27 research outputs found

    Resistance Status of Aedes Aegypti Larvae to Temephos in West Banjarmasin

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    Temephos has been used in controlling vector of dengue hemorrhagic fever, Aedes aegypti since long time ago. Long and continous USAge of insecticides can increase the occurrence of resistance. This research aim to know the resistance of Ae. aegyptiin West Banjarmasin. We used experimental study with post test only with control group design. There were 8 groups of temephos treatment; 0,005 ppm, 0,01 ppm, 0,015 ppm, 0,03 ppm, 0,045 ppm, 0,060 ppm, 0,075 ppm and 0,090 ppm. Each group was exposed for the Ae.aegypti larvae and dead larvae observed after 24 hours exposure. Based on probit analysis, effective doses of temephos to ki1l50% larvae (Lethal Concentraticn/l.Cj..) was between 0,0064 - 0,0126 ppm (average = 0,00957 ppm) and LCgg was between 0,0196 - 0,0340 ppm (average = 0,0243 ppm). This research indicated that Ae.aegypti larvae in West Banjarmasin is resistant to temephos

    Sordariomycetes, Kelompok Jamur Yang Paling Banyak Terisolasi Dari Daun Jarum Pinus Radiata Di Australia

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    Endophytes fungi have been extensively studied in conifer needles involving culture dependent methods, however little number have been conducted in Pinus radiata and no record have been reported from Tasmania. This study aimed to identify the major group of endophyte fungi isolated from P. radiata needles with varied conditions collected from Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales plantation and confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of ITS gene. Sixteen endophyte fungi species as member of Sordariomycetes were isolated and Coniochaeta sp. 1 was the most frequently isolated species in this study

    Implikasi Pencabutan Hak Atas Tanah Terhadap Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Kepemilikan hak atas tanah merupakan hak dasar yang juga merupakan bagian dari hak asasi manusia.Pencabutan kepemilikan hak atas tanah oleh presiden dilakukan untuk kepentingan umum.Perlindungan subjek hak atas dalam menghadapi pencabutan hak didasarkan kepada pemahaman pengertian kepentingan umum.Kepentingan umum merupakan suatu yang abstrak, mudah dipahami secara teoritis, tetapi menjadi sangat kompleks ketika diimplementasikan

    Identifikasi Jamur Endofit Daun Jarum Pinus Radiata Menggunakan Metode Ektraksi Dna Secara Langsung

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    Pinus radiata is the major softwood species planted in New Zealand and Australia. Endophyte fungi that have been extensively studied in conifers needles mainly based on fungal isolation and also rarely conducted in Pinus radiata. This study aimed to observe the optimum condition of P. radiata needles sample for direct extraction of fungal DNA and to identify the fungi associated with P. radiata needles in Plenty plantations by a direct PCR approach. Room temperature dried needles produced clear and consistent DNA amplification compare to fresh needles, and needles dried on drying room or drying machine. Capnodiales was the most diverse group and no fungal pathogen detected in this study. DNA sequence data from direct DNA extraction of P. radiata needles provided sufficient discrimination and identification of fungal species

