39 research outputs found

    Bivalves from a Middle Jurassic submarine high (Bajocian, Som Hill, Bakony Mts, Hungary)

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    Marine bivalves from a fissure filling of Upper Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) age are briefly described and figured. Palaeoecological analysis of the Som Hill assemblageas well as the similarity of its taxonomic composition to those of other, coeval faunas preserved in fissure-fillings suggest that a distinct bivalve assemblage populated fissures of some Mediterranean seamounts during the Middle Jurassic. Both in diversity and density, bivalves are subordinate to gastropods in the Som Hill fauna. The bivalve fauna is dominated by the epibyssal forms and consists of representatives of extinct genera except Limopsis and Cuspidaria s. 1., which latter two are frequent in Recent deep-sea bivalve assemblages

    Some macrofossils, chiefly bivalves, from the Lower Jurassic black shale of the Mecsek Mts (Hungary)

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    Based on specimens collected ex situ, macrofossils including a plant (Pagiophyllum? sp.), the bivalve species Solemya voltzii (ROEMER, 1839), Liostrea hisingeri (NILSSON, 1832), Parainoceramya? dubia (J. de C. SOWERBY, 1829) and Goniomya rhombifera (GOLDFUSS, 1835), as well as an echinoid (Diademopsis? cf. crinifera (QUENSTEDT, 1852) are briefly described and figured for the first time from the Lower Toarcian black shale (Rékavölgy Siltstone Formation) of the Mecsek Mts

    Júra faunák visszatérése a toarci anoxikus sokk után (magyarországi vizsgálatok) = Return of the Jurassic fauna after the Toarcian anoxic shock, studied in the sections of Hungary

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    Magyarországon pliensbachi és toarci képződmények a Bakony, Gerecse és Mecsek hegységek rétegsoraiban tanulmányozhatók. A Bakonyban legrészletesebben a Bakonycsernyei Tűzköves árok ostracoda faunája került vizsgálatra. A pliensbachi és toarci fauna karakterisztikusan eltérő, legfeltűnőbb a Healdidae család képviselőinek hiánya a toarci emeletben. E változás - Nyugat-Európától eltérően - már a tenuicostatum zónában is észlelhető, ez az erősen kimélyült medence következménye. Ezért hiányoznak a Cytheridae-k is. A Gerecse hegység ostracoda faunája nagyon hasonló a Bakony hegységéhez. A Healdidae-k és Cytheridae-k eltűnnek a toarciban a medence mélyülése következtében. Cytheridae-k alárendelten még előfordulnak. A Mecsek hegységben a mélyszublitorális Healdidae együttest a tenuicostatum zóna felett sekély szublitorális Cytheridae-k dominanciájával jellemezhető együttes váltja fel. Ez a vízmedence mélységének csökkenésére utal. | The Pliensbachian and Toarcian sections in the Bakony, Gerecse and Mecsek Mountains were investigated. In the Bakony Mountains the Pliensbachian and Toarcian ostracod faunas show significant differences which are usually interpreted as related to the Lower Toarcian anoxic event. Main change is the disappearance of the Healdidae in the Lower Toarcian. The ostracod fauna of the Gerecse is very similar to that in the Bakony, here Healdidae and Cytheridae disappear in the Toarcian also, do to the deepening of the basin. In the Mecsek the deep sublittoral Healdidae assemblage is replaced by an assemblage dominated by shallow sublittoral Cytheridae above Tenuicostatum Zone, indicating the waterdepth changing to shallower

    Middle Jurassic fossils from Daghestan. A revision of ammonites and bivalves collected by the Déchy Caucasus expeditions (1884–1902)

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    M. DÉCHY, the Hungarian traveller organised several mountaineering trips to the Caucasus in the years 1884 to 1902, when geologist members of the parties collected rock and fossil samples. These were described by K. PAPP, later professor of the Department of Paleontology of the University of Budapest. The specimens went finally to the collections of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. A revision of the better-localized Bajocian and Callovian specimens, mostly from around the Daghestanian town Gunib are revised. Two ammonites: Stephanoceras liechtensteinii and Prorsisphinctes loczyi described as new by PAPP, and several other ammonites and bivalves are now re-described and illustrated with proper photographs. The positions of the fossils within the sequences are poorly known, thus the material has historical rather than stratigraphic value

    Mezozoós (triász, jura) faunadúsulások őskörnyezeti értelmezése hazai példákon = Environmental interpretation of Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic) faunal diversifications: Hungarian case studies

