57 research outputs found

    Automatikus meteorológiai állomás az iskolában

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    Molecular cytogenetic identification and phenotypic description of a new synthetic amphiploid, Triticum timococcum (A(t)A(t)GGA(m)A(m))

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    A recently developed synthetic amphiploid, Triticum timococcum Kost., nom. nud. (2n = 6x = 42, AtAtGGAmAm) is described in the present study. This hexaploid taxon was developed by colchicine treatment in Martonva´sa´r from the hybrid of a selected accession of Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. (2n = 4x = 28, AtAtGG) and a prebred semi-dwarf line of Triticum monococcum L. (2n = 2x = 14, AmAm). A detailed cytomolecular examination was carried out using the sequential multicolour fluorescence and genomic in situ hybridization techniques (FISH and mcGISH). It was proved that T. timococcum has 42 chromosomes originating from its parents. The chromosomes of the A genomes of T. monococcum and T. timopheevii could be distinguished in the amphiploid using FISH. The successful discrimination of the chromosomes was supported by the karyotypes of the three genomes and the successful optimization of the mcGISH technique for the A and G chromosomes achieved in the present study. A phenotypic evaluation was also carried out under natural and artificial growing conditions in 2012 and 2013. Based on the results, T. timococcum has intermediate characteristics in terms of spike (spikelet) shape and plant height, while it is similar to the female parent, T. timopheevii regarding pubescence. Like its parents, T. timococcum showed outstanding resistance to the main fungal diseases of wheat. T. timococcum headed later and developed longer and looser spikes, fewer tillers and only a third as many seeds than its parents. The third generation of T. timococcum was able to develop an acceptable number of seeds, even taking into account the reduced germination ability in the field

    Molecular cytogenetic identification and phenotypic description of a new synthetic amphiploid, Triticum timococcum (AtAtGGAmAm)

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    A recently developed synthetic amphiploid, Triticum timococcum Kost., nom. nud. (2n = 6x = 42, AtAtGGAmAm) is described in the present study. This hexaploid taxon was developed by colchicine treatment in Martonva´sa´r from the hybrid of a selected accession of Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. (2n = 4x = 28, AtAtGG) and a prebred semi-dwarf line of Triticum monococcum L. (2n = 2x = 14, AmAm). A detailed cytomolecular examination was carried out using the sequential multicolour fluorescence and genomic in situ hybridization techniques (FISH and mcGISH). It was proved that T. timococcum has 42 chromosomes originating from its parents. The chromosomes of the A genomes of T. monococcum and T. timopheevii could be distinguished in the amphiploid using FISH. The successful discrimination of the chromosomes was supported by the karyotypes of the three genomes and the successful optimization of the mcGISH technique for the A and G chromosomes achieved in the present study. A phenotypic evaluation was also carried out under natural and artificial growing conditions in 2012 and 2013. Based on the results, T. timococcum has intermediate characteristics in terms of spike (spikelet) shape and plant height, while it is similar to the female parent, T. timopheevii regarding pubescence. Like its parents, T. timococcum showed outstanding resistance to the main fungal diseases of wheat. T. timococcum headed later and developed longer and looser spikes, fewer tillers and only a third as many seeds than its parents. The third generation of T. timococcum was able to develop an acceptable number of seeds, even taking into account the reduced germination ability in the field

    Utasszámlálás a városi közösségi közlekedésben: mire lehet alkalmas több adat és a „free WiFi”?

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    A városi közösségi közlekedés szakembereinek körében évtizedek óta téma a járművek kihasználtságának mérése. A manuális, azaz a megfigyeléses forgalomszámlálás mellett egyre több közlekedési társaság alkalmaz automatikus módszereket azért, hogy folyamatosan adatokat kaphasson az utasszámról. A technikai fejlődésének köszönhetően a fel és leszállások számlálására és a helymeghatározáshoz egyre megbízhatóbb automatikus adatgyűjtő rendszerek állnak rendelkezésünkre. Ez megnyitotta az utasszámlálás piacát az adatfeldolgozással foglalkozó szervezetek és szakemberek előtt, és kitágította a vizsgálható kérdések halmazát: meg tudjuk-e mérni az utazások célját és hosszát Tudjuk-e követni az átszállási mintázatokat? Cikkünkben bemutatjuk az utasszámlálásra rendelkezésre álló technológiákat kezdve a manuális utasszámlálástól az infravörös érzékelőn keresztül az utasmédián át egészen a wifi rendszerekig. Ezek közvetlenül vagy közvetve mind alkalmasak úgynevezett keresztmetszeti mérésekre, a járművek terheltségének kielégítő pontosságú becslésére, de álláspontunk szerint jelenleg csak az utasmédia és a WiFi lehet alkalmas célforgalmi mátrixok készítésére. Hipotézisünk szerint a járművekre szerelt „free WiFi” routereken futó úgynevezett „probe request” küldő és „probe response” címzettként szereplő egyedi MAC címek gyűjtésével és leszűrésével következtethetünk a járművön tartózkodó utasok számára, a fel és leszállások helyére és időpontjára, amennyiben azt összekapcsoljuk a jármű által gyűjtött ATM adatokkal. Kísérletünkben a WiFi mérés jóságának tesztelésére egy ugyanabban az időben végzett manuális mérés adatait használtuk kontrollnak. A kísérletünk eredményei azt mutatják, hogy magas korreláció van a gyűjtött adatok és a manuális forgalomszámlás között. A WiFi adatok alapján kapott becslés általában alacsonyabb értéket ad az utasok valós számához képest, aminek alapvető magyarázó változója, hogy nem minden utas rendelkezik, vagy kapcsolja be a WiFi képes eszközét. A WiFi alapú a mérési módszernek további fejlesztési és kutatási kérdése a zajok kiszűrése, és a személyes adatok védelmének biztosítása

