3 research outputs found

    Noncompliance in people living with HIV: accuracy of defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis

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    Objetivo: evaluar la precisión de las características definitorias del diagnóstico de enfermería “incumplimiento” de NANDA International, en personas con VIH. Método: estudio de precisión diagnóstica, realizado en dos etapas. En la primera, participaron 113 personas con VIH, en un hospital de enfermedades infecciosas en Noreste de Brasil, buscándose indicadores clínicos de “incumplimiento”. En la segunda, las características definitorias fueron evaluadas por seis enfermeros especialistas, siendo juzgada la presencia o ausencia del diagnóstico. Para la precisión de los indicadores clínicos, se midió la especificidad, sensibilidad, valores predictivos y razones de verosimilitud. Resultados: se mostró la presencia del diagnóstico “incumplimiento” en el 69% (n=78) de las personas con VIH. De esa forma, el indicador más sensible fue “no asistencia a las visitas concertadas” (OR: 28.93; IC 95%: 1.112-2.126; p=0.002). Pero en “conducta indicativa de falta de adhesión” (OR: 15.00; IC 95%: 1.829-3.981; p=0.001) y “falta de progresos” (OR: 13.41; IC 95%: 1.272-2.508; p=0.003) se obtuvo mayor especificidad. Conclusión: las características definitorias más agudas fueron “conducta indicativa de falta de adhesión”, “no asistencia a las visitas concertadas” y “falta de progresos”. Entonces, en la presencia de éstas, el enfermero podrá identificar con mayor seguridad el diagnóstico estudiado.Objetivo: avaliar a acurácia das características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem “falta de adesão” da NANDA International, em pessoas vivendo com HIV. Método: estudo de acurácia diagnóstica, realizado em duas etapas. Na primeira, contou-se com 113 pessoas vivendo com HIV, em um hospital de doenças infectocontagiosas no Nordeste do Brasil, buscando-se indicadores clínicos de “falta de adesão”. Na segunda, as características definidoras foram avaliadas por seis enfermeiros especialistas, sendo julgada a presença ou ausência do diagnóstico em questão. Para a acurácia dos indicadores clínicos, mensurou-se a especificidade, sensibilidade, valores preditivos e razões de verossimilhança. Resultados: mostrou-se, nos resultados, a presença do diagnóstico “falta de adesão” em 69% (n=78) das pessoas vivendo com HIV. Assim, o indicador mais sensível foi “falta a compromissos agendados” (OR: 28,93; IC 95%: 1,112-2,126; p=0,002). Já em “comportamento de falta de adesão” (OR: 15,00; IC 95%: 1,829-3,981; p=0,001) e “falha em alcançar os resultados” (OR: 13,41; IC 95%: 1,272-2,508; p=0,003) obteve-se maior especificidade. Conclusão: as características definidoras mais acuradas foram “comportamento de falta de adesão”, “falta a compromissos agendados” e “falha em alcançar os resultados”. Assim, na presença dessas, o enfermeiro poderá identificar, com maior segurança, o diagnóstico estudado.Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of the defining characteristics of the NANDA International nursing diagnosis, noncompliance, in people with HIV. Method: study of diagnostic accuracy, performed in two stages. In the first stage, 113 people with HIV from a hospital of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil were assessed for identification of clinical indicators of noncompliance. In the second, the defining characteristics were evaluated by six specialist nurses, analyzing the presence or absence of the diagnosis. For accuracy of the clinical indicators, the specificity, sensitivity, predictive values and likelihood ratios were measured. Results: the presence of the noncompliance diagnosis was shown in 69% (n=78) of people with HIV. The most sensitive indicator was, missing of appointments (OR: 28.93, 95% CI: 1.112-2.126, p = 0.002). On the other hand, nonadherence behavior (OR: 15.00, 95% CI: 1.829-3.981, p = 0.001) and failure to meet outcomes (OR: 13.41; 95% CI: 1.272-2.508; P = 0.003) achieved higher specificity. Conclusion: the most accurate defining characteristics were nonadherence behavior, missing of appointments, and failure to meet outcomes. Thus, in the presence of these, the nurse can identify, with greater security, the diagnosis studied

    Noncompliance in people living with HIV: accuracy of defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of the defining characteristics of the NANDA International nursing diagnosis, noncompliance, in people with HIV. Method: study of diagnostic accuracy, performed in two stages. In the first stage, 113 people with HIV from a hospital of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil were assessed for identification of clinical indicators of noncompliance. In the second, the defining characteristics were evaluated by six specialist nurses, analyzing the presence or absence of the diagnosis. For accuracy of the clinical indicators, the specificity, sensitivity, predictive values and likelihood ratios were measured. Results: the presence of the noncompliance diagnosis was shown in 69% (n=78) of people with HIV. The most sensitive indicator was, missing of appointments (OR: 28.93, 95% CI: 1.112-2.126, p = 0.002). On the other hand, nonadherence behavior (OR: 15.00, 95% CI: 1.829-3.981, p = 0.001) and failure to meet outcomes (OR: 13.41; 95% CI: 1.272-2.508; P = 0.003) achieved higher specificity. Conclusion: the most accurate defining characteristics were nonadherence behavior, missing of appointments, and failure to meet outcomes. Thus, in the presence of these, the nurse can identify, with greater security, the diagnosis studied