22 research outputs found

    The importance of drug standardization

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    Catedra de chimie farmaceutică și toxicologică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu“ din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Standardizarea este un domeniu de activitate ce servește drept instrument de reglementare în economia și societatea contemporană a relațiilor între persoane, organizații, state și sisteme de ajustare a proceselor și rezultatelor activității acestora. În activitatea farmaceutică standardizarea stabilește parametri clar determinați de calitate a medicamentului. Medicamentele se standardizează în conformitate cu prevederile incluse în documentaţia analitico-normativă elaborată. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea parametrilor de standardizare a substanțelor medicamentoase și a formelor farmaceutice în conformitate cu cerințele GMP și ICH. Material și metode. Sinteza și analiza datelor bibliografice, cât și analiza informației științifice din bazele de date internaționale: PubMed, Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Google Academic etc. Rezultate. În rezultatul studierii datelor din literatură s-a constatat, că efectuarea standardizării medicamentelor în conformitate cu prevederile incluse în documentaţia analitico-normativă contribuie la dezvoltarea industriei farmaceutice, la perfecţionarea și unificarea metodelor de cercetare a standardelor folosite în analiza medicamentelor. Rolul standardelor constă în protecția intereselor consumatorilor și ale statului prin asigurarea calității produselor și serviciilor, a caracterului inofensiv al acestora pentru viața, sănătatea, ereditatea și securitatea oamenilor, pentru bunurile materiale și pentru mediu. Concluzii. În urma dezvoltării tehnologiilor moderne și metodelor de analiză s-au extins și criteriile de standardizare pentru substanţe medicamentoase și formele farmaceutice.Introduction. Standardization is an activity area that serves as a regulatory tool in the contemporary economy and society of relations between individuals, organizations, states and systems for adjusting the processes and results of their activity. In the pharmaceutical activity the standardization establishes clearly determined parameters of the quality of the drug. The medicines are standardized according to the provisions included in the elaborated analytical-normative documentation. The aim of the study. Evaluation of standardization parameters for medicinal substances and pharmaceutical forms in accordance with GMP and ICH requirements. Material and methods. Synthesis and analysis of bibliographic data and analysis of scientific information from international databases: PubMed, Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Google Academic etc. Results. As a result of the study of the literature data, it was found that the standardization of the medicinal products according to the provisions included in the analytical and regulatory documentation contributes to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, to the improvement and unification of research methods of the standards used in the drug analysis. The role of standards is to protect the interests of consumers and the state by ensuring the quality of products and services, their harmless character for human life, health, heredity and security, for material goods and the environment. Conclusions. Following the development of modern technologies and methods of analysis, the standardization criteria for medicinal substances and pharmaceutical forms were vastly extended


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    Researches have been conducted on adult beef meat after 24 hours of slaughter. Proteolytic enzyme was added in different concentrations in the injection brine and then beef cuts were injected with different percentages of brine (10, 15% v/w). Effects generated by injecting samples of adult beef with bromelin were revealed after 24 – 48 hours of storage at 4 °C. For all treatments studied, pH values increased, the largest increases were observed in samples injected with the highest levels of bromelin and brine. Effect of exogenous proteolytic enzyme on the thermal losses of adult beef was influenced by enzymatic treatment conditions. Enzymatic tenderization with bromelin had a negative effect on water holding capacity of adult beef, causing a decrease compared with control samples. Increase of bromelin added brine, ageing time and the amount of brine injected decreased water holding capacity. Analytical data showed the tenderizing effect of bromelin, rigidity index values of the samples injected with bromelin being superior to control samples

    Functional Properties of Snack Bars

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    Nowadays, people spend more time and effort to gain greater control over their health by exploring alternative or herbal medicines and natural health products to prevent disease or for a healthier life. It is known that people who consume a diet rich in natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and fish, tend to lead a life free of diseases. Recent studies suggest that regular or increased consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and these health benefits are believed to be primarily due to their natural antioxidants and dietary fiber content. At present, consumers prefer foods with health benefits and, at the same time, convenient for consumption, storage, and handling. In this sense, ready-to-eat nutritious products, such as snack bars, are highly appreciated for their convenience. Snack bars are versatile products often made, with cereals, fruits, and nuts being an ideal food format to deliver healthy nutrients, bioactive compounds, and dietary fiber to the consumers


