27 research outputs found

    Canine cancer immunotherapy studies: linking mouse and human

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    Despite recent major clinical breakthroughs in human cancer immunotherapy including the use of checkpoint inhibitors and engineered T cells, important challenges remain, including determining the sub-populations of patients who will respond and who will experience at times significant toxicities. Although advances in cancer immunotherapy depend on preclinical testing, the majority of in-vivo testing currently relies on genetically identical inbred mouse models which, while offering critical insights regarding efficacy and mechanism of action, also vastly underrepresent the heterogeneity and complex interplay of human immune cells and cancers. Additionally, laboratory mice uncommonly develop spontaneous tumors, are housed under specific-pathogen free conditions which markedly impacts immune development, and incompletely model key aspects of the tumor/immune microenvironment. The canine model represents a powerful tool in cancer immunotherapy research as an important link between murine models and human clinical studies. Dogs represent an attractive outbred combination of companion animals that experience spontaneous cancer development in the setting of an intact immune system. This allows for study of complex immune interactions during the course of treatment while also directly addressing long-term efficacy and toxicity of cancer immunotherapies. However, immune dissection requires access to robust and validated immune assays and reagents as well as appropriate numbers for statistical evaluation. Canine studies will need further optimization of these important mechanistic tools for this model to fulfill its promise as a model for immunotherapy. This review aims to discuss the canine model in the context of existing preclinical cancer immunotherapy models to evaluate both its advantages and limitations, as well as highlighting its growth as a powerful tool in the burgeoning field of both human and veterinary immunotherapy

    Caracterização do perfil diagnóstico e fluxo de um ambulatório de Fonoaudiologia hospitalar na área de Linguagem infantil Characterization of the diagnostic profile and flow of a Speech-Language Pathology service in child language within a public hospital

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil diagnóstico e o fluxo de usuários de um serviço de Fonoaudiologia de um hospital escola público. MÉTODOS: A coleta foi realizada em documentos, arquivos de prontuário, selecionados por código no período entre outubro de 2007 e março de 2009. Após o registro, os resultados foram descritos estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio do gênero masculino (67,8%); em 58,95% a faixa etária estava entre 0 e 7 anos; 88,48% da população era procedente de municípios da região norte do estado de São Paulo; 43,2% vinham do serviço neurologia do hospital e 33,6% frequentavam escola. Quanto ao diagnóstico 27,5% eram de atraso de linguagem, 20,06% de distúrbios de linguagem e 15,51% de distúrbios da aprendizagem, com prevalências de 0,31, 0,17 e 0,23 casos em 273, respectivamente. As comorbidades foram: retardo do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (14,28%) e prematuridade (8,69%). Os encaminhamentos eram para Audiologia (24,77%) e Odontologia (20,18%) e 51,64% dos usuários estavam em lista de espera para terapia no local. CONCLUSÃO: Prevaleceu o diagnóstico de atraso de linguagem em crianças do gênero masculino, com idade entre 0 e 6 anos e 11 meses. Foi identificado um fluxo externo proveniente de município da região e interno (ambulatorial). Parte da demanda foi absorvida pelo serviço, parte aguardava por reabilitação e uma parcela foi contra-referenciada às unidades de origem.<br>PURPOSE: To characterize the diagnostic profile and the users flow of a Speech-Language Pathology service within a public teaching hospital. METHODS: Data were collected from documents and medical records selected by code between October 2007 and March 2009. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics. RESULTS: There was a predominance of male individuals (67.80%); 58.95% of the patients/participants were children within the age range from 0 to 7 years; 88.48% came from cities in the northern region of the state of São Paulo; 43.2% were referred by the hospital's neurology service, and 33.6% were attending school. The diagnosis was language delay in 27.5% of cases, language disorder in 20.06%, and learning disorders in 15.51%, with prevalence rates of 0.31, 0.17 and 0.23 in 273 cases, respectively. The co-morbidities were delayed motor development (14.28%) and prematurity (8.69%). The referrals were for Audiology (24.77%) and Dentistry (20.18%), and 51.64% of the users were on the waiting list for treatment on site. CONCLUSION: It was prevalent the diagnosis of language delay in male children with ages between 0 and 6 years and 11 months. It was identified an external flow coming from nearby cities and an internal flow (outpatient). Part of the demand was absorbed by the institution's Speech-Language Pathology Service, and part was in the waiting list or was counter-referred to their units of origin for follow-up

    Desenvolvimento de prematuros com baixo peso ao nascer nos primeiros dois anos de vida Development of low birth weight preterm infants during the first two years of life

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar e descrever o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de prematuros com baixo peso ao nascer nos dois primeiros anos de vida. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com prematuros entre quatro e 24 meses, no Ambulatório de Alto Risco Neonatal do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, avaliados em três momentos: 8, 11 e 14 meses de idade cronológica. A amostra, composta inicialmente por 69 indivíduos, teve caráter intencional, segundo os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos. A Escala de Brunet e Lèzine foi usada para avaliar o desenvolvimento nas seguintes áreas: coordenação óculo-motriz, linguagem, postura e sociabilidade. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: A idade gestacional média foi de 31 semanas e o peso ao nascer foi de 1236g. O quociente de desenvolvimento global apresentou melhora da primeira para a última avaliação, alcançando 85% de escores dentro da normalidade na terceira avaliação. As áreas específicas da coordenação óculo-motriz e da linguagem tiveram os piores resultados iniciais, contrapondo-se à postural, que apresentou os melhores escores. Foi encontrada correlação entre o peso ao nascer e as áreas da postura, linguagem e sociabilidade na primeira avaliação e sociabilidade e coordenação óculo-motriz na terceira avaliação. CONCLUSÕES: O desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor desta população apresentou déficits mais evidentes nos primeiros meses de vida. Embora o seguimento não tenha mostrado diferenças estatísticas entre a primeira e a última avaliação, houve melhora em todas as áreas do desenvolvimento.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze and describe the neuropsychomotor development of low birth weight preterm infants in the first two years of life. METHODS: This cross-sectional study enrolled preterm infants between 4 and 24 months old at the follow up clinic of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. The children were assessed in three moments: 8, 11 and 14 months (chronological age). The sample, initially composed by 69 individuals, was chosen intentionally according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Brunet and Lèzine's Scale was used to evaluate development in the following areas: hand-eye coordination, language, posture and sociability. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: The average gestational age was 31 weeks and the birth weight, 1236g. The global development quotient improved from the first to the last assessment, reaching 85% of scores within the normal range in the third assessment. The specific areas of hand-eye coordination and language had the worst initial results, while posture had the best scores. Correlation was found between birth weight and posture, language and social areas at the first assessment and between birth weight and social and hand-eye coordination at the third assessment. CONCLUSION: Deficits of neuromotor development of the studied population were more evident in the first months of life. Although the follow-up did not show statistic differences between the first and last assessment, there was an improvement in all areas of development