229 research outputs found

    De Rham and twisted cohomology of Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds

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    Oeljeklaus-Toma (OT) manifolds are complex non-K\"ahler manifolds whose construction arises from specific number fields. In this note, we compute their de Rham cohomology in terms of invariants associated to the background number field. This is done by two distinct approaches, one using invariant cohomology and the other one using the Leray-Serre spectral sequence. In addition, we compute also their Morse-Novikov cohomology. As an application, we show that the low degree Chern classes of any complex vector bundle on an OT manifold vanish in the real cohomology. Other applications concern the OT manifolds admitting locally conformally K\"ahler (LCK) metrics: we show that there is only one possible Lee class of an LCK metric, and we determine all the possible Morse-Novikov classes of an LCK metric, which implies the nondegeneracy of certain Lefschetz maps in cohomology.Comment: corrections made in Section 2.3; final version, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    The importance of drug standardization

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    Catedra de chimie farmaceutică și toxicologică, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu“ din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Standardizarea este un domeniu de activitate ce servește drept instrument de reglementare în economia și societatea contemporană a relațiilor între persoane, organizații, state și sisteme de ajustare a proceselor și rezultatelor activității acestora. În activitatea farmaceutică standardizarea stabilește parametri clar determinați de calitate a medicamentului. Medicamentele se standardizează în conformitate cu prevederile incluse în documentaţia analitico-normativă elaborată. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea parametrilor de standardizare a substanțelor medicamentoase și a formelor farmaceutice în conformitate cu cerințele GMP și ICH. Material și metode. Sinteza și analiza datelor bibliografice, cât și analiza informației științifice din bazele de date internaționale: PubMed, Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Google Academic etc. Rezultate. În rezultatul studierii datelor din literatură s-a constatat, că efectuarea standardizării medicamentelor în conformitate cu prevederile incluse în documentaţia analitico-normativă contribuie la dezvoltarea industriei farmaceutice, la perfecţionarea și unificarea metodelor de cercetare a standardelor folosite în analiza medicamentelor. Rolul standardelor constă în protecția intereselor consumatorilor și ale statului prin asigurarea calității produselor și serviciilor, a caracterului inofensiv al acestora pentru viața, sănătatea, ereditatea și securitatea oamenilor, pentru bunurile materiale și pentru mediu. Concluzii. În urma dezvoltării tehnologiilor moderne și metodelor de analiză s-au extins și criteriile de standardizare pentru substanţe medicamentoase și formele farmaceutice.Introduction. Standardization is an activity area that serves as a regulatory tool in the contemporary economy and society of relations between individuals, organizations, states and systems for adjusting the processes and results of their activity. In the pharmaceutical activity the standardization establishes clearly determined parameters of the quality of the drug. The medicines are standardized according to the provisions included in the elaborated analytical-normative documentation. The aim of the study. Evaluation of standardization parameters for medicinal substances and pharmaceutical forms in accordance with GMP and ICH requirements. Material and methods. Synthesis and analysis of bibliographic data and analysis of scientific information from international databases: PubMed, Medline, Environmental Issues & Policy Index, Google Academic etc. Results. As a result of the study of the literature data, it was found that the standardization of the medicinal products according to the provisions included in the analytical and regulatory documentation contributes to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, to the improvement and unification of research methods of the standards used in the drug analysis. The role of standards is to protect the interests of consumers and the state by ensuring the quality of products and services, their harmless character for human life, health, heredity and security, for material goods and the environment. Conclusions. Following the development of modern technologies and methods of analysis, the standardization criteria for medicinal substances and pharmaceutical forms were vastly extended

    Efficiency of endodontic treatmentin the medication ofchronic destructive apical periodontitis

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    Rezumat Examenul clinic şi paraclinic (radiografie direcționată şi ortopantomografie) a 102 pacienţi (143 dinţi permanenţi) cu periodontită cronică osteo — distructivă a demonstrat că, AH plus utilizat în calitate de siller, administrat cu gutaperca fierbinte termoplastificată Gutta core utilizat în calitate de filler, este o metodă de obturare a canalelor radiculare net superioară, comparativ cu Endofill şi Endomethasone în calitate de siller, administrate cu conuri de gutapercă — filler, prin metoda de condensare laterală. Rezultatele au fost confirmate prin examinări clinice şi paraclinice repetate până la iniţierea tratamentului, la 3 luni, 6 luni şi după 12 luni din momentul finisării tratmentului endodontic.Summary Clinical and radiological examination (periapical view and panoramic film) of 102 patients (143 permanent teeth) with chronic destructive apical periodontitis proved that, AH plus used as a root canal sealer, administrated with thermo-plastified gutta-percha named Gutta Core used as filler, is the superior root canal obturation technique, compared to Endofill and Endomethasone as root canal sealers, administrated with gutta-percha fillers, in the lateral condensation technique. The results were confirmed by repetead clinical and radiological examinations from the start of the endodontic treatment, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months after the end of the endodontic treatment


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    Researches have been conducted on adult beef meat after 24 hours of slaughter. Proteolytic enzyme was added in different concentrations in the injection brine and then beef cuts were injected with different percentages of brine (10, 15% v/w). Effects generated by injecting samples of adult beef with bromelin were revealed after 24 – 48 hours of storage at 4 °C. For all treatments studied, pH values increased, the largest increases were observed in samples injected with the highest levels of bromelin and brine. Effect of exogenous proteolytic enzyme on the thermal losses of adult beef was influenced by enzymatic treatment conditions. Enzymatic tenderization with bromelin had a negative effect on water holding capacity of adult beef, causing a decrease compared with control samples. Increase of bromelin added brine, ageing time and the amount of brine injected decreased water holding capacity. Analytical data showed the tenderizing effect of bromelin, rigidity index values of the samples injected with bromelin being superior to control samples