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    The research aimed to study the influence of the extraction process on the content of antioxidant compounds present in four types of tea and establishing of the optimal conditions for preparation of cocktails in whose composition is combined the beneficial effect of foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins: green tea, exotic fruits, berries and honey. Content of antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals from unfermented tea is supplemented by high concentration of biological active compounds in fruits and honey used. A positive correlation between substances added with significant increase of antioxidant and nutritive potential has been observed. This study confirms that the synergistic action of green tea, fruits and honey allowed obtaining attractive drinks from sensorial point of view and compounds with high antioxidant potential content

    Fermented Functional Beverages

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    Functional foods are intensively studied and promoted by various organizations in the field of food and nutrition. They are foods that, by their initial, fortified, enriched, or improved composition, offer health benefits. At global level, there is a great interest in promoting fruit varieties, vegetables, and pseudocereal consumption in order to improve our health. Due to their content in essential compounds such as antioxidants, important amounts of fruits and vegetables should be included in our daily diet. New food matrixes, such as fruit and vegetable juices, have been tested for their ability to deliver probiotic microorganisms and results were promising. Technological progress made possible the use of fruits and vegetables as ideal substrates for probiotics development, due to their content in minerals, vitamins, fibers, and antioxidants. Probiotic products based on vegetables have a continuous development due to the increase in popularity of vegetarianism and the growth of lactose intolerance among the entire world population

    Influence of spice and wine based marinades on bovine Biceps femoris muscle tenderness

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    Fresh beef slices were marinated by immersion in marinades based on dry red wine, lime-tree honey, salt, spices and seasoning plants as thyme (Thymus vulgaris), marjoram (Majorana hortensis), garlic (Allium sativum) and horseradish (Armoracia rusticana). Control samples were prepared without marinating treatment but packed and stored in the same conditions as marinated samples. After marination, meat pieces were packed under vacuum and stored at 4°C for 12 days. The combined effects of spices and marination on beef tenderness were evaluated by monitoring pH evolution, the protein and collagen degree of hydrolysis and tenderness. Experimental data indicated that marination weaken beef meat structure, producing improvement of functional properties of adult beef. Marinades use lead for an increase in the protein nitrogen fraction, free amino acids and hydroxyproline contents in boiled beef cuts. A significant increase in tenderness by hardness measurement was observed in the samples marinated and boiled, as compared with the control.Key words: Acidic marination, beef meat, marinating time, meat hardness, pH


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    This paper describes a technical solution to stop the spread of COVID-19 by creating a system consisting of a video camera with a thermal sensor connected to a web-based platform, which would help to manage to restrict access of people who have fever into a building. The main purpose of the project system is to measure body temperature, to detect and to recognize the person that has at the moment or had fever in the past 14 days, the registration in the database of both the fever and the person, and validate the access of the person in the building if it has a temperature below 37 degrees Celsius. The technical details as analysis and determination of the domain of interest, development of the new system design, functional and non-functional requirements, interface, project planning, technical specification and quality of the proposed solution are discussed. The proposed system aims to reduce the number of employees responsible for collecting the temperature, thus no longer exposing them to the risk of infection

    Microwave-Assisted Sol–Gel Preparation of the Nanostructured Magnetic System for Solid-Phase Synthesis

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    This work describes a new synthesis method for core–shell magnetite nanoparticles with a secondary silica shell, functionalized with a linker system (Fe3O4-PABA-SiO2-linker) using a microwave-assisted heating technique. The functionalized solid nanomaterial was used for the nanophase synthesis of peptides (Fmoc route) as a solid support. The co-precipitation method was selected to obtain magnetite nanoparticles and sol–gel technique for silica coating using a microwave-assisted (MW) procedure. The magnetic properties of the nanoparticle core offer the advantage of a quick and easy alternative for the magnetic separation of the product from the reaction mixture, facilitating all the intermediary washing and separation operations. The intermediate and final materials were analyzed by advanced characterization methods. The effectiveness of the nanophase peptide synthesis using this nanostructured material as solid support was demonstrated for a short peptide sequence


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the degree which fresh green peas maintain their technological properties and nutritional components during long-term storage, for a period of 24 months, in a defined condition of the air, at maximum -18°C. Peas were blanched, at four different durations of this operation and the same temperature of the blanching water, 95°C. The peas were frozen after end stored. In conditions of long-term storage of frozen peas, it has been found a considerable loss of the initial content of vitamin C and damage of chlorophyll (total, a and b), under the action of chlorophyllase, causing some gray compounds. The conditions of the storage in frozen stage produced a distortion of color and sensorial qualities, higher as the storage temperature was higher than prescribed. It was found that the best results in preserving quality of peas during long-term storage (24 months) were obtained for the blanched samples at 4 minutes at 95°C. The reducing of the content of vitamin C, chlorophyll a and b, and sensorial qualities was the lowest, overall