9 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Urusan Pemerintahan Pekerjaan Umum Bidang Bina Marga terhadap Infrastruktur Jalan di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Tahun 2015

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    This study aims to determine the cause of the success of the construction of roads in the district of Pangean (Teluk Pauh) by 2015 and to determine the factors - factors that limit the success of the road infrastructure in the district of Pangean (Teluk Pauh) in 2015. The study used qualitative research methods to study descriptive, which can be interpreted as a problem-solving process that describes the situation investigated by the research subjects were based on the facts that appear during the study and then based on the theories that exist. Implementation of Administration of Public Works of Highways on Road Infrastructure Regency Kuantan in 2015 showed that there is good communication between government and society in the development of road infrastructure in the village of Teluk Pauh district Pangean Regency Kuantan, it can be seen from the process of planning, implementation, monitoring , up to its utilization by the community. In addition, public awareness of the importance of road infrastructure is also a major contribution to improving infrastructure and the quality of the road in the village of Teluk Pauh district Pangean Regency Kuantan

    Studi Perubahan Kedudukan Kelurahan dari Perangkat Daerah Menjadi Perangkat Kecamatan di Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru

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    In assisting in running the affairs of the concurrent government and general government affairs in the law on the local government, the Head of the Regency / Municipal Region is assisted by the regional apparatus of the kabupaten / kota. The juridical existence of the regional devices occurs between changes Law Number 23 Year 2014 with Law Number 32 Year 2004. Elements of Regional Apparatus pursuant to Article 120 paragraph (2) of Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government consists of; 1. Regional Secretariat, 2. Regional Offices, 3. Regional Technical Institutions 4. Regional Secretariat, and district. Therefore, it can be seen that the sub-district and kelurahan institutions are part of the regency / municipal apparatus, so the Camat and Lurah are directly responsible to the mayor This research was conducted in December 2016 until June 2017. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the change of the status of the kelurahan institution as a regional tool to be as a subdistrict device in Marpoyan Damai Sub-district, Pekanbaru City. The method used is qualitative descriptive method, where the researcher tries to explain the occurrence of change from the side of the working relationship of the Lurah and Camat, which until now is only coordinated to be superior and subordinate (Head of Sub-district becomes the direct superior of Lurah). Data collection techniques in this study is to use interviewing techniques and documentation. Based on interviews to all informants and based on supporting data and information obtained by researchers when conducting research. It can be concluded that the Status and Authority of the Village since the enactment of Law No. 23 of 2017 on Regional Government until the end of 2016 the status of urban village institutions remains as a regional tool, only since the beginning of 2017 the kelurahan status has changed into the kecamatan apparatus, Law Number 23 Year 2014 Regarding Pemerinrah area effectively in 2017 and the enactment of Regional Device Organizations (OPD) Local Government of Pekanbaru new cit

    Pelaksanaan Program Pemberian Kredit Bpr (Bank Perkreditan Rakyat) Dana Amanah Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2012

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    People assume that if the government really wants to help the middle and lower economic communities, the government should not have to pay interest loans to lower middle economic people and this will cause problems in achieving the goals of the program pemberan rural banks in one trust fund the customer is in arrears. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing non optimal implementation of economic empowerment programs through program lending trust fund BPR (Rural Bank) Pelalawan. In this study, the concept is derived from the theoretical evaluation of the implementation of Edward III declared that there are 4 (four) variables are crucial in the implementation of communication, resources, character or attitude and bureaucratic structures. The location of this study are in BPR (Rural Bank) Trust Fund Pelalawan. This study used qualitative research methods to the study of descriptive data. In collecting data the researcher used interview techniques and documentation. The results of this study it can be concluded that the implementation of the loan program BPR (Rural Bank) Pelalawan Trust Fund in 2012, can not be said to be effective, it can be proved from the 5 indicator variables are used as benchmarks in this study, almost all of the indicators are in the category less effective. For that expected in implementing these programs should be the implementing agency should consider that the effective lending strategies and efficient, BPR should conduct in-depth analysis of the internal condition of the RB.Keywords: Implementation, Program Lending, Trust Fun

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Beasiswa Bidik Misi di Universitas Riau Tahun 2010-2014

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    Bidik Misi scholarship is a programm to all students in College especially to all least coast fee about study and appreciate to the best student at Campus. Indonesia has 148 campus to the receive the Bidik Misi scholarship. University of Riau is a one of a campus get the Bidik Misi 2010 until 2014 scholarship and program has continue to the least poor in this area. Many problems who the writer found the some unjustice about the Bidik Misi scholarship in University of Riau. The writer has information from rektorat building in University of Riau. After that, the writer check this data, and begin to analizy with theory. The writer of this research using William Dunn theory about Evaluation of Policy. This is a theory to all problems, so the writer get a solution in this research after the writer finish interview about Bidik Misi scholarship.Keywords : Bidik Misi scholarship, Evaluation of Policy, University of Ria

