12 research outputs found

    Strategy analysis frameworks for strategy orientation and focus

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    Abstract The primary research target of this dissertation is to develop new strategy analysis frameworks, focusing on analysing changes in strategic position as a function of variations in life cycle s-curve/time/typology/market share/orientation. Research is constructive and qualitative by nature, with case study methodology being the adopted approach. The research work is carried out as a compilation dissertation containing four (4) journal articles. The theoretical framework of this dissertation is built from strategy analysis, as well as from strategy orientation and typology theories. Strategy analysis focuses to examining the strengths of business positioning; understanding the external and internal factors that influence a position or orientation. In strategy analysis, several frameworks or tools can be used. The SWOT, PEST, Five Forces, Four Corners, Value Chain, and Blue Ocean strategy profile analysis frameworks are introduced in this research. Strategy orientation or focus can be described as the underlying attributes of a company’s strategy, which directs decision making and orients the activities within a company towards a specific course. Using strategy orientation or focus as a means of innovating and guiding decision making fosters an environment conducive to strategizing, thereby facilitating the formulation of the actual strategies followed by the company. In this dissertation, the Miles and Snow (1978) strategy typology is introduced along with market orientation, product orientation, technology orientation, and customer orientation (focus). This research contributes to existing literature in that it provides a set of strategy analysis frameworks. Each of the frameworks answers a specific research question within the research target. The frameworks created are life cycle with a strategy typology framework, four-way strategy orientation framework, strategy orientation framework with market share analysis, and orientation with a typology framework. All these frameworks can be used individually. Together, they build an analysis toolbox that can generate valuable information from analysis. The developed strategy analysis frameworks are tested with two case companies’ strategy materials taken from publicly available annual reports. The case companies are Nokia and Amer. Empirical results show that the developed strategy analysis frameworks can generate new information regarding case businesses strategy, and detect changes in strategic positions. The theoretical implications of this dissertation contribute to research on strategy analysis, and are a result of combining the perspectives adopted in the strategy analysis frameworks with those of the strategy orientation domain, thereby creating new strategy orientation analysis frameworks. Areas for further research include the linkage of business success to orientations, transformation strategies, and consumer focus as elements of strategy formulation.Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää uusia strategian analyysikehikoita, joitten tavoitteena on tutkia muutoksia strategisessa asemassa. Muutosten lähteenä voivat olla vaihtelut elinkaaren/ajan/typologian/markkinaosuuden tai orientaation suhteen. Tutkimus on konstruktiivista ja laadullista, käyttäen case-tapaus menetelmää. Tutkimus on toteutettu julkaisuväitöskirjana, sisältäen neljä (4) tieteellistä julkaisua. Tämän tutkimuksen teoriaosuus on rakennettu strategia-analyysin, strategisen suuntautumisen ja typologian teorioista. Strategia-analyysissa tutkitaan yrityksen strategisen aseman vahvuutta, pyrkien ymmärtämään ulkoisten ja sisäisten tekijöiden vaikutuksen asemaan tai strategian suuntautumiseen. Strategia-analyysissa voidaan käyttää useita analyysikehikoita tai työkaluja. Tämän tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa esitellään SWOT, PEST, Five Forces, Four Corners, arvoketju ja sinisen meren strategian analyysikehikot. Strategiseksi suuntaumiseksi tai keskittymiseksi voidaan luonnehtia niitä strategian piileviäkin ominaisuuksia, jotka tosiasiassa ohjaavat päätöksentekoa ja suuntavat yrityksen toimintoja kohti tiettyä päämäärää. Strateginen suuntautuminen tai keskittyminen ohjaa yrityksen todellisen strategisen suunnan määrittämistä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa esitellään Miles ja Snown (1978) strategiatypologia, kuten myös markkinasuuntautunut, tuotesuuntautunut, teknologiasuuntautunut ja asiakaskeskeisen strategian tunnuspiirteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksena on syntynyt kokoelma strategian analyysikehikoita. Jokainen rakennettu analyysikehikko vastaa erilliseen tutkimuskysymykseen tutkimustavoitteen sisällä. Rakennetut kehikot ovat elinkaarimallin ja strategia typologia -analyysikehikko, neljän-suunnan strategisen suuntautumisen analyysikehikko, strategisen suuntaumisen ja markkinaosuuden analyysikehikko sekä strategisen suuntautumisen ja typologian analyysikehikko. Kaikkia näitä kehikoita voidaan käyttää erikseen strategian analysointiin. Yhdessä nämä kehikot muodostavat arvokkaan analyysityökalupakin. Kehitettyjä strategian analyysikehikkoja on testattu kahden case yrityksen strategia-aineistolla, jotka ovat olleet saatavilla julkisista vuosikertomuslähteistä. Case yrityksinä ovat Nokia ja Amer. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että kehitetyt analyysikehikot pystyvät tuottamaan uutta tietoa case yritysten strategiasta ja havainnoimaan muutoksia strategisessa asemassa. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset luovat uutta tietoa strategisesta analyysista. Tutkimus yhdistää strategia-analyysin ja strategisen orientaation tutkimusta, ja luo uusia strategisen suuntautumisen analyysikehikoita. Jatkotutkimuskohteina voivat olla niin yrityksen liiketaloudellisen menestyksen suhde strategiseen orientaatioon, muutosstrategiat sekä asiakaskeskeisyys osana strategian muodostamista

