4,823 research outputs found

    On systems with finite ergodic degree

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    In this paper we study the ergodic theory of a class of symbolic dynamical systems (\O, T, \mu) where T:{\O}\to \O the left shift transformation on \O=\prod_0^\infty\{0,1\} and μ\mu is a \s-finite TT-invariant measure having the property that one can find a real number dd so that μ(τd)=∞\mu(\tau^d)=\infty but μ(τd−ϵ)0\mu(\tau^{d-\epsilon})0, where τ\tau is the first passage time function in the reference state 1. In particular we shall consider invariant measures μ\mu arising from a potential VV which is uniformly continuous but not of summable variation. If d>0d>0 then μ\mu can be normalized to give the unique non-atomic equilibrium probability measure of VV for which we compute the (asymptotically) exact mixing rate, of order n−dn^{-d}. We also establish the weak-Bernoulli property and a polynomial cluster property (decay of correlations) for observables of polynomial variation. If instead d≤0d\leq 0 then μ\mu is an infinite measure with scaling rate of order ndn^d. Moreover, the analytic properties of the weighted dynamical zeta function and those of the Fourier transform of correlation functions are shown to be related to one another via the spectral properties of an operator-valued power series which naturally arises from a standard inducing procedure. A detailed control of the singular behaviour of these functions in the vicinity of their non-polar singularity at z=1z=1 is achieved through an approximation scheme which uses generating functions of a suitable renewal process. In the perspective of differentiable dynamics, these are statements about the unique absolutely continuous invariant measure of a class of piecewise smooth interval maps with an indifferent fixed point.Comment: 42 page

    Infinite-volume mixing for dynamical systems preserving an infinite measure

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    In the scope of the statistical description of dynamical systems, one of the defining features of chaos is the tendency of a system to lose memory of its initial conditions (more precisely, of the distribution of its initial conditions). For a dynamical system preserving a probability measure, this property is named `mixing' and is equivalent to the decay of correlations for observables in phase space. For the class of dynamical systems preserving infinite measures, this probabilistic connection is lost and no completely satisfactory definition has yet been found which expresses the idea of losing track of the initial state of a system due to its chaotic dynamics. This is actually on open problem in the field of infinite ergodic theory. Virtually all the definitions that have been attempted so far use "local observables", that is, functions that essentially only "see" finite portions of the phase space. In this note we introduce the concept of "global observable", a function that gauges a certain quantity throughout the phase space. This concept is based on the notion of infinite-volume average, which plays the role of the expected value of a global observable. Endowed with these notions, whose rigorous definition is to be specified on a case-by-case basis, we give a number of definitions of infinite mixing. These fall in two categories: global-global mixing, which expresses the "decorrelation" of two global observables, and global-local mixing, where a global and a local observable are considered instead. These definitions are tested on two types of infinite-measure-preserving dynamical systems, the random walks and the Farey map.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    On the rate of convergence to equilibrium for countable ergodic Markov chains

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    Using elementary methods, we prove that for a countable Markov chain PP of ergodic degree d>0d > 0 the rate of convergence towards the stationary distribution is subgeometric of order n−dn^{-d}, provided the initial distribution satisfies certain conditions of asymptotic decay. An example, modelling a renewal process and providing a markovian approximation scheme in dynamical system theory, is worked out in detail, illustrating the relationships between convergence behaviour, analytic properties of the generating functions associated to transition probabilities and spectral properties of the Markov operator PP on the Banach space ℓ1\ell_1. Explicit conditions allowing to obtain the actual asymptotics for the rate of convergence are also discussed.Comment: 31 pages. to appear in Markov Processes and Related Field

    On a set of numbers arising in the dynamics of unimodal maps

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    In this paper we initiate the study of the arithmetical properties of a set numbers which encode the dynamics of unimodal maps in a universal way along with that of the corresponding topological zeta function. Here we are concerned in particular with the Feigenbaum bifurcation.Comment: 12 page


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    The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the factors that influence intuition as a decision-making tool for leaders/managers in Hong Kong and in the United States. This study examined the relationships among gender, management level, extent of management experience, country of operation, and the reported use of intuition in decision making. Existing empirical research in this field is sparse. In this research, attempt was made to contribute to empirical research on the viability and reported use of intuition as a decision-making skill of leaders. Agor’s Intuitive Measurement Survey (AIM) survey was adapted (with permission from copyright owner) from Weston Agor’s study to measure the relationship between a manager’s reported use of intuition in decision making and the manager’s management level, his level of management experience, the manager’s gender, and the manager’s country of operation. Each participant was electronically sent a link that led to a web page containing the survey questions. Once the respondent clicks submit, the questionnaire was mailed directly to the researcher. The research shows significant relationship between research variables. Administrative managers in Hong Kong’s reported use of intuition in decision making was significantly lower than US managers reported use of intuition in decision making. The paper concludes by examining the implications of these significant findings to global business management and management education.comparative management, management styles

