196 research outputs found

    Armeijakunnan viestiliikenteestä ja viestiyhteystarpeista sekä puhelinverkon väylämitoituksen perusteista

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    Johdannon mukaan rauhan aikana tulisi kyetä määrittämään johtoportaiden viestiyhteystarpeet viestitaktiikan perustaksi. "Tämän kirjoituksen eräänä päämääränä onkin selvittää omalta osaltaan armeijakunnan viestiyhteystarpeita. Perusteiden saamiseksi joudutaan luonnollisesti käsittelemään myös armeijakunnan viestiliikenteen määrää ja voimakkuutta sekä nopeusvaatimuksia." Puhelinverkkomme keskeisestä osuudesta johtuen, "on tarkastelussa kiinnitetty hyvin suuressa määrin huomiota käsivälitteiseen väylämitoitukseen liittyviin kysymyksiin".Ensimmäisessä luvussa käsitelläänkin puhelinverkon väylämitoituksen perusteita käsivälitteistä liikennettä varten. Siinä käsitellään muun muassa matemaattisten laskujen avulla kutsujen painetta eli tarjottua liikennettä, liikenteen voimakkuutta ja määrää sekä esto- ja odotusaikaperiaatetta. Toisessa luvussa käsitellään viestiliikenteen mittaamista sekä liikenteen määrän ja voimakkuuden arvioimista. Liikenteen mittaamisen yhteydessä käsitellään koulutusta sekä puhelin- ja radioliikenteen mittaamista. Liikenteen määrän selvittämiseksi suoritettiin Sotakorkeakoulun esikuntaharjoituksessa kesällä 1968 liikenteen mittausta. Taistelulajina harjoituksessa oli prikaatin hyökkäys. Lisäksi tarkastelussa ovat mukana sotien ajan kokemukset. Kolmannessa luvussa käsitellään armeijakunnan viestiyhteystarpeita. Nopeusvaatimuksia selvitettiin mielipidekyselyllä. Tarkastelussa ovat puhelin-, kaukokirjoitin- ja kenttäkaukokirjoitin sekä kuvalennätinyhteydet sekä radioyhteydet. Artikkelin lopun yhdistelmässä esitetään muun muassa taulukkona yhteenveto kokonaiskanavatarpeesta.There is summary in English at the end of the article

    Letter to the Editor Re: McClure et al. Nutrients 2017, 9, 95

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    Dear Editor, We read with interest the recently published paper by McClure et al. [1] that reports trends in intake and primary sources of dietary phosphorus in the NHANES data for the period 2001–2014.[...]Non peer reviewe

    Vitamin D Fortification of Fluid Milk Products and Their Contribution to Vitamin D Intake and Vitamin D Status in Observational Studies—A Review

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    Fluid milk products are systematically, either mandatorily or voluntarily, fortified with vitamin D in some countries but their overall contribution to vitamin D intake and status worldwide is not fully understood. We searched the PubMed database to evaluate the contribution of vitamin D-fortified fluid milk products (regular milk and fermented products) to vitamin D intake and serum or plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) status in observational studies during 1993-2017. Twenty studies provided data on 25(OH)D status (n = 19,744), and 22 provided data on vitamin D intake (n = 99,023). Studies showed positive associations between the consumption of vitamin D-fortified milk and 25(OH)D status in different population groups. In countries with a national vitamin D fortification policy covering various fluid milk products (Finland, Canada, United States), milk products contributed 28-63% to vitamin D intake, while in countries without a fortification policy, or when the fortification covered only some dairy products (Sweden, Norway), the contribution was much lower or negligible. To conclude, based on the reviewed observational studies, vitamin D-fortified fluid milk products contribute to vitamin D intake and 25(OH)D status. However, their impact on vitamin D intake at the population level depends on whether vitamin D fortification is systematic and policy-based.Peer reviewe

    Poor bioavailability of vitamin D2 from ultraviolet-irradiated D2-rich yeast in rats

