6 research outputs found

    Robust Superlubricity in Graphene/<i>h</i>‑BN Heterojunctions

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    The sliding energy landscape of the heterogeneous graphene/<i>h</i>-BN interface is studied by means of the registry index. For a graphene flake sliding on top of <i>h</i>-BN, the anisotropy of the sliding energy corrugation with respect to the misfit angle between the two naturally mismatched lattices is found to reduce with the flake size. For sufficiently large flakes, the sliding energy corrugation is expected to be at least an order of magnitude lower than that obtained for matching lattices regardless of the relative interlayer orientation. Therefore, in contrast to the case of the homogeneous graphene interface where flake reorientations are known to eliminate superlubricty, here, a stable low-friction state is expected to occur. Our results mark heterogeneous layered interfaces as promising candidates for dry lubrication purposes

    Interlayer Potential for Homogeneous Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Systems: Reparametrization for Many-Body Dispersion Effects

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    A new parametrization of the anisotropic interlayer potential for hexagonal boron nitride (<i>h</i>-BN ILP) is presented. The force-field is benchmarked against density functional theory calculations of several dimer systems within the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof hybrid density functional approximation, corrected for many-body dispersion effects. The latter, more advanced method for treating dispersion, is known to produce binding energies nearly twice as small as those obtained with pairwise correction schemes, used for an earlier ILP parametrization. The new parametrization yields good agreement with the reference calculations to within ∼1 and ∼0.5 meV/atom for binding and sliding energies, respectively. For completeness, we present a complementary parameter set for homogeneous graphitic systems. Together with our previously suggested ILP parametrization for the heterogeneous graphene/<i>h</i>-BN junction, this provides a powerful tool for consistent simulation of the structural, mechanical, tribological, and heat transport properties of both homogeneous and heterogeneous layered structures based on graphene and <i>h</i>-BN

    Smallest Archimedean Screw: Facet Dynamics and Friction in Multiwalled Nanotubes

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    We identify a new material phenomenon, where minute mechanical manipulations induce pronounced global structural reconfigurations in faceted multiwalled nanotubes. This behavior has strong implications on the tribological properties of these systems and may be the key to understand the enhanced interwall friction recently measured for boron-nitride nanotubes with respect to their carbon counterparts. Notably, the fast rotation of helical facets in these systems upon coaxial sliding may serve as a nanoscale Archimedean screw for directional transport of physisorbed molecules

    Interlayer Potential for Graphene/<i>h</i>‑BN Heterostructures

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    We present a new force-field potential that describes the interlayer interactions in heterojunctions based on graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (<i>h</i>-BN). The potential consists of a long-range attractive term and a short-range anisotropic repulsive term. Its parameters are calibrated against reference binding and sliding energy profiles for a set of finite dimer systems and the periodic graphene/<i>h</i>-BN bilayer, obtained from density functional theory using a screened-exchange hybrid functional augmented by a many-body dispersion treatment of long-range correlation. Transferability of the parametrization is demonstrated by considering the binding energy of bulk graphene/<i>h</i>-BN alternating stacks. Benchmark calculations for the superlattice formed when relaxing the supported periodic heterogeneous bilayer provide good agreement with both experimental results and previous computational studies. For a free-standing bilayer we predict a highly corrugated relaxed structure. This, in turn, is expected to strongly alter the physical properties of the underlying monolayers. Our results demonstrate the potential of the developed force-field to model the structural, mechanical, tribological, and dynamic properties of layered heterostructures based on graphene and <i>h</i>-BN

    Ultrahigh Torsional Stiffness and Strength of Boron Nitride Nanotubes

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    We report the experimental and theoretical study of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) torsional mechanics. We show that BNNTs exhibit a much stronger mechanical interlayer coupling than carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This feature makes BNNTs up to 1 order of magnitude stiffer and stronger than CNTs. We attribute this interlayer locking to the faceted nature of BNNTs, arising from the polarity of the B–N bond. This property makes BNNTs superior candidates to replace CNTs in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), fibers, and nanocomposites

    M-Chem: a modular software package for molecular simulation that spans scientific domains

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    We present a new software package called M-Chem that is designed from scratch in C++ and parallelised on shared-memory multi-core architectures to facilitate efficient molecular simulations. Currently, M-Chem is a fast molecular dynamics (MD) engine that supports the evaluation of energies and forces from two-body to many-body all-atom potentials, reactive force fields, coarse-grained models, combined quantum mechanics molecular mechanics (QM/MM) models, and external force drivers from machine learning, augmented by algorithms that are focused on gains in computational simulation times. M-Chem also includes a range of standard simulation capabilities including thermostats, barostats, multi-timestepping, and periodic cells, as well as newer methods such as fast extended Lagrangians and high quality electrostatic potential generation. At present M-Chem is a developer friendly environment in which we encourage new software contributors from diverse fields to build their algorithms, models, and methods in our modular framework. The long-term objective of M-Chem is to create an interdisciplinary platform for computational methods with applications ranging from biomolecular simulations, reactive chemistry, to materials research.</p