6 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Totok Payudara, Oxytocin Massage And Colostrum. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in time of leaking colostrums in mothers post partum in doing oxytocin  massage with totok payudara. This study design used is quasi-experimental design with the design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Reserch conducted at the midwives (BPM) at health centers working area Klaten who were divided into 2 groups, i.e an experimental group consisting of 30 respondens to whom oxytocin massage was given and a control group consisting of 30 responden to whom totok payudara was given. Bivariate data analysis using statistical test used is t –test. Results of the study showed the average time of  leaking colostrums in experimental and control groups were  152,67 minutes and 137,23 minutes. The result of hypothesis test using T-test obtained the value of p= 0.668 (p>0.05). Conclusion: there is no difference time between oxytocin massage and totok payudara to the leaking colostrum Key Word: Totok Payudara, Oxytocin Massage And Colostrum LINK OJS 3 ARTIKEL "PENINGKATAN KECEPATAN PENGELUARAN KOLOSTRUM DENGAN PERAWATAN TOTOK PAYUDARA DAN PIJAT OKSITOSIN PADA IBU POST PARTUM


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    Abstract: Deep Relaxation Therapy, Level Anxiety And Prolong Duration Labor Stage. Patients who will give birth had experienced psychological problems that cause form the emotional reaction as the manifestation of psychological symptoms, the actions to be carried out either surgery or childbirth aid measures constitute a potential or actual threat to the integrity of someone who can evoke physiological and psychological stress. This emotional reaction usually is generally a negative reaction, such as refuse, fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety. Giving deep breathing relaxation techniques in patients will be a decrease in tension, feeling amazingly beautiful in controlling body functions so that labor becomes smooth. Purpose of this study was to determine the effect of therapy on the breath in anxiety level and duration of labor. The design of this study using the pre and post-test only one group. analysis techniques with Wilcoxon test. using purposive sampling technique with 25 respondents. Univariate analysis results mean pre-test anxiety at 43.16 and the average post-test by 31. The mean duration of the first labor stage of the intervention group is 504 minutes and 564 minutes at control group. The Mean duration of second labor stage of the intervention group is 140 minutes and the control group was 57 minutes. Bivariate test results there is the influence between deep breathing relaxation therapy interventions with anxiety with a p value= 0.001, there is the influence of deep breathing relaxation techniques with the duration of first labor stage with p-value = 0.001, no effect of deep breathing relaxation with the duration of second labor stage with p = 0:59. In conclusion, there is the influence of deep breathing relaxation therapy to anxiety and the duration of the first stage of labor time, there is no influence therapy relaxation with the duration of the second labor stage. Link OJS 3 artikel PENGARUH TERAPI RELAKSASI NAFAS DALAM TERHADAP TINGKAT KECEMASAN DAN LAMA PERSALINAN KALA I DAN II DI BPM WILAYAH KLATE

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Orang Tua Dan Pengetahuan Siswi Dengan Kesiapan Siswi Dalam Menghadapi Menstruasi Di MI Sanggrong Tegalrejo Purwantoro Wonogiri

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    Abstract: Support Parent, Knowledge Of Student, Readiness Of Student, Menstruation. Menarche is a sign of early entry of a woman in the reproductive period.Menarche is the first menstrual period experienced by all women, especially adolescents. All teenagers who will experience the first menstruation most say fear,anxiety, and not yet avail, this is due to lack of parental support and lack of knowledge of girls about menstruation so that the impact on the readiness of female students in menstrual period. Purpose: to know the relationship between parental support and knowledge students about menstruation with the readiness of students in the face of menstruation. Method: This research is a descriptive analytic research with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all students of MI Sanggrong class IV, V, VI in 2017 which amounted to 64 students. Sampling by using purposive sampling with amount as much as 33 student. Result of research: parent support to menstruation enter enough category as much 47,2% of respondents. Students' knowledge about menstruation is categorized as good as 66.7% of respondents. While the readiness of students in the face of menstruation is said to be as much as 88.9%. The value of p value on pearson correlation test between parental support and side readiness is 0,011 where p value <0,05 meaning there is significant relation between parent support with readiness of student in facing menstruation. While the value of p value of Pearson correlation test between students 'knowledge with the readiness offemale students in facing menstruation is 0.001 where p value <0.05 which means there is a relationship between students' knowledge about menstruation and readiness of students in the face of menstruation. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the support of parents and the knowledge of female students with the readiness of female students in facing menstruation in MI sanggrong, tegalrejo, purwantoro, wonogiri with p value 0.001 and 0.01

    Kesiapan Psikologis Ibu Hamil Trimester III Dalam Persiapan Persalinan Pasca Relaksasi Hypnobirthing

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    Abstract: Psychological Readiness Pregnancy Trimester III, Post-Relaxation Hypnobirthing. A number of fear seen in pregnant women during the third trimester. Unpreparedness to face the birth mother to be one of the causes of high maternal mortality rate. Mother began to feel fear of pain and the physical dangers that will arise at the time of delivery. Because they were, the mother must make themselves maintain the harmony of mind and body through relaxation. Hypnobirthing techniques can help relax the muscles so that mothers avoid the anxiety and may help mothers more calm in the face of labor. The purpose of this study to describe the psychological readiness of third trimester pregnant women in childbirth after relaxation hypnobirthing. Quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women who have followed the relaxation hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times in BPM and BPM Yessi Yosi Trihana Aprilia Klaten. Saturated sampling technique is sampling as many as 30 third trimester pregnant women who had attended relaxation hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times as respondents. Of the 30 respondents third trimester pregnant women who attended ≥ 4 times showed 19 respondents (63.30%) declared ready psychologically to face childbirth after following the relaxation of hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times. And 11 respondents (36.70%) are not ready psychologically to face the post-relaxation hypnobirthing childbirth ≥ 4 times. Most of the third trimester pregnant women are better prepared psychologically to face childbirth after following the relaxation of hypnobirthing ≥ 4 times in BPM and BPM Yessi Yosi Trihana Aprilia Klaten

    Pengaruh Pijat Bayi Terhadap Lama Tidur Bayi Usia 3-6 Bulan di Desa Jemawan Kecamatan Jatinom Kabupaten Klaten

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    Background: Sleep is prime priority for baby, because when this moment occurs  repair neuro-brain and more or less 75% of growth hormone are produced. Considering the importance of sleep time for baby development, baby’s sleep needs must be fulfilled in order not to adversely affect growth and development. One of the way to fulfill baby’s sleep needs is baby massage. When baby massaged will increase serotonin secretion that will suppress the activity of the reticulation-activating system and causing sleepy. Purpose this study to knowing the effect of baby massage to the length of sleep of baby ages 3-6 month in Jemawan Village, Jatinom Sub-District, Klaten District. Methods: Quasy eksperiment research with one group pretest-posttest design. Sampling using saturated sampling technique with 32 babies. Bivariate analysis using non parametric statistic Wilcoxon test with an error rate of 5%. Baby massage is performed of baby ages 3-6 month throughout the baby’s body for 30 minutes, baby massage is doing 2 times a week in 4 weeks.Results: This study show results that the length of sleep of baby before doing massage is mostly less than 13 hours as much as 18 babies (56,25%) and the length of sleep of baby after doing massage is normal 13-15 hours as much as 27 babies (84,38%). The result of Wilcoxon test is p = 0,000 (p <0,05) that Ha accepted.Conclusion: There is effect of baby massage to the length of sleep of baby ages 3-6 month in Jemawan Village, Jatinom Sub-District, Klaten District

    Perbedaan Kecukupan Asi Antara Akseptor KB Suntik Kombinasi Dengan KB Suntik Progestin Pada Ibu Menyusui 0-6 Bulan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sambirejo Sragen

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    Background: Nursing mothers who do not want to get pregnant anymore need safe contraception, do not interfere with the breastfeeding process and do not affect breast milk production. Injection contraception is divided into two, namely combined injection family planning and progestin injection family planning. Combined injection family planning contains the hormone estrogen which can reduce the amount of breast milk production, while injectable progestin family planning contains the hormone prolactin which can stimulate the production of breast milk glands. One of the factors that influence the adequacy of breast milk is the use of contraception. Method: Type of observational research with cross sectional design. The sample in this study were all breastfeeding mothers who used injection contraception in the work area of ​​Sambirejo Health Center Sragen in September to November 2018 as many as 62 people. Total sampling technique, chi square analysis. Results: Characteristics of acceptor age, namely 20-35 years as many as 52 people (83.9%) education namely high school as many as 30 people (48.4%), occupations namely housewives as many as 46 people (74.2%) and parity is primipara 33 people (53.2%). The adequacy of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers who use combined injection contraception is mostly 16 people (25.8%) and not enough as many as 12 people (19.4%). The adequacy of breastfeeding in breastfeeding mothers who use the progestin injection contarction is mostly 32 people (51.6%) and not enough as many as 2 people (3.2%). The chi square test results p = 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a difference in the adequacy of breastfeeding between family planning injection acceptors combined with Progestin injections in breastfeeding mothers 0-6 months in the working area of ​​Sambirejo Sragen health center