99 research outputs found

    C5 Paper

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    Background and Objective: As consequence of the increasing demand of membrane technology use, efforts to use natural resources for membrane material are gaining more and more importance. The purpose of this study was to increase fouling resistant of Cellulose Acetate (CA) membranes. Materials and Methods: The CA membranes prepared from water hyacinth were modified by addition of chitosan via either blending in phase separation method or via post-modification by surface coating. The membranes were characterized in term of water permeability, surface morphology, surface chemistry and surface hydrophilicity. The biofouling property was examined using Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and protein. Results: The results showed that addition of chitosan changed the membrane characteristics, biofouling behavior and filtration performance. Inhibition zone method could not show clearly the antimicrobial activity of chitosan added against both E. coli and S. aureus . However, visualization of membrane surface clearly showed the antimicrobial activity. Conclusion: Overall, the addition of chitosan increased the resistance of CA membrane towards microbial fouling but it did not increase the resistance towards protein fouling

    Production and Characterization of Zeolite Membrane

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    The use of bioethanol as an alternative fuel with a purity of more than 99.5% wt has prompted research on bioethanol purification. One of the promising methods used for bioethanol purification is pervaporation membrane. This research is aimed to prepare and characterize zeolite membranes for pervaporation membrane. The membrane preparation consisted of two stages, namely support preparation and zeolite deposition on the support. In support preparation, α alumina and kaolin with spesific composition (50:30; 40:40; 50:30) was mixed with additives and water. After pugging and aging process, the mixture became paste and extruded into tubular shape. The tube was then calcined at temperature of 1250 °C for 3 hours. After that, zeolite 4A is deposited on the tubes using clear solution made of 10 %wt zeolite and 90 %wt water and heated at temperature of 80 °C for 3 hours. Furthermore, the resulting zeolite membranes was washed with deionized water for 5 minutes and dried in oven at temperature of 100 °C for 24 hours. Characterization of zeolite membranes included mechanical strength test, XRD, and SEM. In the mechanical strength test, the membrane sample with alumina:kaolin = 50:30 (#membrane A#) has the highest mechanical strength of 46.65 N/mm2. Result of XRD analysis for the membran A indicated that mullite and corundum phases were formed, which mullite phase was more dominant. Meanwhile the result of SEM analysis shows that zeolite crystals have been formed and covered the pores support, but the deposition of zeolite has not been optimal yet. The performance examination for bioethanol purification showed that the membrane could increase the purty of bioethanol from 95% to 98% wt

    Pemanfaatan Timbunan Sampah Zona Non-aktif Tpa Putri Cempo Surakarta

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    Garbage is a side product of human activity. For some people trash is worthless. Though the correct utilization of waste can be recycled so it has economic value. Putri Cempo has midden that can be reused. Potential of waste pile in Putri Cempo landfill consist 60,4% of organic waste and 6,7% of anorganic waste. The method used is to make the organic waste into organic fertilizer granules and recycled plastic as raw material for the manufacture of plastics that are ready for sale. Utilization is done by constructing a granule organic fertilizer plant which has a capacity of 15 tons per day and recycled plastic has a capacity of 150 kg per day. Utilization of waste pile facility is able to reduce landfill waste by 4039.2 tons per year. The cost needed to make this composting facility were Rp. 3.311.609.172,0

    Penyisihan Karbofuran Dan 2,4 Diklorofenoksisetat Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Nanofiltrasi

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    Seiring meningkatnya penggunaan pestisida dalam bidang pertanian, maka potensi terjadinya pencemaran pestisida dalam air semakin meningkat. Berbagai teknologi seperti karbon aktif dan oksidasi menggunakan kombinasi H2O2 dan Ozon dirasa belum efektif untuk menyisihkan pestisida dalam air. Membran nanofiltrasi merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan mikropolutan seperti pestisida. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan karbofuran dan 2,4Diklorofenoksiasetat (2,4D) yang merupakan jenis pestisida yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia dengan konsentrasi awal 25ppm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besarnya rejeksi dan profil fluks dari karbofuran dan 2,4D. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh adanya Natural Organik Matter (NOM) terhadap fluks dan rejeksi karbofuran dan 2,4D digunakan polisakarida berupa sodium alginat (SA) dengan konsentrasi 5ppm. Penelitian dilakukan pada tekanan 4, 5 dan 6 bar dengan menggunakan membran NF270. Konsentrasi pestisida dapat diketahui menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan panjang gelombang 276 nm dan 284nm untuk karbofuran dan 2,4D. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar tekanan operasi menyebabkan rejeksi 2,4D semakin rendah dengan fluks yang tidak jauh berbeda pada masing-masing tekanan. Rejeksi karbofuran terbesar pada tekanan 5 bar dan saat tekanan 6 bar rejeksi turun dengan nilai fluks yang tidak jauh berbeda pada ketiga tekanan. Dengan adanya penambahan SA dalam karbofuran tidak banyak mempengaruhi fluks dan menyebabkan rejeksinya meningkat. Sedangkan penambahan SA pada 2,4D meningkatkan nilai fluks dan menurunkan tingkat rejeksi

