1,474 research outputs found

    Spectropolarimetric Study on Circumstellar Structure of Microquasar LS I +61deg 303

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    We present optical linear spectropolarimetry of the microquasar LS I +61^{\circ} 303. The continuum emission is mildly polarized (up to 1.3 %) and shows almost no temporal change. We find a distinct change of polarization across the Hα\alpha emission line, indicating the existence of polarization component intrinsic to the microquasar. We estimate the interstellar polarization (ISP) component from polarization of the Hα\alpha line and derive the intrinsic polarization component. The wavelength dependence of the intrinsic component is well explained by Thomson scattering in equatorial disk of the Be-type mass donor. The position angle (PA) of the intrinsic polarization 25\sim 25^{\circ} represents the rotational axis of the Be disk. This PA is nearly perpendicular to the PA of the radio jet found during quiescent phases. Assuming an orthogonal disk-jet geometry around the compact star, the rotational axis of the accretion disk is almost perpendicular to that of the Be disk. Moreover, according to the orbital parameters of the microquasar, the compact star is likely to get across the Be disk around their periastron passage. We discuss the peculiar circumstellar structure of this microquasar inferred from our observation and possible connection with its high-energy activities.Comment: 17pages, 7figures; accepted for Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    Oxidative stress and breast cancer biomarkers : the case of the cytochrome P450 2E1

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    Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of the cytochrome P450 2E1, which is the most efficient CYP450 family member in generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), on cellular energy metabolism of breast cancer cells and therefore the effects of CYP2E1 on breast carcinogenesis. Methods: The estrogen receptor positive MCF-7 and the triple negative MDAMB- 231 breast cancer cells were used as experimental system to estimate ROS generation in these cells overexpressing CYP2E1 and treated with the glycolytic inhibitors 3-bromopyruvate or 2-deoxyglucose in the presence or absence of the CYP2E1 inhibitor chlormethiazole. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay was used to measure ATP production and lactate assay to quantify the efflux of lactic acid in breast cancer cells treated with the CYP2E1 inhibitor chlormethiazole, the mitochondrial membrane potential and cell viability assays were employed to assess the pathway of cellular energy production and cellular death respectively after treatment of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 with the CYP2E1 activator acetaminophen or the CYP2E1 inhibitor chlormethiazole. Results: T he r esults i ndicated i ncreased ROS generation i n b reast c ancer c ells overexpressing C YP2E1. ROS generation was differentially regulated in breast cancer cells upon treatment with the CYP2E1 inhibitor chlormethiazole. Chlormethiazole treated MCF-7 cells exhibited reduced lactate efflux implying that CYP2E1 directly or indirectly regulates the glycolytic rate in these cells. Furthermore the mitochondrial membrane potential of both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells was differentially affected by the CYP2E1 activator acetaminophen versus the CYP2E1 inhibitor chlormethiazole providing additional support for the involvement of CYP2E1 in energy metabolic pathways in breast cancer. Conclusion: Results presented in this study provide evidence to suggest that CYP2E1 regulates cellular energy metabolism of breast cancer cells in a manner dependent on cell type and potentially on the clinical staging of the disease therefore CYP2E1 is a possible breast cancer biomarker

    Correlation between Interstellar Polarization and Dust Temperature: Alignment of Grains by Radiative Torques is Ubiquitous?

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    We investigate the efficiency of interstellar polarization pλ/Aλp_\lambda/A_\lambda where pλp_\lambda is the fractional linear polarization and AλA_\lambda is extinction, in 16 lines of sight as a function of wavelength λ\lambda. We have used the data obtained with the low-dispersion spectropolarimeter HBS as well as those in literature. It is found that the polarization efficiency pλ/Aλp_\lambda/A_\lambda is proportional to exp(β/λ)\exp(-\beta/\lambda) in wavelength \lambda \approx 0.4-0.8 \micron, where β\beta is a parameter which varies from 0.5 to 1.2 \micron. We find that β\beta is negatively correlated with the dust temperature deduced from infrared data by Schlegel et al., suggesting that the polarization efficiency is higher in short wavelength for higher temperature. According to the alignment theory by radiative torques (RATs), if the radiation is stronger and bluer, RATs will make small grains align better, and the polarization efficiency will increase in short wavelength. Our finding of the correlation between β\beta and the temperature is consistent with what is expected with the alignment mechanism by RATs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ Letters, Vol.63, October 2011 issu

    Tumour enhancement with newly developed Mn-metalloporphyrin (HOP-9P) in magnetic resonance imaging of mice

