    Ridges and Soft Jet Components in Untriggered Di-hadron Correlations in Pb+Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV

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    We study untriggered di-hadron correlations in Pb+Pb at 2.76 TeV, based on an event-by-event simulation of a hydrodynamic expansion starting from flux tube initial conditions. The correlation function shows interesting structures as a function of the pseudorapidity difference Δη\Delta\eta and the azimuthal angle difference Δϕ\Delta\phi, in particular comparing different centralities. We can clearly identify a peak-like nearside structure associated with very low momentum components of jets for peripheral collisions, which disappears towards central collisions. On the other hand, a very broad ridge structure from asymmetric flow seen at central collisions, gets smaller and finally disappears towards peripheral collisions

    Bose-Einstein Correlations in a Fluid Dynamical Scenario for Proton-Proton Scattering at 7 TeV

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    Using a fluid dynamical scenario for pppp scattering at 7 TeV, we compute correlation functions for π+π+\pi^+\pi^+ pairs. Femtoscopic radii are extracted based on three-dimensional parametrizations of the correlation functions. We study the radii as a function of the transverse momenta of the pairs, for different multiplicity classes, corresponding to recent experimental results from ALICE. We find the same decrease of the radii with kTk_T, more and more pronounced with increasing multiplicity, but absent for the lowest multiplicities. In the model we understand this as transition from string expansion (low multiplicity) towards a three-dimensional hydrodynamical expansion (high multiplicity)

    New Developments of EPOS 2

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    Since 2006, EPOS hadronic interaction model is being used for very high energy cosmic ray analysis. Designed for minimum bias particle physics and used for having a precise description of SPS and RHIC heavy ion collisions, EPOS brought more detailed description of hadronic interactions in air shower development. Thanks to this model it was possible to understand why there were less muons in air shower simulations than observed in real data. With the start of the LHC era, a better description of hard processes and collective effects is needed to deeply understand the incoming data. We will describe the basic physics in EPOS and the new developments and constraints which are taken into account in EPOS 2.Comment: Contributed presentation to the XVI International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2010), Batavia, IL, USA (28 June 2 July 2010). 4 pages, 6 figure

    The "Ridge" in Proton-Proton Scattering at 7 TeV

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    One of the most important experimental results for proton-proton scattering at the LHC is the observation of a so-called "ridge" structure in the two particle correlation function versus the pseudorapidity difference Δη\Delta\eta and the azimuthal angle difference Δϕ\Delta\phi. One finds a strong correlation around Δϕ=0\Delta\phi=0, extended over many units in Δη\Delta\eta. We show that a hydrodynamical expansion based on flux tube initial conditions leads in a natural way to the observed structure. To get this result, we have to perform an event-by-event calculation, because the effect is due to statistical fluctuations of the initial conditions, together with a subsequent collective expansion. This is a strong point in favour of a fluid-like behavior even in pppp scattering, where we have to deal with length scales of the order of 0.1 fm.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for flow in pPb collisions at 5 TeV from v2 mass splitting

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    We show that a fluid dynamical scenario describes quantitatively the observed mass splitting of the elliptical flow coefficients v2 for pions, kaons, and protons. This provides a strong argument in favor of the existence of a fluid dynamical expansion in pPb collisions at 5TeV

    Jets, Bulk Matter, and their Interaction in Heavy Ion Collisions at Several TeV

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    We discuss a theoretical scheme that accounts for bulk matter, jets, and the interaction between the two. The aim is a complete description of particle production at all transverse momentum (ptp_{t}) scales. In this picture, the hard initial scatterings result in mainly longitudinal flux tubes, with transversely moving pieces carrying the ptp_{t} of the partons from hard scatterings. These flux tubes constitute eventually both bulk matter (which thermalizes and flows) and jets. We introduce a criterion based on parton energy loss to decide whether a given string segment contributes to the bulk or leaves the matter to end up as a jet of hadrons. Essentially low ptp_{t} segments from inside the volume will constitute the bulk, high ptp_{t} segments (or segments very close to the surface) contribute to the jets. The latter ones appear after the usual flux tube breaking via q-qbar production (Schwinger mechanism). Interesting is the transition region: Intermediate ptp_{t} segments produced inside the matter close to the surface but having enough energy to escape, are supposed to pick up q-qbar pairs from the thermal matter rather than creating them via the Schwinger mechanism. This represents a communication between jets and the flowing bulk matter (fluid-jet interaction). Also very important is the interaction between jet hadrons and the soft hadrons from the fluid freeze-out. We employ the new picture to investigate Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV. We discuss the centrality and ptp_{t} dependence of particle production and long range dihadron correlations at small and large ptp_{t}
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