    Pengaruh Jumlah Kendaraan Dan Faktor Meteorologis (Suhu, Kelembaban, Kecepatan Angin) Terhadap Peningkatan Konsentrasi Gas Pencemar Noâ‚‚ (Nitrogen Dioksida) Pada Persimpangan Jalan Kota Semarang

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    Every day, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing. It will cause increasing of pollutant gases. According to Soedomo (2001) as an overview, transportation sector accounted for 69% of NO2 pollution in urban areas, followed by industry and households. According to Fardiaz (1992) NO2 concentrations in the air of a city varies throughout the day depending on sunlight and vehicles activity. NO2 concentrations are also influenced by meteorological factors, it's temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Karangrejo Raya street, Sukun Raya street, Ngesrep Timur V street of Semarang is located at the intersections in Banyumanik. Karangrejo street and Sukun Raya street are center of activity because it is a populated residential area, while Ngesrep Timur V street is a center of educational facilities because there are several universities are located in this region. The method used is sampling directly at the site when the rush hour of vehicles in the morning (7:00 to 08:00), noon (13:00 to 14:00), and afternoon (16:00 to 17:00) for 12 days each 3 days row at Karangrejo Raya street, Sukun Raya street, and Ngesrep Timur V street and the last 3 days compared every other street using impinger and anemometer. Based on the research that has been analyzed, the concentration of NO2 at Karangrejo Raya street ranged from 0.7 to 4.2 mg / Nm3, the concentration of NO2 at Sukun Raya street ranged from 1.0 to 4.1 mg / Nm3, while the concentration of NO2 on the Ngesrep Timur V ranged from 0.2 to 1.7 mg / Nm3. It shows that the concentration of NO2 in three sreets are far below the quality standard

    Analisis Komposisi Unsur Pencemar (Si, Pb, dan Ca) dalam Total Suspended Particulate (Tsp) di Pembangungan Jalan (Studi Kasus: Pembangunan Jalan Kendal – Batas Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Road construction is an activity that may have a substantial temporary impact on local air quality. Road construction projects in Kendal – Semarang City produce air pollution especially Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) and pollutant elements (Si, Pb, and Ca) in TSP. TSP and pollutant elements were analyzed to determine the concentration at the dredging of asphalt, the concreting phase, and the concrete cutting phase. The tool used in sampling the TSP is Dust Sampler and for the measurement of pollutant elements (Si, Pb and Ca) is AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The highest concentration of TSP is 1199.89 g / Nm3 that found in the concrete cutting phase, for the highest concentration pollutant elements is the concentration of Ca element contained in the concrete cutting phase that is equal to 23.7 g / Nm3, and the concentrations of Pb at the stage of concreting 0.08 mg / Nm3 is the lowest concentration of pollutant elements

    Penyisihan Kadar Cod Dan Nitrat Melaluikultivasi Chlorella SP. Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Limbah Cair Tahu

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    Limbah cair tahu merupakan salah satu jenis pencemar yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Kandungan bahan organiknya yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan apabila langsung dibuang ke badan air. Produsen tahu masih didominasi oleh industri skala kecil, sehingga diperlukan pengolahan yang murah, mudah dan praktis penerapannya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi Chlorella sp. dalam meyisihkan kadar COD dan nitrat yang terkandung didalam limbah cair tahu dengan konsentrasi 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75 dan 100%. Parameter yang diamati adalah kelimpahan sel, laju pertumbuhan sel, nilai COD dan nitrat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan sel tertinggi teramati pada perlakuan konsentrasi 30% dengan nilai rata-rata 9.850.000 sel/mL. Sedangkan penyisihan kadar COD dan nitrat juga terlihat pada konsentrasi 30% sebesar 71,54% dan 30,03%

    Pengaruh Penambahan Extracellulary Polymeric Substance (EPS) Sebagai Emulsifier Dan Biostimulan Terhadap Laju Degradasi Minyak IPAL PT. Indofood CBP

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    Used oil is a waste which is difficult to degrade. Waste oil needs to be managed properly in order to avoid negative effects on the society and environment. Therefore a research should be conducted to study a utilization of waste oil using bioremediation method so that the waste oil could be recycled. In this bioremediation process, EPS (Extracellular Polymeric Substances) will be act as a biostimulant so that the waste oil could be emulsified and degraded. The EPS is created by extraction using heating and centrifugation methods, while the bioremediation experiment is held using batch system. The highest oil removal efficiency is equal to 70 %, which is attained with 450 mg of EPS DW additives for 300 ml of waste oil
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