15 research outputs found

    Thioredoxins in chloroplasts

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    Thioredoxins (TRXs) are small disulfide oxidoreductases of ca. 12 kDa found in all free living organisms. In plants, two chloroplastic TRXs, named TRX f and TRX m, were originally identified as light dependent regulators of several carbon metabolism enzymes including Calvin cycle enzymes. The availability of genome sequences revealed an unsuspected multiplicity of TRXs in photosynthetic eukaryotes, including new chloroplastic TRX types. Moreover, proteomic approaches and focused studies allowed identification of 90 potential chloroplastic TRX targets. Lately, recent studies suggest the existence of a complex interplay between TRXs and other redox regulators such as glutaredoxins (GRXs) or glutathione. The latter is involved in a post-translational modification, named glutathionylation that could be controlled by GRXs. Glutathionylation appears to specifically affect the activity of TRX f and other chloroplastic enzymes and could thereby constitute a previously undescribed regulatory mechanism of photosynthetic metabolism under oxidative stress. After summarizing the initial studies on TRX f and TRX m, this review will focus on the most recent developments with special emphasis on the contributions of genomics and proteomics to the field of TRXs. Finally, new emerging interactions with other redox signaling pathways and perspectives for future studies will also be discussed

    Redox regulation of chloroplastic G6PDH activity by thioredoxin occurs through structural changes modifying substrate accessibility and cofactor binding

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    In chloroplasts, redox regulation of enzyme activities by TRXs (thioredoxins) allows the co-ordination of light/dark metabolisms such as the reductive (so-called Calvin-Benson) pathway and the OPPP (oxidative pentose phosphate pathway). Although the molecular mechanisms underlying the redox regulation of several TRX-regulated enzymes have been investigated in detail, only partial information was available for plastidial G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) catalysing the first and rate-limiting step of the OPPP. In the present study, we investigated changes in catalytic and structural properties undergone by G6PDH1 from Arabidopsis thaliana upon treatment with TRX f1, the most efficient regulator of the enzyme that did not show a stable interaction with its target. We found that the formation of the regulatory disulfide bridge that leads to activation of the enzyme allows better substrate accessibility to the active site and strongly modifies the cofactor-binding properties. Structural modelling and data from biochemical and biophysical studies of site-directed mutant proteins support a mechanism in which the positioning/function of the highly conserved Arg(131) in the cofactor-binding site can be directly influenced by the redox state of the adjacent regulatory disulfide bridge. These findings constitute another example of modifications to catalytic properties of a chloroplastic enzyme upon redox regulation, but by a mechanism unique to G6PDH

    Thioredoxins, glutaredoxins, and glutathionylation: new crosstalks to explore

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    Oxidants are widely considered as toxic molecules that cells have to scavenge and detoxify efficiently and continuously. However, emerging evidence suggests that these oxidants can play an important role in redox signaling, mainly through a set of reversible post-translational modifications of thiol residues on proteins. The most studied redox system in photosynthetic organisms is the thioredoxin (TRX) system, involved in the regulation of a growing number of target proteins via thiol/disulfide exchanges. In addition, recent studies suggest that glutaredoxins (GRX) could also play an important role in redox signaling especially by regulating protein glutathionylation, a post-translational modification whose importance begins to be recognized in mammals while much less is known in photosynthetic organisms. This review focuses on oxidants and redox signaling with particular emphasis on recent developments in the study of functions, regulation mechanisms and targets of TRX, GRX and glutathionylation. This review will also present the complex emerging interplay between these three components of redox-signaling networks