908 research outputs found

    On the Transfer of Metric Fluctuations when Extra Dimensions Bounce or Stabilize

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    In this report, we study within the context of general relativity with one extra dimension compactified either on a circle or an orbifold, how radion fluctuations interact with metric fluctuations in the three non-compact directions. The background is non-singular and can either describe an extra dimension on its way to stabilization, or immediately before and after a series of non-singular bounces. We find that the metric fluctuations transfer undisturbed through the bounces or through the transients of the pre-stabilization epoch. Our background is obtained by considering the effects of a gas of massless string modes in the context of a consistent 'massless background' (or low energy effective theory) limit of string theory. We discuss applications to various approaches to early universe cosmology, including the ekpyrotic/cyclic universe scenario and string gas cosmology.Comment: V2. Minor Clarifications V3. appendix and 2 figures added, typos corrected, conclusions unchanged 12 pages, 6 figure

    Space Mobile Network: A Near Earth Communications and Navigation Architecture

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    This paper shares key findings of NASA's Earth Regime Network Evolution Study (ERNESt) team resulting from its 18-month effort to define a wholly new architecture-level paradigm for the exploitation of space by civil space and commercial sector organizations. Since the launch of Sputnik in October 1957 spaceflight missions have remained highly scripted activities from launch through disposal. The utilization of computer technology has enabled dramatic increases in mission complexity; but, the underlying premise that the diverse actions necessary to meet mission goals requires minute-by-minute scripting, defined weeks in advance of execution, for the life of the mission has remained. This archetype was appropriate for a "new frontier" but now risks overtly constraining the potential market-based opportunities for the innovation considered necessary to efficiently address the complexities associated with meeting communications and navigation requirements projected to be characteristics of the next era of space exploration: a growing number of missions in simultaneous execution, increased variance of mission types and growth in location/orbital regime diversity. The resulting ERNESt architectural cornerstone - the Space Mobile Network (SMN) - was envisioned as critical to creating an environment essential to meeting these future challenges in political, programmatic, technological and budgetary terms. The SMN incorporates technologies such as: Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) and optical communications, as well as new operations concepts such as User Initiated Services (UIS) to provide user services analogous to today's terrestrial mobile network user. Results developed in collaboration with NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) Division and field centers are reported on. Findings have been validated via briefings to external focus groups and initial ground-based demonstrations. The SMN opens new niches for exploitation by the marketplace of mission planners and service providers

    Gravitationally Collapsing Shells in (2+1) Dimensions

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    We study gravitationally collapsing models of pressureless dust, fluids with pressure, and the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) shell in (2+1)-dimensional spacetimes. Various collapse scenarios are investigated under a variety of the background configurations such as anti-de Sitter(AdS) black hole, de Sitter (dS) space, flat and AdS space with a conical deficit. As with the case of a disk of dust, we find that the collapse of a dust shell coincides with the Oppenheimer-Snyder type collapse to a black hole provided the initial density is sufficiently large. We also find -- for all types of shell -- that collapse to a naked singularity is possible under a broad variety of initial conditions. For shells with pressure this singularity can occur for a finite radius of the shell. We also find that GCG shells exhibit diverse collapse scenarios, which can be easily demonstrated by an effective potential analysis.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, 11 figures, typos corrected, references added, minor amendments in introduction and conclusion introd

    The Star Clusters in the Starburst Irregular Galaxy NGC 1569

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    We examine star clusters in the irregular, starburst galaxy NGC 1569 from HST images. In addition to the two known super star clusters, we identify 45 other clusters that are compact but resolved. Integrated UVI colors of the clusters span a large range, and suggest that ages range from 3 Myrs to 1 Gyr. However, most of the clusters were formed at the tail end of the recent starburst. Numerous clusters in addition to the know super star clusters are similar in luminosity to a small globular cluster. We examined the radial surface brightness of four of the clusters. Their half-light radii and core radii are in the range observed in present-day globular clusters. Therefore, conditions that produced the recent starburst have also been those necessary for producing compact, bright star clusters. We examine resolved stars in the outer parts of the two super star clusters. Cluster A is dominated by bright blue stars with a small population of red supergiants. Sub-components A1 and A2 have similar colors and a two-dimensional color map does not offer evidence that one component is dominated by red supergiants and the other not. The contradiction of the presence of red super- giants with Wolf-Rayet stars may instead not be a contradiction at all since there coexistence in a coeval population is not inconsistent with the evolution of massive stars. Cluster B is dominated by red supergiants, and this is confirmed by the presence of the stellar CO absorption feature in an integrated spectrum. The various age indicators are consistent with a picture in which cluster B is of order 10--20 Myrs old, and cluster A is >4-5 Myrs old.Comment: To be published in AJ, November 200