    Ibm Pelatihan Asuhan Spiritual Bagi Perawat di Rsi Siti Hajar Mataram Tahun 2016

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    Pentingnya Spiritualitas dalam kesehatan dapat dilihat dari batasan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) tahun 1984 yang menyatakan bahwa aspek agama (spiritual) merupakan salah satu unsur dari pengertian kesehatan seutuhnya. Bila sebelumnya pada tahun 1947, Sehubungan dengan pentingnya dimensi agama dalam kesehatan, maka pada tahun 1984 Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) telah menambahkan, dimensi agama sebagai salah satu dari empat pilar kesehatan ; yaitu kesehatan manusia seutuhnya meliputi : sehat jasmani/fisik (biologi), sehat secara kejiwaan (psikiatrik/psikologi),sehat secara sosial, dan sehat secara spiritual (kerohanian/agama). Dengan kata lain manusia yang sehat seutuhnya adalah manusia yang beragama dan hal ini sesuai dengan fitrah manusia (Clinebell dalam Hawari, 2002).Aspek spiritual harus diperhatikan dalam perawatan selain aspek fisik dan psikososial karena menurut beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan spiritual berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan dan perawatan, diantaranya ; penelitian Stoll dalam Carpenito (2000), berdoa sendiri atau dengan orang terdekat dilaporkan sebagai strategi koping yang baik/positif. Melalui doa orang dapat mengekspresikan perasaan, harapan dan kepercayaanya kepada Tuhan. Perawatan spiritual yang dirasakan dapat langsung mempengaruhi kualitas penyembuhan seseorang, atau kualitas individu dan pengalaman kematian keluarga Individu dengan tingkat spiritual yang tinggi dan baik cenderung mengalami ansietas pada tingkat yang rendah, dan beberapa pasien dengan penyakit terminal yang dipersiapkan spiritualnya dengan baik, meninggal dunia dalam keadaan damai dan tenang. Aspek pertama yang harus diperhatikan perawat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual pasien adalah peningkatan pengetahuan perawat tentang perawatan spiritual pasien dan manfaatnya, sebab sikap positif atau negatif seseorang terhadap suatu obyek, sangat ditentukan oleh tingkat pengetahuan seseorang terhadap manfaat obyek tersebut (Ancok Jamaludin dalam Notoatmodjo,1997)

    Natural Drink “Carica Papaya Linnaeus” Solusi Masyarakat Sehat

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    Sendang is a village that located on the western part of Pacitan Regency. Majority of its society work as a farmer who able to produce papaya in big amaunt. But, the existence of those papayas are not followed by maximal utilization. So, team of PKM-M has done the innovation to make instant drink powder from extract of papaya leave. The purposes of that event, such as to maximize utilization of papaya, to drilled and accompany the society to make healthy drink, build the central of Natural Drink “Carica papaya Linnaeus” and to decrease the economic difficulty of Sendang society. The conclusion, such as: the prosperity of Sendang society is increased in economy, skill, and health side; maximize utilization of papaya leaves; and create the new open jobs

    Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Starter pada Pembuatan Silase Ransum terhadap Kadar Serat Kasar, Lemak Kasar, Kadar Air, dan Bahan Ekstrak tanpa Nitrogen Silase

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    The aim of this research are to find: 1) the effects of addition of various kind levels of starter to crude fiber, crude fat, moisture content, extract material without nitrogen, in silage feed, 2) one of the best starter in increasing the nutrient content in silage feed. The research was conducted in December 2014 – Februari 2015 at Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung and in the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Livestock, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The number of microbes was analyzed in Balai Veteriner Lampung. The method in this research used completely randomized design. The treatments was consisted of basal ration (R0), basal diet + stater EM4 (R1), basal diet + EM4 starter culture (R2), and the basal diet + starter rumen fluid (R3). The results showed that the addition of various kind levels of starter indicated significant effect (P0.05) to crude fiber and BETN of silage.

    Pengujian Awal Penanda Jenis Spesifik Pada Jamur Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Penyakit Busuk Akar Pada Akasia

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    Root rot caused by Ganoderma philippii (Bres. & Henn. ex Sacc.) Bres., is an important disease in Acacia plantation. A strategy to control this disease is currently being developed, particularly on the application of biological control agent (BCA). Species specific primers for rapid identification of potential fungi as BCA were developed. This study aimed to obtain the best DNA condition and the best primers for species specific identification. DNA with 20x dilution is the best condition for amplification of the ITS fragment thus used for rapid species identification. The best primer set to detect Cerrena sp. is CrF1/CrR1, PbF2/PbR2 is the best primer set for Phlebiopsis sp. 1. There was no specific primer suitable to detect Phlebia sp. 1 and Phlebia sp. 2 only but Pl-2F1/Pl-2R4 is the best primer set for Phlebia spp