    Noncommutative Riemann integration and and Novikov-Shubin invariants for open manifolds

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    Given a C*-algebra A with a semicontinuous semifinite trace tau acting on the Hilbert space H, we define the family R of bounded Riemann measurable elements w.r.t. tau as a suitable closure, a la Dedekind, of A, in analogy with one of the classical characterizations of Riemann measurable functions, and show that R is a C*-algebra, and tau extends to a semicontinuous semifinite trace on R. Then, unbounded Riemann measurable operators are defined as the closed operators on H which are affiliated to A'' and can be approximated in measure by operators in R, in analogy with unbounded Riemann integration. Unbounded Riemann measurable operators form a tau-a.e. bimodule on R, denoted by R^, and such bimodule contains the functional calculi of selfadjoint elements of R under unbounded Riemann measurable functions. Besides, tau extends to a bimodule trace on R^. Type II_1 singular traces for C*-algebras can be defined on the bimodule of unbounded Riemann-measurable operators. Noncommutative Riemann integration, and singular traces for C*-algebras, are then used to define Novikov-Shubin numbers for amenable open manifolds, show their invariance under quasi-isometries, and prove that they are (noncommutative) asymptotic dimensions.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX, a new section has been added, concerning an application to Novikov-Shubin invariants, the title changed accordingl

    On the generic triangle group

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    We introduce the concept of a generic Euclidean triangle Ï„\tau and study the group GÏ„G_\tau generated by the reflection across the edges of Ï„\tau. In particular, we prove that the subgroup TÏ„T_\tau of all translations in GÏ„G_\tau is free abelian of infinite rank, while the index 2 subgroup HÏ„H_\tau of all orientation preserving transformations in GÏ„G_\tau is free metabelian of rank 2, with TÏ„T_\tau as the commutator subgroup. As a consequence, the group GÏ„G_\tau cannot be finitely presented and we provide explicit minimal infinite presentations of both HÏ„H_\tau and GÏ„G_\tau. This answers in the affirmative the problem of the existence of a minimal presentation for the free metabelian group of rank 2. Moreover, we discuss some examples of non-trivial relations in TÏ„T_\tau holding for given non-generic triangles Ï„\tau.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Dimensions and singular traces for spectral triples, with applications to fractals

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    Given a spectral triple (A,D,H), the functionals on A of the form a -> tau_omega(a|D|^(-t)) are studied, where tau_omega is a singular trace, and omega is a generalised limit. When tau_omega is the Dixmier trace, the unique exponent d giving rise possibly to a non-trivial functional is called Hausdorff dimension, and the corresponding functional the (d-dimensional) Hausdorff functional. It is shown that the Hausdorff dimension d coincides with the abscissa of convergence of the zeta function of |D|^(-1), and that the set of t's for which there exists a singular trace tau_omega giving rise to a non-trivial functional is an interval containing d. Moreover, the endpoints of such traceability interval have a dimensional interpretation. The corresponding functionals are called Hausdorff-Besicovitch functionals. These definitions are tested on fractals in R, by computing the mentioned quantities and showing in many cases their correspondence with classical objects. In particular, for self-similar fractals the traceability interval consists only of the Hausdorff dimension, and the corresponding Hausdorff-Besicovitch functional gives rise to the Hausdorff measure. More generally, for any limit fractal, the described functionals do not depend on the generalized limit omega.Comment: latex, 36 pages, no figures, to appear on Journ. Funct. Analysi

    An asymptotic dimension for metric spaces, and the 0-th Novikov-Shubin invariant

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    A nonnegative number d_infinity, called asymptotic dimension, is associated with any metric space. Such number detects the asymptotic properties of the space (being zero on bounded metric spaces), fulfills the properties of a dimension, and is invariant under rough isometries. It is then shown that for a class of open manifolds with bounded geometry the asymptotic dimension coincides with the 0-th Novikov-Shubin number alpha_0 defined previously (math.OA/9802015, cf. also math.DG/0110294). Thus the dimensional interpretation of alpha_0 given in the mentioned paper in the framework of noncommutative geometry is established on metrics grounds. Since the asymptotic dimension of a covering manifold coincides with the polynomial growth of its covering group, the stated equality generalises to open manifolds a result by Varopoulos.Comment: 17 pages, to appear on the Pacific Journal of Mathematics. This paper roughly corresponds to the third section of the unpublished math.DG/980904
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