    Can Triplet Loss Be Used for Multi-Label Few-Shot Classification? A Case Study

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    Few-shot learning is a deep learning subfield that is the focus of research nowadays. This paper addresses the research question of whether a triplet-trained Siamese network, initially designed for multi-class classification, can effectively handle multi-label classification. We conducted a case study to identify any limitations in its application. The experiments were conducted on a dataset containing Hungarian legal decisions of administrative agencies in tax matters belonging to a major legal content provider. We also tested how different Siamese embeddings compare on classifying a previously non-existing label on a binary and a multi-label setting. We found that triplet-trained Siamese networks can be applied to perform classification but with a sampling restriction during training. We also found that the overlap between labels affects the results negatively. The few-shot model, seeing only ten examples for each label, provided competitive results compared to models trained on tens of thousands of court decisions using tf-idf vectorization and logistic regression

    Cytomolecular discrimination of the Am chromosomes of Triticum monococcum and the A chromosomes of Triticum aestivum using microsatellite DNA repeats

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    The cytomolecular discrimination of the Am- and A-genome chromosomes facilitates the selection of wheat-Triticum monococcum introgression lines. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) with the commonly used DNA probes Afa family, 18S rDNA and pSc119.2 showed that the more complex hybridisation pattern obtained in T. monococcum relative to bread wheat made it possible to differentiate the Am and A chromosomes within homoeologous groups 1, 4 and 5. In order to provide additional chromosomal landmarks to discriminate the Am and A chromosomes, the microsatellite repeats (GAA)n, (CAG)n, (CAC)n, (AAC)n, (AGG)n and (ACT)n were tested as FISH probes. These showed that T. monococcum chromosomes have fewer, generally weaker, simple sequence repeat (SSR) signals than the A-genome chromosomes of hexaploid wheat. A differential hybridisation pattern was observed on 6Am and 6A chromosomes with all the SSR probes tested except for the (ACT)n probe. The 2Am and 2A chromosomes were differentiated by the signals given by the (GAA)n, (CAG)n and (AAC)n repeats, while only (GAA)n discriminated the chromosomes 3Am and 3A. Chromosomes 7Am and 7A could be differentiated by the lack of (GAA)n and (AGG)n signals on 7A. As potential landmarks for identifying the Am chromosomes, SSR repeats will facilitate the introgression of T. monococcum chromatin into wheat

    Flow cytometric chromosome sorting from diploid progenitors of bread wheat, T. urartu, Ae. speltoides and Ae. tauschii

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    Key message Chromosomes 5Au, 5S and 5D can be isolated from wild progenitors, providing a chromosomebased approach to develop tools for breeding and to study the genome evolution of wheat. Abstract The three subgenomes of hexaploid bread wheat originated from Triticum urartu (AuAu), from a species similar to Aegilops speltoides (SS) (progenitor of the B genome), and from Ae. tauschii (DD). Earlier studies indicated the potential of chromosome genomics to assist gene transfer from wild relatives of wheat and discover novel genes for wheat improvement. This study evaluates the potential of flow cytometric chromosome sorting in the diploid progenitors of bread wheat. Flow karyotypes obtained by analysing DAPI-stained chromosomes were characterized and the contents of the chromosome peaks were determined. FISH analysis with repetitive DNA probes proved that chromosomes 5Au, 5S and 5D could be sorted with purities of 78–90 %, while the remaining chromosomes could be sorted in groups of three. Twenty-five conserved orthologous set (COS) markers covering wheat homoeologous chromosome groups 1–7 were used for PCR with DNA amplified from flow-sorted chromosomes and genomic DNA. These assays validated the cytomolecular results as follows: peak I on flow karyotypes contained chromosome groups 1, 4 and 6, peak II represented homoeologous group 5, while peak III consisted of groups 2, 3 and 7. The isolation of individual chromosomes of wild progenitors provides an attractive opportunity to investigate the structure and evolution of the polyploid genome and to deliver tools for wheat improvement