40 research outputs found

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    Expansion in mortar or concrete could happen due to chemical reaction inside it. Some various proportion of reactives aggregate with non reactive aggregates were combined to get maximum expansion in mortar. Mortar without combining aggregates was also made to find out its reactivity. Mortar was cast based on JIS A 1146. Mortar specimens were cured in controlled room with temperature 40 O C dan Relative Humidity 100 O C. The Results showed that when reactive aggregates were used in proportion 30:70 with non reactive aggregates then the expansion was maximum


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    Polimer concrete has different behaviour and different mechanic characteristic than othersbecause it depends on material polimer that are used, so that it caused to be researched and bestudied its behaviour and dynamic characteristic. This polimer concrete was made of prepackedsystem, consisted of unsaturated polyester (UP) added with styrene monomer (SM) as bindermatrix, cobalt napthenate solution (CoNp) as a promotor and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide(MEKPO) as an initiator, and coarse aggregate as inclusion. In this composition, variation ofpolymer concrete based on percentage of polimer and fly ash as a filler, and any other materialswere keeped in constant. The object of this research, to find out values of damping (loss factor),dynamic parameter,and then compare it with flexural modulus elasticity, so that series oflaboratory tests were carried out. Test results showed, values of damping (loss factor) 1,669 –3,017%. Results also showed that much and much more content of polymer caused loss factor(), damping coeffisien (c) and damping ratio () decrease, however it showed that fly ashaffected to increase value of dynamic parameter. When analising damping factor of polimerconcrete, it’s suggested to use flexural modulus elasticity because both of flexural modulus andloss factor (modal test) showed the same flexural behaviour

    Modifikasi Struktur Rumah Sakit Umum Hermina Lampung dengan Metode Sistem Rangka Bresing Eksentris (SRBE) untuk Bangunan Tahan Gempa

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    Eccentrically Braced Frame System (EBFs) is a diagonal brace system which at least one end of each supporting element supports the beam at a certain distance from the location of the beam-column joint, or from another diagonal end by a distance called a link or eccentricity. . This study aims to determine how to plan a steel structure building using the Eccentrically Braced Frame System (EBFs) method and to find out how the joint planning method for the steel structure.Hermina Lampung General Hospital is a building consisting of eight floors built using reinforced concrete construction which will be re-planned using the Eccentrically Braced Frame System (EBFs). The standard provisions in the calculations used in this study refer to SNI 1729 (2020) about cerning the Procedure for Planning Building Steel Structures.Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that in calculating the steel frame structure using Eccentrically Braced Frame System (EBFs) can be planned based on SNI 1729 (2020) or AISC 360 (2016), but to calculate the link and brace components refer to SNI 7860 (2020) or AISC 341 (2016). Meanwhile, connection planning can be carried out based on SNI 1729 (2020) and SNI 7860 (2020) by using two methods, namely load and resistance factor design (LRFD) and allowable strength design (ASD)

    Analisis Pengaruh Beban Gempa pada Gedung Tujuh Lantai Menggunakan Metode Statik Ekuivalen (Studi Kasus Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Hermina Lampung)

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    Earthquake is one of the natural disasters that often occurs in Indonesia. One of the effects of earthquake natural disasters is that it can damage building structures. Therefore, the building to be built should take into account the effect of the earthquake load. Planning for a safe multi-storey building must minimize the risk of casualties, especially for health building facilities where there is a lot of human activity. SNI 1726: 2019 is the latest regulation governing the planning procedures for earthquake resistant buildings. In this research, structural modeling software is used to facilitate the analysis to be carried out. The expected results of this study are (1) Comparison of the value of the force in the RSIA Hermina building structure without earthquake loads and with earthquake loads (2) The ability of the RSIA Hermina building structure to withstand the internal forces generated from the analysis using the equivalent static method. From the results of this study, it was found that the increase in moment and latitude values in the beam and column was 2 to 20 times. Meanwhile, the floor slab structure does not experience the impact due to earthquake loads