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the tumour enhancing characteristics and biodistribution of a newly developed metalloporphyrin derivative, HOP-9P (13, 17-bis (1-carboxypropionyl) carbamoylethyl-3, 8-bis (1-phenylpropyloxyethyl)-2,7,12,18-tetra- methyl-porphynato manganese (III)). Seven mice bearing SCC VII tumours were imaged using T1-weighted conventional spin echo magnetic resonance images before and 5 min, 2 h and 24 h after intravenous injection of 0.1 mmol/kg of HOP-9P. For the acquired images, signal intensities of the tumour, muscle and oil-phantom were measured. Then, tumor/oil and tumor/muscle signal intensity ratios were calculated. Nineteen mice were sacrificed before or after the administration of HOP-9P (at 5 min, 2 h and 24 h), and the biodistribution of manganese in the tumour, muscle, liver, blood and kidneys was measured using optical emission spectrometers and was expressed as micrograms of manganese per gram of tissue. The tumour/muscle signal intensity ratio at 24 h (3.18 ± 0.34) was significantly higher than precontrast ratio (1.77 ± 0.20) (P < 0.05). The biodistribution assessment of manganese demonstrated that HOP-9P gradually and consistently accumulated in the tumour to reach the highest concentration at 24 h (3.49 ± 1.22 μ gMn/g). It is concluded that HOP-9P is a potential tumour-specific MR contrast agent. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Справа Івана Дзюби

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    У статті автор, використовуючи документи Галузевого державного архіву СБ України, досліджує постать видатного літературознавця, громадського діяча Івана Дзюби у контексті боротьби співробітників органів держбезпеки УРСР з «українським буржуазним націоналізмом».В статье автор, используя документы Отраслевого государственного архива СБ Украины, исследует личность выдающегося литературоведа, общественного деятеля Ивана Дзюбы в контексте борьбы сотрудников органов госбезопасности УССР с «украинским буржуазным национализмом».Using the documents of State branch archive of State Security of Ukraine, the author investigates the personality of Ivan Dzyuba during the struggle of KGB of the UkSSR against the «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism»

    Low- and Medium-Dispersion Spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003): Discovery of an Asymmetric High-Velocity Wind in a Moderately Fast Nova

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    We present low-resolution (R90R\sim 90) and medium-resolution (R2500R\sim 2500) spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct with the HBS instrument, mounted on the 0.91-m telescope at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, and with FOCAS, mounted on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope. We estimated the interstellar polarization toward the nova from the steady continuum polarization components and Hα\alpha line emission components. After subtracting the interstellar polarization component from the observations, we found that the Hα\alpha emission seen on 2003 October 7 was clearly polarized. In the polarized flux spectrum, the Hα\alpha emission had a distinct red wing extending to +4900\sim +4900 km s1^{-1} and a shoulder around +3500+3500 km s1^{-1}, showing a constant position angle of linear polarization \theta_{\rm *}\simeq 155\arcdeg\pm 15\arcdeg. This suggests that the nova had an asymmetric outflow with a velocity of vwind3500v_{\rm wind}\simeq 3500 km s1^{-1} or more, which is six times higher than the expansion velocity of the ionized shell at the same epoch. Such a high-velocity component has not previously been reported for a nova in the `moderately fast' speed class. Our observations suggest the occurrence of violent mass-loss activity in the nova binary system even during the common-envelope phase. The position angle of the polarization in the Hα\alpha wing is in good agreement with that of the continuum polarization found on 2003 September 26 (p0.4p_{\rm *}\simeq 0.4--0.6 %), which disappeared within the following 2 d. The uniformity of the PA between the continuum polarization and the wing polarization on October 7 suggests that the axis of the circumstellar asymmetry remained nearly constant during the period of our observations.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Dwarf Novae in the Shortest Orbital Period Regime: I. A New Short Period Dwarf Nova, OT J055717+683226

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    We report the observation of a new dwarf nova, OT J055717+683226, during its first-ever recorded superoutburst in December 2006. Our observation shows that this object is an SU UMa-type dwarf nova having a very short superhump period of 76.67+/- 0.03 min (0.05324+/-0.00002 d). The next superoutburst was observed in March 2008. The recurrence time of superoutbursts (supercycle) is, hence, estimated to be ~480 d. The supercycle is much shorter than those of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae having supercycles of >~ 10 yr, which are a major population of dwarf novae in the shortest orbital period regime (<~85 min). Using a hierarchical cluster analysis, we identified seven groups of dwarf novae in the shortest orbital period regime. We identified a small group of objects that have short supercycles, small outburst amplitudes, and large superhump period excesses, compared with those of WZ Sge stars. OT J055717+683226 probably belongs to this group.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation

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    We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry of a classical nova, V2362 Cyg (= Nova Cygni 2006). V2362 Cyg experienced a peculiar rebrightening with a long duration from 100 to 240 d after the maximum of the nova. Our multicolor observation indicates an emergence of a pseudophotosphere with an effective temperature of 9000 K at the rebrightening maximum. After the rebrightening maximum, the object showed a slow fading homogeneously in all of the used bands for one week. This implies that the fading just after the rebrightening maximum ( less or equal 1 week ) was caused by a slowly shrinking pseudophotosphere. Then, the NIR flux drastically increased, while the optical flux steeply declined. The optical and NIR flux was consistent with blackbody radiation with a temperature of 1500 K during this NIR rising phase. These facts are likely to be explained by dust formation in the nova ejecta. Assuming an optically thin case, we estimate the dust mass of 10^(-8) -- 10^(-10) M_solar, which is less than those in typical dust-forming novae. These results support the senario that a second, long-lasting outflow, which caused the rebrightening, interacted with a fraction of the initial outflow and formed dust grains.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2010, PASJ, 62, 1103--1108, in pres