9 research outputs found
Impact of specialized physical training programs on physical fitness in athletes
Introduction. Physical fitness is important to athletes because it allows for the highest ability of the athletes participating in any competition. Speed, agility, and quickness training (SAQ) is a form of training that is widely used to help athletes develop themselves in those areas. In addition, training programs can help athletes succeed by developing neuromuscular systems, improve the efficiency of movement, and in general increase their abilities. Objective. This research aims to compare the effect of the SAQ training program on physical fitness in athletes. Athletes are students of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, 1st-4th year, aged over 18 years, consisting of 30 people, divided into 1 control group and 1 experimental group. The tools used in this research are a physical fitness test, and the SAQ training program. The frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and t-test for dependent sample at the statistical significance level of .05. Results. The study found that in the experimental group, the mean values of hand force (t = 2.124, p-value = .05), counter movement jump (t = 2.307, p-value = .029) , sitting, bent forward (t = 2.87, p-value = .008) were significantly higher than the control group at the statistical significance of .05. The experimental group had lower storage and running mean values (t = -14.760, p-value = .000) than the control group with statistical significance of .05. Conclusion. Applicable to athletes in training or anyone interested in using the SAQ training program in order to increase physical fitness in athletes. Moreover, trainers can apply the SAQ training program to other sports such as tennis, football, etc
Supply Chain Management of Safe Vegetables from Residue Chemicals of Producers and Consumers
Supply chain management was the action that producer and consumer have done the process to safe vegetable from residue chemicals, i.e., how producer plant and clean before transfer, how consumer select and clean. Research aims were to investigate participation behavior of producers and consumers to vegetable residue chemicals before transfer to market and to propose a model examination. Quantitative method with 400 respondents through semi structured questionnaire who were producer and consumer vegetable. Structural equation model was used to analyze factors influence to vegetable washing treatment. The result findings revealed that demography (age and marriage status), attitude, and information awareness can predict vegetable consumption behavior. Attitude and information awareness identified strongest influence significance to predict vegetable consumption behavior while demography was a bit significance influence. Besides, pesticides were residue that harmful to humans for information awareness. Buying organic vegetables was worthwhile for attitude and a year previous received information and introduction to consume organic vegetables for information awareness. Some misunderstanding issues in knowledge for people were discussed while factors influence to producers and consumers for safe vegetable transportation about washing residue from producer to consumer indicated how good condition people were. Moreover, supply chain management will be discussed based on findings to guide private and government arranging any policy to encourage the right factor in the future
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Perception of the Zika virus infection and its influence on Zika prevention practices by pregnant women at the Region 5 Health Promotion Center in Thailand
Background: The Zika virus (ZIKA) infection in pregnant women causes microcephaly, a brain disorder resulting in severe birth defects. The objective of this study was to identify the factors that influence Zika prevention practices by pregnant women at the Region 5 Health Promotion Center in Thailand.
Methods: A cross-sectional study applied a survey method to collect data from pregnant women between 18 and 45 years of age. The sampling method used multistage random sampling. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: The findings indicated that 5 of 12 factors could significantly predict Zika prevention practices of pregnant women at the Health Promotion Center Region 5 in Thailand: education, smoking behavior, check-up status during pregnancy, perception of susceptibility, and perception of benefit.
Conclusion: The results show a direct correlation between the perception of susceptibility and benefit and Zika prevention practices. Policies for promoting Zika knowledge and preventive behavior by providing information about Zika should focus on changing the thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs of pregnant women and their families
Corrigendum: Perception of the Zika virus infection and its influence on Zika prevention practices by pregnant women at the Region 5 Health Promotion Center in Thailand
[no abstract available
Examining determinants of stunting in Urban and Rural Indonesian: a multilevel analysis using the population-based Indonesian family life survey (IFLS)
Abstract Background In Indonesia, chronic malnutrition leading to stunted growth in children represents a significant issue within the public health domain. The prevalence of stunting varies between urban and rural areas, reflecting disparities in access to nutrition, healthcare, and other socioeconomic factors. Understanding these disparities is crucial for developing targeted interventions to address the issue. Methods The study used data from the fifth wave of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), which is a national cross-sectional population-based survey conducted across approximately 13 provinces in Indonesia in 2014â2015. Multivariate and Multilevel logistic regression models were utilized in the analysis to determine the factors associated with the prevalence of stunting in Indonesian children. Results The multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that among children aged 24â59 months in Indonesia, stunting was associated with the age of the child, birth weight, maternal nutritional status, and residence. Subsequently, the multilevel logistic regression analysis revealed that in rural areas, the age of the child and birth weight exhibited significant associations with stunting. Conversely, in urban areas, stunted children were influenced by 7 factors, including the childâs age (months), age of weaning, birth weight (kg), mother and fatherâs age, place of birth, and maternal nutritional status. Conclusions Variations in childhood stunting between urban and rural regions in Indonesia were observed, indicating a differential prevalence. The studyâs findings suggests the importance of age-appropriate nutritional support, healthcare interventions, and growth monitoring. Focused interventions are vital, potentially encompassing initiatives such as improving access to maternal and child healthcare services, promoting adequate nutrition during pregnancy and infancy, and facilitate greater parental engagement in childcare responsibilities