5 research outputs found

    Vehicle Routing Problem by Combining Nearest Neighbour and Local Search

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    PT. X is a company tasked with distributing Elpiji Gas to major agents. The problem under study is to find a more optimal distribution route so it can maximize the use of other resources, for example the number of trucks used. This distribution problem will be solved by a combination two methods, Nearest Neighbor and Local Search with the hope of getting the shortest route. The way the Nearest Neighbor method works is selecting the Agent's location based on the shortest distance from the last location and improving the solution using Local Search (intra-route insertion (1-0)) by moving one customer's position in one route so that a good distribution route is produce

    Penerapan Ant Colony Optimization Pada Vehicle Routing Problem Time Windows (Studi Kasus : CV. Yuva Barokah)

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    Distribusi merupakan salah satu hal yang patut diperhatikan dalam suatu bidang bisnis. Distribusi adalah salah satu cara agar barang yang diproduksi oleh suatu perusahaan dapat tersalurkan ke tangan konsumen. Namun, yang sering menjadi kendala pada saat ini adalah biaya distribusi yang dikeluarkan cukup besar sehingga dapat mengurangi profit yang akan diperoleh. Kasus ini seperti yang dialami oleh CV Yufa Barokah. UKM ini menjalani salah satu bisnis ditribusi yaitu distribusi tepung. Konsumen yang dimiliki berjumlah 40 konsumen dan masing-masing mempunyai time windows dan demand. Pada saat ini, biaya distribusi yang dikeluarkan oleh UKM ini cukup tinggi dan salah satu faktornya adalah biaya penalty yang besar karena sering datang melebihi waktu tutup konsumen. Ini merupakan salah satu kasus Vehicle Routing Problem Time windows (VRPTW). Vehicle Routing Problem Time windows (VRPTW) merupakan salah satu jenis permasalahan optimasi kombinatorial dimana akan ditentukan rute kendaraan untuk melayani permintaan pelanggan dengan total jarak terpendek dan minimasi biaya penalty. Permasalahan ini termasuk NP-Hard yang berarti perlu usaha komputasi yang besar untuk mencari solusi terbaik. Salah satu metode yang bisa digunakan untuk permasalahan ini adalah metode Ant colony Optimization (ACO). ACO merupakan salah satu algoritma metaheuristic yang berbasis pada meniru perilaku semut ketika menuju sumber makanan. Pada penelitian ini akan menggunakan salah satu pengembangan metode ACO yaitu Ant Colony Sytem (ACS). Pada ACS terdapat tiga hal yang diperhatikan yaitu: aturan state transition, local updating pheromone dan global updating pheromone. Output dari algoritma ini adalah biaya distribusi dan rute yang dilewati. Solusi terbaik adalah rute yang dilewati menghasilkan biaya distribusi yang minimum. Pada penelitian ini, rute dan biaya yang dihasilkan dari model software bisa menurunkan biaya distribusi sebesar 69,8%. ================================================================================================ Distribution is one of important in bussines. Distribution is one of the way for product which producted by accompany can received in consumer hand. But, almost the problem in distribution is spend many distribution cost so can decrease the profit. This case happen in CV Yufa Barokah. This UKM have a bussines are flours distribution. It have 40 customer and each have time windows. Now, UKM spent many distribution cost because penalty cost are high, distribution vehicle often came more than latest time in customer. This is a a case of Vehicle Routing Problem Time windows (VRPTW).Vehicle Routing Problem Time windows (VRPTW) are one of combinatorial optimization problem which will chosen the route of vehicle distribution for seve customer demand with shortest distance and minimize the penalty cost. This problem is NP Hard, it mean need high computation for solve and get better solution. For solve this problem can use Ant Colony Optimization. Ant Colony Optimization is one of metaheuristic algorithm and based on imitated ant behavior when it go to food source. In this research will use one of improving ACO method that is Ant Colony System. In ACS has three will be noticed, that are: state transiition rule, local updating and global updating. Output in this algorithm is distribution cost and route which give low distribution cost. In this research, solution from software model can decrease distributin cost to 69.8%

    Development model of train rescheduling model consider predictive delay

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    Delay on the train is caused by some disturbance that occurs on the train or at the station, such as a broken train engine, broken train line signals, and others. The train operator at the station will reschedule the train schedule in the event of a delay. Currently, the train only reschedules when the delay occurs on the spot, consequently the rescheduling determination takes a long time. This can be anticipated by taking preventive action, ie rescheduling by using predictive delay. Possible conflicts that will occur when rescheduling single track are overtaking and crossing. This research will focus on the development of rescheduling considering predictive delay. The purpose of this study is to minimize the total delay time. The output of this research is a decision support tool that can generate free-conflict timetable when delay occurs

    Development model of train rescheduling model consider predictive delay

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    Delay on the train is caused by some disturbance that occurs on the train or at the station, such as a broken train engine, broken train line signals, and others. The train operator at the station will reschedule the train schedule in the event of a delay. Currently, the train only reschedules when the delay occurs on the spot, consequently the rescheduling determination takes a long time. This can be anticipated by taking preventive action, ie rescheduling by using predictive delay. Possible conflicts that will occur when rescheduling single track are overtaking and crossing. This research will focus on the development of rescheduling considering predictive delay. The purpose of this study is to minimize the total delay time. The output of this research is a decision support tool that can generate free-conflict timetable when delay occurs