    Politik Pengelolaan Sampah (Studi Tentang Implementasi Kemitraan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    The partnership in waste management carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government is not without reason. The issue of waste has become a frightening specter that if it is not immediately managed properly it will increasingly reach a tipping point. However, it must be recognized that the Regional Government is faced with limitations in managing waste, thus establishing partnerships with the private sector. This research is here to see to what extent the shared authority covers limitations through the perspective of policy implementation. The problem will be dissected through David C. Korten’s policy implementation theory. Various data obtained from the case study method are then developed with theory in order to obtain a comprehensive conclusion. The results showed three important things. First, the compatibility between the program and the beneficiaries. The reality in the field shows that some of the programs that have been designed and outlined by law are already very comprehensive. Second, the compatibility between the program and the implementing organization. This point examines the compatibility between ideas and plans that have been prepared by the government and the capabilities of the implementing organization. PT. Samhana Indah as the implementer of waste management in the zone I zone is a financially well-established company, has an adequate transportation fleet, and is experienced in work management. Third, the compatibility between the user groups and the implementing organization. The private sector has done the work according to work standards and brought benefits to the surrounding community. Kemitraan dalam pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru bukan tanpa alasan. Persoalan sampah telah menjadi momok menakutkan yang jika tidak segera dikelola dengan baik maka akan semakin menuju titik kritis. Namun harus diakui bahwa Pemerintah Daerah dihadapkan pada keterbatasan dalam mengelola sampah, sehingga menjalin kemitraan dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini hadir untuk melihat sejauh mana wewenang yang dibagi itu menutupi keterbatasan melalui sudut pandang implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan akan dibedah melalui teori implementasi kebijakan David C. Korten. Berbagai data yang diperoleh dari metode studi kasus kemudian dikembangkan dengan teori guna memperoleh suatu kesimpulan yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal penting. Pertama, kesesuaian antara program dan penerima manfaat. Kenyataan dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa program yang telah dirancang dan dituangkan melalui undang-undang sudah sangat komprehensif. Kedua, kesesuaian antara program dengan organisasi pelaksana. Poin ini menguji kesesuaian antara ide dan rencana yang telah disusun oleh pemerintah dengan kemampuan organisasi pelaksana. PT. Samhana Indah selaku pelaksana pengelolaan sampah di wilayah zona I merupakan perusahaan mapan secara finansial, memiliki armada pengangkutan yang memadai, serta berpengalaman dalam hal manajemen kerja. Ketiga, kesesuaian antara kelompok pemanfaat dengan organisasi pelaksana. Pihak swasta telah melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar kerja dan membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat sekitar.The partnership in waste management carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government is not without reason. The issue of waste has become a frightening specter that if it is not immediately managed properly it will increasingly reach a tipping point. However, it must be recognized that the Regional Government is faced with limitations in managing waste, thus establishing partnerships with the private sector. This research is here to see to what extent the shared authority covers limitations through the perspective of policy implementation. The problem will be dissected through David C. Korten's policy implementation theory. Various data obtained from the case study method are then developed with theory in order to obtain a comprehensive conclusion. The results showed three important things. First, the compatibility between the program and the beneficiaries. The reality in the field shows that some of the programs that have been designed and outlined by law are already very comprehensive. Second, the compatibility between the program and the implementing organization. This point examines the compatibility between ideas and plans that have been prepared by the government and the capabilities of the implementing organization. PT. Samhana Indah as the implementer of waste management in the zone I zone is a financially well established company, has an adequate transportation fleet, and is experienced in work management. Third, the compatibility between the user groups and the implementing organization. The private sector has done the work according to work standards and brought benefits to the surrounding community.Kemitraan dalam pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru bukan tanpa alasan. Persoalan sampah telah menjadi momok menakutkan yang jika tidak segera dikelola dengan baik maka akan semakin menuju titik kritis. Namun harus diakui bahwa Pemerintah Daerah dihadapkan pada keterbatasan dalam mengelola sampah, sehingga menjalin kemitraan dengan pihak swasta. Penelitian ini hadir untuk melihat sejauh mana wewenang yang dibagi itu menutupi keterbatasan melalui sudut pandang implementasi kebijakan. Permasalahan akan dibedah melalui teori implementasi kebijakan David C. Korten. Berbagai data yang diperoleh dari metode studi kasus kemudian dikembangkan dengan teori guna memperoleh suatu kesimpulan yang komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga hal penting. Pertama, kesesuaian antara program dan penerima manfaat. Kenyataan dilapangan menunjukkan bahwa beberapa program yang telah dirancang dan dituangkan melalui undang-undang sudah sangat komprehensif. Kedua, kesesuaian antara program dengan organisasi pelaksana. Poin ini menguji kesesuaian antara ide dan rencana yang telah disusun oleh pemerintah dengan kemampuan organisasi pelaksana. PT. Samhana Indah selaku pelaksana pengelolaan sampah di wilayah zona I merupakan perusahaan mapan secara finansial, memiliki armada pengangkutan yang memadai, serta berpengalaman dalam hal manajemen kerja. Ketiga, kesesuaian antara kelompok pemanfaat dengan organisasi pelaksana. Pihak swasta telah melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan standar kerja dan membawa manfaat kepada masyarakat sekitar