16 research outputs found

    Studi eksperimental pengembangan model solar water destilator dengan teknologi insulasi kaca vakum dengan variasi sudut

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki iklim tropis dengan intensitas penyinaran matahari yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi pemanfaatan sinar matahari di Indonesia masih sangat minim. Padahal sinar matahari ini bisa dimanfaatkan dan merupakan energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan. Pemanfaatan sinar matahari ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan air tawar untuk masyarakat ketika musim kemarau yang kekurangan air bersih. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan solar water destilator. Pengolahan air payau menjadi air tawar yang bersih dengan menggunakan solar water destilator memang sudah ada dan digunakan serta berbagai macam alat telah dibuat. Salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan pada solar water destilator kali ini adalah pengembangan solar water destilator dengan insulasi vakum pada dinding alat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang suatu desain solar water destilator dengan teknologi insulasi kaca vakum yang efektif dan temperaturnya konstan lebih lama dan seberapa efektifkah solar water destilator dengan teknologi insulasi kaca vakum dibandingkan dengan solar water destilator yang lain. Terdapat empat percobaan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan air payau sebesar 5 liter. Percobaan pertama dengan sudut 30o tanpa dinding vakum menghasilkan air tawar 345 ml dengan suhu air tertinggi 75o C. Percobaan kedua dengan sudut 20o tanpa dinding vakum menghasilkan air tawar 285 ml dengan suhu air tertinggi 72o C. Percobaan ketiga dengan sudut 30o dengan dinding vakum -0.4 bar menghasilkan air tawar 366 ml dengan suhu air tertinggi 77o C. Percobaan keempat dengan sudut 20o dengan dinding vakum -0.4 bar menghasilkan air tawar 213 ml dengan suhu air tertinggi 75o C. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sudut kaca penutup 30o menghasilkan air destilasi lebih banyak dan suhu air lebih tinggi dibandingkan sudut 20o. Selain itu, kevakuman pada dinding dapat mengisolasi sistem dengan lingkungan sehingga dapat meningkatkan suhu air serta mampu menghasilkan air destilasi lebih banyak daripada percobaan yang tanpa divakum dindingnya. ====================================================================================================== Indonesia is one country that has a tropical climate with the intensity of solar radiation is large enough. However, the utilization of sunlight in Indonesia is still very minimal. Though the sun can be harnessed and green energy renewable energy. Utilization of sunlight can be applied to meet the needs of fresh water for the people when the dry season water shortages. One solution to overcome this problem is with a solar water distillation. Processing brackish water into clean water by using solar water distillation are already there and are used as well as a wide variety of tools have been created. One of the innovations that made solar water distillation at this time is the development of solar water distillation by means of vacuum insulation in the walls. The purpose of this study is to design a solar water distillation design with glass vacuum insulation technology effective and constant temperature longer and how effective solar water distillation with glass vacuum insulation technology compared to other solar water distillation. There are four experiments conducted with the use of brackish water for 5 liters. The first experiment with a 30o angle without wall vacuum produces 345 ml of fresh water with the highest water temperature 75o C. The second experiment with a 20o angle without wall vacuum produces 285 ml of fresh water with the highest water temperature 72o C. The third experiment with a 30o angle with the wall vacuum -0.4 bar produces 366 ml of fresh water with the highest water temperature 77o C. The fourth experiment with a 20o angle with the wall vacuum -0.4 bar produces 213 ml of fresh water with the highest water temperature 75o C. The experimental results showed that the glass cover angle 30o produce more distilled water and the water temperature is higher than 20o angle. In addition, the wall can isolate the vacuum system with the environment so as to increase the temperature of the water and be able to produce more than the distilled water experiments without vacuum walls

    Performance and NOx Investigation on Diesel Engine using Cold EGR Spiral Tube: A Review

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    The world has the same problem to reduce emissions. Based the problem, many technologies invented to reduce the Emission. One of them is EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation). EGR is the most simpleNOx reduction by circulating potion of exhaust gas return into the combustion chamber. EGR system is often known by the name the hot EGR where exhaust gas circulation process without cooling system. This new Hot EGR system is designed by the addition of cooling system with air-cooled type. So that the circulating of exhaust gas to be cooled in advance in such that the mass of air increases.This research aims to study the performance and a reduction in NOX of diesel engine with EGR using addition of air cooling system. The experiments were used on diesel engine Yanmar TF 85-MHD

    The Modification Effect of Piston Crown on Four Stroke One Cylinder Diesel Engine using Biodiesel B30 on Noise Based on Simulation.

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    Piston is one of the important parts in the combustion process in a diesel engine, it consists of two namely the piston head and connecting rod, where the piston head consists of three parts, namely the piston crown, piston rings, and piston pins. This paper wants to prove which is more effective in modifying the TCC piston crown shape on a four-Stroke one-cylinder diesel engine fueled with B-30 in terms of noise. To measure noise, several experiments were carried out. One way is to use an application that can help make measurement easier is to use the simulation. The Simulation can measure the level of noise by using the tools in an application the same as in reality. The piston area is very influential on the combustion process, with the greater piston area, the resulting explosion is greater which results in and produces a high pressure also it is directly proportional to the noise level. After everything is measured, then we compare it with the engine's performance and give maximum results between the level of noise with engine performance. The result is using a piston case 4 (+1) which has a larger area experiencing the highest noise level using B30 Diesel Fuel or High-Speed Diesel (HSD) Fuel. Under load conditions, with a 50% load, the noise level on piston +1 (Case 4) experiences the highest noise level using B30 Diesel Fuel or High-Speed Diesel (HSD) Fuel.

