82 research outputs found

    Probable association of T Tauri stars with the L1014 dense core

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    Using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 (WFGS2), we have carried out slit-less spectroscopy, g'r'i' photometry, and slit spectroscopy on the L1014 dense core. We detected three Halpha emission line stars. We interpret one as weak-line T Tauri star (WTTS) and the others as classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). Since their g'-i' colors and/or classified spectral types are consistent with those of T Tauri stars and two of them show less extinction than the cloud, these three stars are likely to be T Tauri stars associated with L1014. Adopting an age range for T Tauri stars, 1-10 Myr, the color-magnitude diagram suggests a distance of ~400-900 pc, rather than the previously assumed distance, 200 pc. This could strongly affect on the mass estimate of L1014-IRS, which is thought to be either a very young protostar or proto-brown dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Vol.58, No.5, October 25, 200

    Refold rigidity of convex polyhedra

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    We show that every convex polyhedron may be unfolded to one planar piece, and then refolded to a different convex polyhedron. If the unfolding is restricted to cut only edges of the polyhedron, we identify several polyhedra that are “edge-refold rigid” in the sense that each of their unfoldings may only fold back to the original. For example, each of the 43,380 edge unfoldings of a dodecahedron may only fold back to the dodecahedron, and we establish that 11 of the 13 Archimedean solids are also edge-refold rigid. We begin the exploration of which classes of polyhedra are and are not edge-refold rigid, demonstrating infinite rigid classes through perturbations, and identifying one infinite nonrigid class: tetrahedra

    Continuously Flattening Polyhedra Using Straight Skeletons

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    We prove that a surprisingly simple algorithm folds the surface of every convex polyhedron, in any dimension, into a flat folding by a continuous motion, while preserving intrinsic distances and avoiding crossings. The flattening respects the straight-skeleton gluing, meaning that points of the polyhedron touched by a common ball inside the polyhedron come into contact in the flat folding, which answers an open question in the book Geometric Folding Algorithms. The primary creases in our folding process can be found in quadratic time, though necessarily, creases must roll continuously, and we show that the full crease pattern can be exponential in size. We show that our method solves the fold-and-cut problem for convex polyhedra in any dimension. As an additional application, we show how a limiting form of our algorithm gives a general design technique for flat origami tessellations, for any spiderweb (planar graph with all-positive equilibrium stress)

    Search for VHE gamma rays from SS433/W50 with the CANGAROO-II telescope

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    SS433, located at the center of the supernova remnant W50, is a close proximity binary system consisting of a compact star and a normal star. Jets of material are directed outwards from the vicinity of the compact star symmetrically to the east and west

    Detection of Gamma-rays around 1TeV from RX J0852.0-4622 by CANGAROO-II

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    We have detected gamma-ray emission at the 6sigma level at energies greater than 500GeV from the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 (G266.2-1.2) using the CANGAROO-II Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT). The flux was 0.12 times of that of Crab at 1TeV. The signal centroid is consistent with the peak of the X-ray emission in the north-west rim of the remnant.Comment: 12pages, 4figures, to be published in ApJ

    A Search for TeV Gamma-ray Emission from the PSR B1259-63/SS2883 Binary System with the CANGAROO-II 10-m Telescope

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    Observations of the PSR B1259-63/SS2883 binary system using the CANGAROO-II Cherenkov telescope are reported. This nearby binary consists of a 48msec radio pulsar in a highly eccentric orbit around a Be star, and offers a unique laboratory to investigate the interactions between the outflows of the pulsar and Be star at various distances. It has been pointed out that the relativistic pulsar wind and the dense mass outflow of the Be star may result in the emission of gamma rays up to TeV energies. We have observed the binary in 2000 and 2001, 47 and 157 days after the October 2000 periastron. Upper limits at the 0.13--0.54 Crab level are obtained. A new model calculation for high-energy gamma-ray emission from the Be star outflow is introduced and the estimated gamma-ray flux considering Bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton scattering, and the decay of neutral pions produced in proton-proton interactions, is found to be comparable to the upper limits of these observations. Comparing our results with these model calculations, the mass-outflow parameters of the Be star are constrained.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    大腸Cold Snare Polypectomyにおける手技の工夫とその切除検体の臨床病理学的検討

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    京都府立医科大学附属北部医療センター 消化器内科京都府立医科大学附属北部医療センター 病理診断科市立福知山市民病院消化器内科京都府立医科大学消化器内科学Department of Gastroentarology and Hepatology, North Medical Center, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Pathology, North Medical Center, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Gastroentarology and Hepatology, Fukuchiyama City HospitalDepartment of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science近年、Cold Snare Polypectomy(CSP) は、その簡便性、安全性から急速に普及しており、当院でも2014年よりCSPを導入している。CSP導入当初の臨床病理学的解析では、病変の完全一括切除率は67%であった。一方、本検討では、3本編細径スネアの導入を含めた手技の工夫により完全一括切除率は94%まで向上を認めた。本研究は少数例の検討であり、今後前向き試験による検討が必要である

    Importance of rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons in determining efferent sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure

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    Accentuated sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) is a risk factor for cardiovascular events. In this review, we investigate our working hypothesis that potentiated activity of neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) is the primary cause of experimental and essential hypertension. Over the past decade, we have examined how RVLM neurons regulate peripheral SNA, how the sympathetic and renin-angiotensin systems are correlated and how the sympathetic system can be suppressed to prevent cardiovascular events in patients. Based on results of whole-cell patch-clamp studies, we report that angiotensin II (Ang II) potentiated the activity of RVLM neurons, a sympathetic nervous center, whereas Ang II receptor blocker (ARB) reduced RVLM activities. Our optical imaging demonstrated that a longitudinal rostrocaudal column, including the RVLM and the caudal end of ventrolateral medulla, acts as a sympathetic center. By organizing and analyzing these data, we hope to develop therapies for reducing SNA in our patients. Recently, 2-year depressor effects were obtained by a single procedure of renal nerve ablation in patients with essential hypertension. The ablation injured not only the efferent renal sympathetic nerves but also the afferent renal nerves and led to reduced activities of the hypothalamus, RVLM neurons and efferent systemic sympathetic nerves. These clinical results stress the importance of the RVLM neurons in blood pressure regulation. We expect renal nerve ablation to be an effective treatment for congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease, such as diabetic nephropathy