3 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Dan Produktivitas Dalam Mengoptimalkan Bahan Baku Detergen Pencuci Piring Untuk Mendukung UMKM Desa Buaran Bambu, Kecamatan Paku Haji, Kabupaten Tangerang

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    AbstrakBanyak cara untuk melakukan peningkatan sumber daya manusia pada zaman sekarang, pelaksanaan dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara dan metode yaitu dengan memberdayakan masyarakat. Pemberdayaan ini menggunakan pendekatan melalui organisasi-organisasi swadaya masyarakat, seperti Karang Taruna, Dharma Wanita, Ibu-ibu PKK, ataupun kelompok keagamaan. Kami melaksanakan program pemberdayaan ini bersama Ibu-ibu PKK Desa Buaran Bambu, Kecamatan Paku Haji, Kabupaten Tangerang melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan produksi detergen pencuci piring. Tujuan dan target yang ingin dicapai dalam kegiatan ini adalah Ibu-ibu PKK untuk memperbaiki perekonomian desa diperlukan wadah untuk merangkul masyarakat sekitar, dengan merealisasikan Ibu-ibu PKK Desa Buaran Bambu lebih kuat, lebih produktif, kreatif, dan responsif. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Studi Teknik Industri telah memberikan bimbingan, pelatihan dan praktek kepada Ibu-ibu PKK dalam memproduksi detergen pencuci piring.Keywords: Productivity, Dishwashing Detergent, PK

    Efektivitas Job Design Pada Employee Engegement Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan: Studi Literatur

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Job Design on Employee Engagement on Employee Performance by means of a literature study. The method used in this research is library research by reviewing some of the results of previous research sourced from domestic and international articles with the support of the Google Schoolars search engine and Mendeley reference analysis. From the results of an analysis of several human resource management literatures that specifically discuss job design and employee engagement on employee performance, all references to previous studies show that job design and employee engagement have a significant effect on employee performance. Job design determines the relationship between managers and employees as well as the relationship between the employees themselves. Because with a clear job design, employee engagement will emerge in employees which will later have an impact on their performance as seen by how employees are fully immersed in their work and organization that are connected both physically, emotionally and cognitively. Keywords: Employee Engegement, Job Design, Employee Performance, Literature Study


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    This study aims to provide a real ilustration of the process of License Business Primary Industry Timber Forest Products (IUIPHHK) in KP2T Bengkulu province, identify the obstacles that arise in the implementation process of License Business Primary Industry Timber Forest Products (IUIPHHK) in the provinces of Bengkulu and KP2T find solution / problem solving best of the constraints that arise in the process of publishing IUIPHHK, to be implemented in the province of Bengkulu KP2T. Based on the results of the research, the process of licensing services IUIPHHK constrained in the legislation officials at the highest levels such as the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Assistant Governor and District Secretary, as well as the highest policy holder, in this case the governor, as a signatory to the document permissions. Objectively and based on information collected obstacles that appear on the highest level of the legislation is not only due to the high level of activity and activity related officials , but also influenced by the conditions (internal and external) related officials while also constraints that arise due to the presence of certain elements the Chief Administrative staff members who intentionally impede either by bribery and the exclusion/impede the flow of the publishing process IUIPHHK bureaucracy. In addition to the lack of understanding of the owner of the care of the licensing industry. Most business owners IPHHK a new society in an attempt to plunge the industry. So pretty much the business community that still lay in the management of the business legality question. Another obstacle is the image of the bureaucracy in the public stating that the very complexity of the maintenance IUIPHHK and takes a long time , became a starting point of society 's reluctance to take care of the legality of their business . For them it is not economically productive and spend their time and the amount of fees required for licensing a shadow of its own for the holders of the business so that they are reluctant to take care of business legalit