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    A Balaton-felvidék triász rétegsorában az ammonoidea, bivalvia és brachiopoda faunák diverzitása jelentős változásokat mutat. A rövid kora-triász felvirágzás összhangban van a globális bioszféra eseménnyel. A középső-triász diverzitásnövekedést tektonikus esemény okozta. A karni korszakban a medencék feltöltődésével a vízmélység csökkent. A diverzitásnövekedés másik oka a humiddá vált klíma, aminek hatására több tápanyag szállítódott a medencébe. A villányi jura rétegsor epizódikus üledékképződése elsősorban a helyi tektonikai mozgásokat tükrözi. Az egyes szintekben gazdag bentonikus fauna változásai részben a helyi őskörnyezeti változásokkal, részben a bioszféra globális változásaival hozhatók összefüggésbe. A jura bivalvia és brachiopoda dúsulások a Dunántúli-középhegységben az egykori tengeralatti magaslatokat határoló vetőzónákhoz kapcsolódnak. A jelentősen eltérő üledékes környezet ellenére, a Mecsek faunái a középhegységiekhez hasonló diverzitáscsökkenést mutatnak a jura során. Ennek egyik oka a tengeraljzat fokozatos mélyülése volt. A másik ok, a brachiopodák esetében, a törzs történetében végbement globális változásból következik. A rhynchonellid brachiopodák díszítettsége (a generikus diverzitással együtt) a mezozoikum során folyamatosan növekszik a jura közepéig, majd a jura végén és a kréta elején jelentősen csökken. Ez a tendencia határozott összefüggésben van a durofág (héjtörő) és fúró ragadozó szervezetek fokozatos térhódításával a mezozoikum során. | The diversity of ammonoids, bivalves and brachiopods changes considerably in the Triassic of the Balaton Highland. The short Early Triassic bloom corresponds to the global recovery of the biosphere. The Middle Triassic diversification was caused by tectonic events. In the Carnian, the basins were filled and the sea became shallower. Another cause of the diversification was the onset of humid climate and the increasing influx of organic matter to the basin. The episodic sedimentation of the Villány Jurassic reflects the local tectonic movements. The changes of the benthos/nekton/plankton in certain layers were partly influenced by the local environmental changes, partly by the global changes in the biosphere. In the Transdanubian Range the diversifications of the bivalves and brachiopods are connected to the fault scarps along submarine horsts. The gradual diversity decrease during the Jurassic was recorded also in the Mecsek, despite of the substantially different sedimentary environment. The main cause was the subsidence of the sea bottom. Another cause, in the case of brachiopods, arises from a global change in the history of the phylum. The generic diversity and the degree of ornamentation of Mesozoic rhynchonellid brachiopods gradually increases until the mid-Jurassic, then considerably decreases in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous. This trend reflects the escalation of durophagous and boring predators in the course of the Mesozoic marine revolution

    Recent List of Cyclodextrin-Containing Drug Products

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    The number of the cyclodextrin-containing drug formulations on the market has been continuously growing since the first drug (prostaglandin E1 formulated with α-cyclodextrin) was launched in Japan in 1976. We have collected a list of drugs from various sources available on the internet to find 130 approved pharmaceutical ingredients formulated with either parent cyclodextrins or their hydroxypropyl, sulfobutyl, random methylated or sulfolipo derivatives. We have sorted the drug products according to the cavity size of the cyclodextrins, the administration route and dosage forms

    Recognition of Emerging Technology Trends. Class-selective study of citations in the U.S. Patent Citation Network

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    By adopting a citation-based recursive ranking method for patents the evolution of new fields of technology can be traced. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the laser / inkjet printer technology emerged from the recombination of two existing technologies: sequential printing and static image production. The dynamics of the citations coming from the different "precursor" classes illuminates the mechanism of the emergence of new fields and give the possibility to make predictions about future technological development. For the patent network the optimal value of the PageRank damping factor is close to 0.5; the application of d=0.85 leads to unacceptable ranking results.Comment: 8 pages, 2 tables, 1 figure , (accepted). in Scientometrics 201

    Remarks on the Toarcian–Aalenian fossil assemblage of the Kis-Teke Hill, Gerecse Mts (Hungary)

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    The red, nodular marl beds of Toarcian-Aalenian age of the Kis-Teke Hill yielded a rich fossil assemblage consisting of gastropods, bivalves, ammonites, belemnites and brachiopods. The ammonite fauna proved to be especially abundant and diverse and the relatively high percentage of Ammonitina allowed a biostratigraphical subdivision of the section. Beside representatives of taxa characteristic of the peri-Mediterranean Jurassic some rare genera including Urkutites, Rarenodia, Praerycites and Staufenia have also been encountered. These and some other interesting forms are described