4 research outputs found

    Dukungan Keluarga, Dukungan Petugas Kesehatan, dan Perilaku Ibu HIV dalam Pencegahan Penularan Hiv/aids ke Bayi

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    The number of women who infected with HIV has increased year by year. Through perinatal transmission contributed 5.1%. This study aims to learn associated of family support and health provider support with the behavior of HIV positive mothers in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS. This study was conducted in Central Java Province at 2014. This study was a cross sectional approach. The sample was collected 32 HIV positive mothers with total sampling technique. Univariat analysis result showed that 65,6% receiving family support, 75% receiving health provider support, and 56,3% has good behavior in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS. Bivariat analysis used fisher exact showed that there was a relationship between health provider support and HIV positive mothers behavior (p=0,010, OR=17), there was no relationship between family support and HIV positive mothers behavior in preventing mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS (p=0,142)

    Needs Assesment of Adolescent Health Services

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    Health problems surround the adolescent rises everytime, yet it does unexcelled with their awareness or knowledge about that problems. The adolescent health service that are poorly accesced by the adolescent become the indicator that proves that the adolescent health services are not fully known and utilized yet. The assesment of adolesccent health services need has to be done so that it can be fully understand by the helper, target and stakeholder. This study aimed to analyse the adolescent health service need in Karang Bendo, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study was conducted in 2016 using cross-sectional approach. The results revealed that the level of adolsecent\u27s knowledge are still relatively poor: reproductive health knowledge (44.1%), HIV/AIDS (41.2%), smoke (50%), drugs (58.8%), and healthy lifestyle () (47.1%). The majority of respondents said that they need health services about reproduction health (94.1%), HIV/AIDS (91.2%), smoke (91.2%), drugs (88.2%) and healthy lifestyle (91.2%)

    The Role of Wijaya Kusuma\u27s Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) on Adolescent Health Problems

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    The issue of adolescent health is important for national development. Adolescents need a place that can provide facilities in the form of correct information and life skills improvement programs. So as to deal with various health problems of adolescent. Government efforts to overcome these problems through the establishment of the Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) that can be done in schools. PIK-R in schools that have been formed can be assessed its role to adolescent health problems. The purpose of this research is to know the role of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma in overcoming the health problem of adolescent among non-members of PIK-R. The research used qualitative design with case study approach. The data were collected by focus group discussion (FGD) technique on 10 non PIK-R member students. The results of the study reported that PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma has an important role as health information source for non PIK-R member students in facing adolescent health problems. Besides, teachers and NGOs. Awareness of non-members of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma related to adolescent\u27s vulnerability to high adolescent health problems, peers and family plays an important role in adolescent health behavior

    Pencegahan Stunting melalui Pelatihan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP ASI)

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    PREVENTION OF STUNTING THROUGH EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING TRAINING AND ASI COMPLEMENTARY FOOD (MP ASI). Randugunting Hamlet is one of the hamlets that have the highest number of children under five in the area of Tamanmartani Village, Kalasan, Sleman, DIY. Meanwhile, parenting patterns that are less responsive and supportive in breastfeeding and breastfeeding are suspected to be factors that trigger nutritional health problems of children under five. It is due to the ignorance of parents and caregivers in providing exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding according to WHO standards. This situation is very high-risk accounts for the number of stunting cases in Indonesia. Especially in Sleman Regency, so that the Community Partnership Program Proposal Team conducts community empowerment activities. It is the form of training in the context of stunting prevention. The targets of this activity are pregnant women, mothers who have toddlers, and health cadres. The method of activities used includes the provision of health education, simulations, and training or practice through the MP ASI cooking competition and process evaluation. Increased knowledge and target skills in exclusive breastfeeding and MP ASI standard WHO is the output of this empowerment activity. Besides, the dissemination of events in the form of scientific publication products and training modules. In general, this empowerment activity can increase target knowledge and skills. The evaluation of the process shows the enthusiasm of the target in implementing the knowledge that the Proponent Team provided through health education and simulations. It hoped that this activity could be continue in other hamlets located in the Tamanmartani village area. It can contribute to preventing and reducing the number of stunting cases in Indonesia