    The Effect of Using Various Magnetic Materials on Diesel Engines using Biodiesel Fuel

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    One of method to improve engine performance and reduce fuel consumption is to use exposure to magnetic fields in the fuel lines. Several studies have proven that magnetic field exposure can improve diesel engine performance. This research aims to test the performance of a diesel engine using fuels that are given a magnetic field from 3 types of permanent magnets, namely magnets made from Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB), Aluminum Nickel Cobalt (AlNiCo), and Ferrite (Fe). Performance tests on the Yanmar TF85MH diesel engine include power and torque. The fuel used in this research is Biodiesel B20. The results showed that neodymium magnets (NdFeB) are the best magnets of the 3 types of magnets tested with an average increase in power of 2.30%, an average increase in torque of 2.35%

    Combining Optimum Propeller Design on Roro Ship Re-engine

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    Passenger ships serve several areas in Indonesia, one of which is KMP (Kapal Motor Penumpang) Dharma Rucitra 3. In 2020 this ship had an accident and almost sank, then causing the main engine to submerge. With this problem, it is necessary to repower with the engine provided by the company, by replacing the old engine with a new engine. The new engine namely Yanmar 6N21A SV with a power of 1200 HP at 850 RPM. Initially the ship's speed was 12 knots with the data of Makita GNLH 630M engine with a power of 1300 HP at 375 RPM with a B4-50 propeller. To achieve the desired speed, it is necessary to have an optimal propeller to improve engine performance. In this research, an algorithm has been specially developed to find the optimum propeller design of B-series propellers for KMP Dharma Rucitra 3 by defining the overall parameters of a propeller like diameter, pitch-ratio, blade area ratio and the number of blades. The optimum propeller design is performed as multi-objective function to constraints imposed by propeller parameters. The computer program has been developed to select the optimum propeller by considering the boundary condition of system, hull-propeller interactions, and engine-propeller matching (EPM). This research also carried out open water and self-propulsion simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Then it can be concluded that the development of an algorithm to optimize the selection of propellers on KMP Dharma Rucitra 3 obtained propellers with B4-49.6 type with a diameter of 1,995 m so that it can reach a speed of 14,2 knots at 85% maximum continuous rating of engine power

    The Effect of Blend Fuel Waste Plastic and Waste Cooking Oil on Diesel Engine Performance based on Simulation

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    Nowadays, polypropylene plastics are very often found and cause various environmental problems. Though it is known that along with polypropylene itself comes from propylene monomers obtained from refining petroleum. Besides the use of waste cooking, biodiesel fuel has many drawbacks, one of which is power and fuel consumption. Mixing polypropylene plastic waste for reuse with waste cooking oil biodiesel is an option. This study uses five variations of fuel, namely HSD, B30, C20, C30, and C40, a combination of HSD, waste cooking, and polypropylene. This research is based on experiments to analyze the impact of using these five variations of fuel on the performance diesel engines based on simulation. The performance of the diesel engine would be measured to SFOC, power, and torque produced by each fuel. Based on the results of the analysis of the performance of the diesel engine performance of C20, fuel can be the most optimum alternative fuel to the substitute B30, producing 6.0 kW of power, 238gr / kWh of SFOC, and 31.7Nm of torque.

    Analysis of Biodiesel Cotton Seed Oil on Diesel Engine Performance

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    The world crisis of fossil fuel availability encourages the development to explore alternative energy which is possible to replace of fossil fuel use. The use of biodiesel by using plant oil and animal fats is strived to the maximum extent possible, in order to maintain its sustainability. Cotton seed oil (Ceiba Pentandra) is one alternative that can be used as a replacement fuel. There are four advantages of using Cotton seed oil as a substitute fuel which are: produce a low level of pollutant, guaranteed availability, can be used for diesel engines with little or no modification and in certain mixes can incrase engine lubrication that should incrase engine life. The research was conducted through performance test of YANMAR TF85-MH diesel engine using Cotton seed oil biodiesel with mixture of B30, B20 which has be compared with using YANMAR TF85-MH diesel engine. From the results of performance test, it showed that the using of Cotton seed oil give better effect to performance than fossil diesel fuel use on the same engine. The addition of biodiesel Cotton seed percentage into the fuel provide greater maximum power but it provide the higher fuel consumption value</p

    The Effect of Mixing Diesel Fuel with Cottonseed Oil and Coconut Oil on The Performance of 4-Stroke Diesel Engine

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    research on biodiesel as an alternative fuel has been widely carried out. Such as mixing one type of oil mixed with diesel fuel with a certain composition. In this research, biodiesel was made by mixing two types of oil and then mixed with diesel fuel with a composition of 30:80, where 30% for mixed oil that is cottonseed oil and coconut oil, then 80% for diesel fuel. And then in this research, the composition between cottonseed oil and coconut oil must be found, so that it will get the best composition between cottonseed oil and coconut oil. For comparison in performance between mixed biodiesel with 4 cSt and 6 cSt, and in the mixing process, using mathematical calculation methods, then the mixing results must meet SNI standards (Standard Nasional Indonesia / Indonesian National Standards). In this research, 4-stroke diesel engines with one cylinder were used. From the experiments and data analysis, biodiesel with 6 cSt more powerful, torsion and BMEP better than mixed biodiesel 4 cSt