    Customer care excellence in the new product development process:a case study

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    Abstract Excellence in product development can be achieved by integrating various stakeholders’ requirements into a winning offering. After-market services have become increasingly important for companies, as digitalisation enables new business models and revenue streams. The integration of customer care must be performed in the product development (PD) process in the early concepting and development phases in order to ensure an excellent customer experience. The traditional elements of care — spare parts, service tools, and support — must be coupled with new services. Future cutting-edge products demand new self-support, repair, and upgrade capabilities that are enabled by the digitalisation of product-service assets and low-cost distribution platforms. This study aims to increase knowledge on how care capabilities can be created in the PD by analysing the critical care inputs and their effects in the product concepting phase. In addition, the critical care outputs in the case company’s product development process in the main phases are presented

    Business model evolution of customer care services

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    Abstract Purpose: Servitization is a rising trend as companies look for new revenue streams. This paper presents a study of customer care business model evolution in the smartphone industry. The paper identifies key changes in the business models during recent years and their implications for companies seeking after-sales service excellence and new revenue sources. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is built on the literature of product-service offerings, servitization, and business models. The empirical part is based on a multiple case study of former Nokia mobile phone business, the Apple iPhone, and Google Android. Findings: Three different customer care business models and an analysis of the changes in the smartphone industry are presented. This paper demonstrates how after-sales services have become increasingly important in generating new revenue. Moreover, the nature of after-sales services has fundamentally changed in the industry. Research limitations/implications: Due to the careful selection of the cases that represent the studied industry well, the results provide valuable insights for practitioners and researchers involved in developing after-sales service offerings in the mobile industry. However, a case study research approach may not offer a generalized picture of this phenomenon in other industries. Originality/value: A novel analysis of customer care evolution in the smartphone industry is presented. In addition, the study demonstrates that applying the concept of business models to after-sales services provides new insights into these services and their roles in business

    Lean approach in knowledge work

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    Abstract Purpose: Knowledge work productivity is a key area of improvement for many organizations. Lean approach is a sustainable way to achieve operational excellence and can be applied in many areas. The purpose of this novel study is to examine the potential of using lean approach for improving knowledge work practices. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature review has been carried out to study how lean approach is realized in knowledge work. The research is conceptual in nature and draws upon earlier research findings. Findings: This study shows that lean studies’ in knowledge work is an emerging research area. This study documents the methods and practices implemented in knowledge work to date, and presents a knowledge work continuum, which is an essential framework for effective lean approach deployment and to frame future research focus in knowledge work productivity. Research limitations/implications: This study structures the concept of knowledge work and outlines a concrete concept derived from earlier literature. The study summarizes the literature on lean in knowledge work and highlights, which methods are used. More research is needed to understand how lean can be implemented in complex knowledge work environment and not only on the repetitive knowledge work. The limitations of this research are due to the limited availability of previous research. Practical implications: To analyze the nature of knowledge work, we implicate the areas where lean methods especially apply to improving knowledge work productivity. When applying lean in knowledge work context the focus should be using the people better and improving information flow. Originality/value: This study focuses on adapting lean methods into a knowledge work context and summarizes earlier research done in this field. The study discusses the potential to improve knowledge work productivity by implementing lean methods and presents a unique knowledge work continuum to frame previous research and give focus for future research