    Evaluasi Kinerja Struktur Bangunan Tinggi dengan Analisis Pushover Menggunakan Aplikasi Pemodelan Struktur (Studi Kasus: The Venetian Tower)

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    The Venetian Tower is one of the apartments with a height of 116.7 m that belongs to the categoryof risk II. To maintain the safety of its residents, the building must provide optimal performance.Pushover analysis is one of the methods used to analyze earthquake loads to determine thebehavior of building collapses. The aims of research to determine the level of structuralperformance, collapse patterns, and capacity of beams and columns.Based on the results of pushover analysis, obtained the value of the roof displacement 629.178 mmin the x direction and 759.87 mm in the y direction. The structure of Venetian Tower is at theperformance level of Immediate Occupancy, if the earthquake occurred on the scale of MMI VIIIor 6 S.R. The ductility level of the building structure is partial ductile, where the value of ductileratio is 1.0778 in the x direction and 1.2131 in the y direction. The collapse mechanism of thestructure indicates the mechanism of strong column weak beam, where the plastic hinges occurs inthe beam first.The beams reviewed using SNI 2847:2019 are safe against shear forces but not safe againstbending moments and torque. The cross-section of the columns reviewed meets the requirementsof style, geometry, and reinforcement ratio in accordance with SNI 2847:2019

    Analisis Struktur Gedung Bertingkat Rendah Akibat Pengaruh Beban Gempa Dengan Metode Riwayat Waktu

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    Bangunan bertingkat merupakan bangunan yang rentan apabila terjadi gempa bumi dan berpotensi menimbulkan korban jiwa. Pergerakan tanah akibat terjadinya gempa bumi dapat menimbulkan getaran dan deformasi yang dapat merusak struktur bangunan. Analisis serta evaluasi perlu dilakukan untuk meminimalisir kejadian yang tidak diinginkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur dalam memenuhi persyaratan keamanan berdasarkan SNI 1726:2019 dengan tinjauan simpangan antar tingkat dan ATC-40 yang ditinjau berdasarkan maximum total drift. Analisis struktur yang dilakukan menggunakan metode riwayat waktu dengan bantuan software SAP2000. Model gedung dianalisis dengan menggunakan 5 (lima) akselerogram gempa masukan. Percepatan akselerogram yang digunakan sebagai gempa masukan perlu diskalakan terlebih dahulu terhadap taraf gempa rencana sesuai objek penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa akibat pengaruh gempa masukan Imperial Valley, Kobe, Kocaeli, Northridge, dan San Fernando, simpangan antar tingkat yang terjadi masih dalam kategori aman karena tidak melebihi simpangan antar tingkat izin yaitu 48,4615 mm. Gedung termasuk dalam taraf kinerja Immediate Occupancy (IO) berdasarkan ATC-40, nilai maximum total drift berada dibawah batas 0,01

    Evaluasi Kinerja Struktur Gedung Bertingkat dengan Metode Analisis Time History (Studi Kasus: Apartemen Kingland Avenue Serpong)

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    The high level of seismic activities in Indonesia causes the planning of building structures to be taken into account against the acceleration of the earthquake on the ground. Earthquake acceleration on the ground is an earthquake parameter that has a direct impact on the structure. Time history dynamic analysis can represent the dynamic properties of earthquake acceleration and structural response. So that this analysis method can provide a more complete description and information on structural responses. Earthquake recording data uses actual 3 earthquake accelerograms which are scaled with the planned earthquake response spectrum. From the results of this study, it is found that according to ATC-40 the building structure is included in the damage control category. Meanwhile, according to SNI 1726 (2019), the Chi-Chi and El Centro earthquakes met the requirements for deviation bricks between permit floors, but in the Kobe earthquake, the building structure did not meet the deviation requirements between permit floors on the 3rd floor