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    Ultraviolet-irradiated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) can be used to biofortify bakery products with vitamin D, but in bread, it was not effective in increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in humans, possibly because of the low digestibility of the yeast matrix. We investigated the effects of vitamin D-2-rich intact yeast cells and their separated fraction, yeast cell walls, which we hypothesized to provide vitamin D-2 in a more bioavailable form, on serum 25(OH)D and its metabolites in growing female Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 54) compared to vitamin D-2 and D-3 supplements (8 treatment groups: 300 or 600 IU vitamin D/d, and a control group, 8-week intervention). The D-3 supplement groups had the highest 25(OH)D concentrations, and the vitamin D-2 supplement at the 600-IU dose increased 25(OH)D better than any yeast form (P .05). Serum 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (a vitamin D catabolite) concentrations and the trend in the differences between the groups were in line with 25 (OH)D (P .05). These findings do not support the hypothesis: the ability of the different ultraviolet-treated vitamin D-2-containing yeast forms to increase 25(OH)D did not differ, and the poor bioavailability of vitamin D-2 in the yeasts compared D-3 or D-2 supplements could not be explained by the increased vitamin D catabolism in the yeast-treated groups. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The Transition to Upper Secondary Level After Basic Education for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Finland

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    This chapter provides an exploration of the preparation of pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for transition to upper secondary level after Finnish basic education. It also examines the importance of supports required during the transition phase. Two examples of pupils with ASD (Kalle and Maija) are utilized to illustrate how to plan and support pupils with ASD during their initial post-school transition. Transitions are defined, after which education opportunities after basic education for pupils with ASD in Finland are examined. This is followed by a brief illustration of the Finnish comprehensive school system to provide context with a focus on support arrangements and the preparation of support for transition. Then, the individual transition-planning documents are examined, after which the two cases of Kalle and Maija are introduced. This is followed by an illustration of the use of the documents in practice for the two pupils. The summary includes a discussion of implications for future directions.Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of CDK9 activity compromises global splicing in prostate cancer cells

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    Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9) phosphorylates RNA polymerase II to promote productive transcription elongation. Here we show that short-term CDK9 inhibition affects the splicing of thousands of mRNAs. CDK9 inhibition impairs global splicing and there is no evidence for a coordinated response between the alternative splicing and the overall transcriptome. Alternative splicing is a feature of aggressive prostate cancer (CRPC) and enables the generation of the anti-androgen resistant version of the ligand-independent androgen receptor, AR-v7. We show that CDK9 inhibition results in the loss of AR and AR-v7 expression due to the defects in splicing, which sensitizes CRPC cells to androgen deprivation. Finally, we demonstrate that CDK9 expression increases as PC cells develop CRPC-phenotype both in vitro and also in patient samples. To conclude, here we show that CDK9 inhibition compromises splicing in PC cells, which can be capitalized on by targeting the PC-specific addiction androgen receptor.Peer reviewe

    Learning and the transformative potential of citizen science

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    The number of collaborative initiatives between scientists and volunteers (i.e., citizen science) is increasing across many research fields. The promise of societal transformation together with scientific breakthroughs contributes to the current popularity of citizen science (CS) in the policy domain. We examined the transformative capacity of citizen science in particular learning through environmental CS as conservation tool. We reviewed the CS and social-learning literature and examined 14 conservation projects across Europe that involved collaborative CS. We also developed a template that can be used to explore learning arrangements (i.e., learning events and materials) in CS projects and to explain how the desired outcomes can be achieved through CS learning. We found that recent studies aiming to define CS for analytical purposes often fail to improve the conceptual clarity of CS; CS programs may have transformative potential, especially for the development of individual skills, but such transformation is not necessarily occurring at the organizational and institutional levels; empirical evidence on simple learning outcomes, but the assertion of transformative effects of CS learning is often based on assumptions rather than empirical observation; and it is unanimous that learning in CS is considered important, but in practice it often goes unreported or unevaluated. In conclusion, we point to the need for reliable and transparent measurement of transformative effects for democratization of knowledge production