    Performance assessment of microenterprises operating in the Nordic Arctic region

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    Abstract Microenterprises provide more than 90% of the jobs in the Nordic Arctic region and are the main source of new job creation and innovation. Operations in this region can have many drawbacks related to the long distance from customers, sparse population, and climate conditions that lead to higher operation costs in comparison to other regions. Microenterprises in this region aiming for business growth must therefore pursue operational excellence to achieve a competitive advantage. Microenterprises operations development in resource constrained environment needs special approach. This study assesses the operational excellence of microenterprises in the region through 20 case studies. The performance assessments focused on order–delivery process indicators (production/manufacturing, sourcing, and sales). An operational excellence maturity review (OEMR) tool was developed to collect and analyze the data. Overall, the microenterprises obtained relatively low operational excellence scores. The review done by OEMR tool can inform initiatives for improving the competitiveness of microenterprises and their associated processes in the global market by setting practical metrics and priorities for order–deliver process development

    The European cohesion policy and structural funds in sparsely populated areas:a case study of the University of Oulu

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    Abstract The regional policy is one of the European Union’s main investment policies to support regional equality and convergence, cohesion policy being one of its key policy areas and aiming to support job creation, business competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development and citizens’ quality of life. Cohesion and structural funds comprise almost a third of the total EU budget. As education, research and innovation are amongst the main objectives of these policies, universities play an important role in regional development, research and education being their main tasks, while interaction with society the third one. The aim of this study is to examine how universities participate in cohesion policy and regional development by utilising structural funds in fulfilling their third task (RQ1) and how do the closest stakeholder groups view the regional role of the university (RQ2). A single case study was conducted having the Oulu Southern Institute (OSI) of the University of Oulu as the case study unit. The data was collected using an adapted Delphi method in a workshop with OSI staff, from an online questionnaire to OSI’s closest stakeholders and from in-depth interviews to examine the themes that arose in the questionnaire answers. In the findings, the importance of the university unit for regional development is clearly evident. Structural funds are the main tools for universities to stimulate development, the university was seen as a crucial actor, knowledge creator, collaboration partner and regional developer, as well as a fundamental part of the regional innovation system. Practitioners and interested academics might find the results beneficial. According to the findings, the university should participate in recommending development areas for cohesion policy guidelines for the next structural fund period

    Survey of business excellence by knowledge gathering for industrial internet-of-things applications

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    Abstract The internet-of-things (IoT) can change not only products but also companies’ whole business model. The goal of this article is to inform companies about the creation of business intelligence via utilisation of the industrial IoT. This review article assumes that combining business excellence, service design and knowledge gathering via data engineering into cognitive infocommunication (CogInfoCom) opens new possibilities to develop business ideas. These new possibilities are examined through a literature review on deployments of industrial IoT solutions. The survey responds to two research questions: what methods of knowledge gathering and business excellence are used in industrial IoT-based product, service and process innovations? How can knowledge gathering, business excellence and CogInfoCom methods be utilised to create added value in industrial IoT solutions? This survey reveals the richness and delicacy of these exploitation opportunities

    CallioLab in DULIA, the European network of deep underground laboratories

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    Abstract The Deep Underground Laboratories in Europe have started a networking activity project DULIA (Deep Underground Laboratory Integrating Activity), which provides a forum for a joint assessment of scientific proposals that plan to utilize the Deep (over 1 km of mass water equivalent layer of rock) Underground Laboratory (DUL) facilities, in EU countries. During 2016, Calliolab in Pyhäsalmi mine starts participating as a the newest member in the DULIA network, the other four laboratories being located in Gran Sasso (Italy), Boulby (UK), Souterrain de Modane (France/Italy) and Canfranc (Spain). From the physics research point of view, the DULs are currently the only viable facilities to conduct many types of astro-particle physics experiments, such as neutrino detection or direct observation of dark matter particles, because the cosmic ray background clouds the possibility to detect weakly interacting particles on the surface. In this presentation we discuss the characteristics of the DULIA laboratories and make short review of the current Deep Underground laboratory infrastructures on a global level. We also review the other DULIA activities, such as the standardization of background radiation assessment methodologies, safety instructions, sharing best practices, education and organization of joint workshops for the users

    Small- and medium-sized enterprises in public procurement in primary social and healthcare services

