4 research outputs found

    Peraturan Daerah Bernuansa Syari’ah Di Indramayu Dan Tasikmalaya: Agama, Politik Lokal Dan Ancaman Disintegrasi

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    Regional regulations with sharia nuances in Indonesia reap pros and cons because Indonesia is not a religious state. Indramayu Regency and Tasikmalaya City are two regions that apply sharia-based regional regulations. This research belongs to the type of qualitative research, using descriptive analytical method with a normative-juridical approach and maqashid shari'ah. The promulgation of sharia regulations in Indramayu and Tasikmalaya City is due to electoral political interests because the majority of the population in these two districts/cities are devout Muslims and fanatic towards sharia. In terms of implementation, the Syari'ah regional regulations in the two regencies/cities still tend to be discriminatory because not all residents are Muslim. The existence of the Syari'ah Regional Regulation is not in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution because it only favors one religion. Shari'ah regulations do not guarantee the benefit of humans as the goal of bringing down Islamic law to the earth (maqashid shari'ah)

    Peraturan Daerah Dalam Hirarki Perundang-undangan Indonesia

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    Regional regulations in Indonesia which are formed by regional heads of provinces and cities with regional representative councils in equivalent areas have been regulated in such a way that efforts for comprehensive harmonization and synchronization of all aspects must be carried out on an ongoing basis. This prescriptive normative research prioritizes careful literature searches, especially in terms of legislative documents. The formation of a region is not easy because it requires competent insight and expertise, especially regarding the techniques of its formation, so that the regional regulations that are formed do not conflict with the hierarchy of regulations and fulfill the interests of the community in the area of authority

    Pembelajaran Virtual: Perpaduan Indonesia-Malaysia

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    207 hal.; 21 cm