    Saturation Effects in a Tunable Coherent Near-Infrared Source

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    A Saturation Effect in a Tunable Infrared Source Utilizing Four-Wave Parametric Conversion in Potassium Vapor is Reported and is Shown to Be the Result of Parasitic Oscillations. a Hundredfold Increase over Previously Attained Power Levels Has Been Affected Via Elimination of These Oscillations

    Space Mobile Network Concepts for Missions Beyond Low Earth Orbit

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    The Space Mobile Network (SMN) is an architectural framework that will allow for quicker, more efficient and more easily available space communications services, providing user spacecraft with an experience similar to that of terrestrial mobile network users. While previous papers have described SMN concept using examples of users in low-Earth orbit, the framework can also be applied beyond the near-Earth environment. This paper details how SMN concepts such as user-initiated services, which will enable users to request access to high-performance link resources in response to real-time science or operational events, would be applied in and beyond the near-Earth regime. Specifically, the paper explores the application of user-initiated services to direct-to-Earth (DTE), relay, and DTE/relay hybrid scenarios in near-Earth, lunar, Martian and other space regimes

    Obscuration in the Host Galaxies of Soft X-ray Selected Seyferts

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    We define a new sample of 96 low-redshift (z<0.1), soft X-ray selected Seyferts from the catalog of the Einstein Slew Survey (Elvis etal. 1992, Plummer et al. 1994). We probe the geometry and column depth of obscuring material in the host-galaxy disks using galaxian axial ratios determined mainly from the Digitized Sky Survey. The distribution of host-galaxy axial ratios clearly shows a bias against edge-on spirals, confirming the existence of a geometrically thick layer of obscuring material in the host-galaxy planes. Soft X-ray selection recovers some of the edge-on objects missed in UV and visible surveys but still results in 30% incompleteness for Type 1's. We speculate that thick rings of obscuring material like the ones we infer for these Seyferts might be commonly present in early type spirals, sitting at the Inner Lindblad Resonances of the nonaxisymmetric potentials of the host galaxies.Comment: 14 pages including 2 tables and 3 eps figures, aas2pp4.sty, to appear in Ap

    Space Mobile Network Concepts for Missions Beyond Low Earth Orbit

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    The Space Mobile Network (SMN) is an architectural framework that will allow for quicker, more efficient and more easily available space communications services, providing user spacecraft with an experience similar to that of terrestrial mobile network users. While previous papers have described SMN concept using examples of users in low-Earth orbit, the framework can also be applied beyond the near-Earth environment.This paper details how SMN concepts such as user-initiated services, which will enable users to request access to high-performance link resources in response to real-time science or operational events, would be applied in and beyond the near-Earth regime. Specifically, the paper explores the application of user-initiated services to direct-to-Earth (DTE), relay, and DTE/relay hybrid scenarios in near-Earth, lunar, martian and other space regimes

    Strong, spectrally-tunable chirality in diffractive metasurfaces

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    The authors acknowledge the support of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program. P.B. acknowledges the support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Metamaterials and metasurfaces provide a paradigm-changing approach for manipulating light. Their potential has been evinced by recent demonstrations of chiral responses much greater than those of natural materials. Here, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that the extrinsic chiral response of a metasurface can be dramatically enhanced by near-field diffraction effects. At the core of this phenomenon are lattice plasmon modes that respond selectively to the illumination’s polarization handedness. The metasurface exhibits sharp features in its circular dichroism spectra, which are tunable over a broad bandwidth by changing the illumination angle over a few degrees. Using this property, we demonstrate an ultra-thin circular-polarization sensitive spectral filter with a linewidth of ~10 nm, which can be dynamically tuned over a spectral range of 200 nm. Chiral diffractive metasurfaces, such as the one proposed here, open exciting possibilities for ultra-thin photonic devices with tunable, spin-controlled functionality.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe