6 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Modulasi Digital Menggunakan Kombinasi Teknik Fuzzy Clustering Dan Template Matching Sebagai Pengenalan Pola

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    Sebagian besar pendekatan untuk pengenalan dan klasifikasi modulasi telah didirikan pada komponen sinyal termodulasi. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dikembangkan algoritma untuk klasifikasi modulasi menggunakan teknik clustering Fuzzy C. Means (FCM) yang mempertimbangkan konstelasi sinyal yang diterima untuk mengidentifikasi jenis modulasi yang dipakai pada komunikasi nirkabel. Identifikasi pola menggunakan template matching dan diperoleh hasil dengan tingkat kecocokan yang tinggi pada semua tipe modulasi yang digunakan. &nbsp

    Optimalisasi Kapasitas Trafik Dengan Transceiver Group Synchronization Di PT Xl Axiata Tbk Purwokerto

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    Growth of consumer of peripatetic telecommunications of cellular GSM claims the existence of optimal capacities of traffic to be including maximum customer. One of the improving capacities of traffic by Transceiver Group Synchronization that is merger two Radio Bases of Station or more become one Site. Conducted by Transceiver Group Synchronization will improve capacities of Traffic Channel (TCH) Availability, TCH Traffic, Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH), degrading TCH Assignment Drop Call and of TCH Congestion Ratio. Herewith will improve Handover Success Ratio (HOSR) and of saving USAge of Transceiver Unit (TRU).&nbsp

    Perancangan Cakupan Area Long Term Evolution (LTE) Di Daerah Banyumas

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    Along with the rapid technological developments in all fields of technology, it\u27s including telecommunications technology. Many facilities are offered, for example, is the development of telecommunications services for voice, data and video. This offer must be supported by great technology,which  is  ability transfer data with high speed transfer data rate. The technology that able to grant this needs is LTE technology. LTE technology was developed from  Global System for Mobile (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) and this technology  has transfer data rate  up to 100 Mbps for the downlink and 50 Mbps for the uplink direction. Because the distribution of technological progress in various areas including Banyumas, it would require an application of LTE technology in that area. These applications will not run without  proper planning of an LTE network to cover all areas of Banyumas. In order to  apply the optimal LTE network in Banyumas it is necessary to design LTE coverage area, they consist of link budget and number of eNode B that required to cover whole area Banyumas. By using QPSK modulation and coding rate ½ it has value traffic capacity about 3.344,096 kbps/km2. ENode B number that can cover  whole area is as much as 59  eNode B. Impact of coding rate to MAPLvalue is when  value of the coding rate is greater it\u27s produces a smaller value of MAPL and the number of eNode B is increase

    Modulasi Digital Menggunakan Matlab

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    In telecommunication systems, the determination of the modulation system is an important method in the process of sending information from transmitter to receiver. In the simulation that is done using QPSK modulation system (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying), 8-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 16-QAM (16-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) that uses AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel in the transmission system uses MATLAB software. The execution of the simulation is aimed to describe how the characteristics of the waveform of each block of the modulator, to add noise in the AWGN channel and demodulator. Performance of modulation system testing is used BER (bit error ratio) method. Looking of the faults of comparison bits results of before and after the transmitted bits by using Monte Carlo simulation model. Testing on this simulation using the input data as much as 10.000 data symbols randomly and the level of Eb/No that is various for each modulation used. Performance results BER with the level of Eb / No at 1 dB of the simulated system modulation on the BER values obtained for QPSK 0.0570, 8-QAM at 0.1085 while the 16-QAM at 0.1582 and then the performance of QPSK modulation is the best. If the Eb / No is increased to 8 dB then the becomes BER QPSK smaller modulation is equal to 0.00035, the 8-QAM BER obtained at 0.0076, while the 16-QAM modulation to be 0.013

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembayaran Sekolah Menggunakan Java Dan MySQL Berbasis Client Server Di SMA Yos Sudarso Cilacap

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    SMA Yos Sudarso merupakan salah satu sekolah yang sudah memanfaatkan komputer  untuk menyelesaikan berbagai macam tugas, tetapi pemanfaatannya masih belum maksimal karena ada bagian administrasi yang masih menggunakan metode manual, yaitu pada administrasi pembayaran. Penelitian ini  berusaha membuat sebuah aplikasi client server berteknologi JAVA dan MySQL untuk mengelola data pembayaran sekolah meliputi pembayaran SPP, pembayaran uang gedung serta pembayaran ujian. Metode waterfall digunakan sebagai acuan perancangan dan pengembangan aplikasi. Alat abstraksi sistem yang digunakan adalah use case diagram dan class diagram. Perancangan basis data dengan menggunakan ERD. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode black box yaitu hanya menguji jalannya fungsi-fungsi yang telah direncanakan tanpa mempedulikan aspek proses internal dalam kode dan algoritma. Pengujian memberikan hasil bahwa aplikasi dapat dijalankan secara client server dan fungsi dapat berjalan semestinya. Proses back up data otomatis menjadi kekurangan dari aplikasi dalam penelitian ini

    Pengaruh Dispersi Terhadap Kecepatan Data Komunikasi Optik Menggunakan Pengkodean Return to Zero (RZ) Dan Non Return to Zero (NRZ)

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    Fiber optic has characteristics for optical transmission system. One of optical characteristics is pulse broadening, known as dispersion. The dispersion is a condition where pulse in output side is larger than pulse in input side. It means that pulse broadening had happened. In the communication system, it\u27s known as inter symbol interference (ISI). Effect of Inter symbol interference increasing the error bit or BER value. In optical communication system, dispersion is most influence to the data rate that fiber can support. Besides, bandwidth, information capacity, transmission distance, wavelength and fiber type can also influenced by the dispersion.&nbsp