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    Abstract Small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) policies tend traditionally to focus on supply-side support instruments. However, public procurement provides a potential demand-side SME policy tool to enhance SMEs and maintain competition in the market. SMEs are often under-represented in public procurement compared to their overall economic weight. Existing literature provides limited information on the instruments of public service providers to create business opportunities for SMEs. The aim of this single case study is to describe the role of SMEs in the statutory public service provision of primary social and healthcare. The study also provides insight into the public service provider’s ability to facilitate SME access to public procurement and thereby to enhance the efficiency of the local market. We found that a service voucher system could be an additional option for public procurement, as it allows more flexibility in involving small businesses in the production of public services

    Tuotannollisen toiminnan kehittämisen esiselvitys Oulun Eteläisessä:TUTOES-hankkeen loppuraportti

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    Abstract There is a growing demand of updating the operations management of Finnish SMEs to match the international level. Therefore, internationally comparable knowledge and education is needed. Enterprises’ operational excellence and efficient operations, as well as, growth and internationalization can be supported by creating and offering knowledge suitable for their context and coaching the entrepreneurs. There has not been overview report of operations management status of the SMEs in Oulu South region. A systematic model for evaluating and developing the operations management has been missing. Various operational excellence maturity models and KPI’s have been created in international research. In the feasibility study - The operational excellence maturity model and KPI’s for SMEs were created. - The current state of operations management on the selected SMEs in Oulu South region were analyzed. - An operational excellence training program for the SMEs was planned. - Students of higher education were involved in the collaboration with the enterprises. In the feasibility study new, reliable and comparable information was created of the current state of the operations management and the development in SMEs in the Oulu South region by using the developed maturity model. Based on the results, sales became the most important focus area for development. In order to enhance the knowhow of business development experts and entrepreneurs, a model of coaching programme was planned, along with the content and implementation plan of the sales coaching programme. Students of University of Oulu and University of Applied Sciences studied operation management and collaborated with companies by collecting information of the state of the operation management by utilizing the created model. Results of the feasibility study form a background for an extensive program that aims to enhance the profitability and competitiveness of the SMEs. Project was accomplished by the University of Oulu Oulu Southern Institute (OSI) and Centria University of Applied Sciences.Tiivistelmä Suomalaisissa pk-yrityksissä on kasvava tarve tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen päivittämiseen kansainväliselle tasolle. Tähän tarvitaan kansainvälisesti vertailukelpoista tietoa ja koulutusta. Yritysten toiminnallista erinomaisuutta, kustannustehokkuutta sekä kasvua ja kansainvälistymistä voidaan tukea tuottamalla ja tarjoamalla niiden kontekstiin sopivaa tietoa sekä tarjoamalla yrittäjälle valmennusta. Oulun Eteläisen pk-yritysten tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen tilasta ei ole ollut kokonaiskuvaa. Systemaattinen malli on puuttunut tuotannollisen johtamisen arvioimiseksi ja kehittämiseksi. Kansainvälisessä tutkimuksessa on luotu monia tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen maturiteettimalleja ja mittaristoja. Esiselvityshankkeen toimenpiteinä - Kehitettiin pk-yritysten tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen kypsyysmalli ja sitä kuvaava mittaristo. - Tehtiin Oulun Eteläisen alueen pk-yritysten tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen analyysi otannan perusteella. - Suunniteltiin valmennusohjelman perusmalli pk-yritysten tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen kehittämiseksi. - Osallistettiin korkeakouluopiskelijoita yhteistyöhön yritysten kanssa. Esiselvityshankkeessa saatiin uutta, luotettavaa ja vertailtavaa tietoa alueen pk-yritysten tuotannollisen toiminnan johtamisen nykytilasta ja kehittämistarpeista hyödyntämällä kehitettyä työkalua. Tulosten perusteella keskeisimmäksi kehittämisalueeksi nousi myynti. Yritysrajapinnassa toimivien sekä yrittäjien tietotaidon syventämisen tueksi laadittiin valmennusohjelman perusmalli ja myynnin sparrausvalmennuksen sisältö- ja toteutussuunnitelma. Oulun yliopiston ja Centria-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat perehtyivät tuotannon johtamiseen ja tekivät yhteistyötä yritysten kanssa hankkimalla tietoa yrityksen tuotannollisen johtamisen tilasta hyödyntäen luotua työkalua. Esiselvityshankkeen tulokset pohjustavat laajempaa kokonaisuutta, jonka tavoitteena on yritysten kannattavuuden ja kilpailukyvyn parantaminen. Hankkeen toteuttivat Oulun yliopiston Oulun Eteläisen instituutti (OEI) ja Centria ammattikorkeakoulu